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Cadre juridique et institutionnel

Reports & Research
сентября, 2024
République démocratique du Congo
Burkina Faso
Côte d'Ivoire

Les fiches « Analyse des cadres juridiques et institutionnels » du CTFD fournissent par pays, un état des lieux des dispositifs organisant le foncier et l’accès aux ressources naturelles (renouvelables ou non), et en étudient les liens avec les processus de décentralisation à l’œuvre dans les différents États. Elles proposent une analyse institutionnelle et juridique, tout en portant un regard éclairé sur les pratiques et les dynamiques politiques.

State of Land Information in Ghana

Reports & Research
апреля, 2024

Land information is critical for equitable land governance that benefits the most vulnerable and drives economic growth, sustainable development, and food security. However, land data and information sources remain highly fragmented, unstructured and do not present the full range of perspectives needed for decision making. Land governance, (laws, processes, and institutions) regulate how decisions concerning land are made, implemented, and enforced and require the best possible land data and information.

State of Land Information in Liberia

Reports & Research
декабря, 2023

Land rights are fundamental sources of tension in Liberia, so transparency about land information is both essential and highly politicized. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission and other scholars have documented land conflict as one of the major causes of the 14 year civil conflict (1989-2003) in Liberia, rooted in the country’s formation in the 19th Century as a land divided by indigenous peoples and freed slaves settling from the United States.

State of Land Information in Mozambique

Reports & Research
декабря, 2023

In Mozambique, the law recognizes certain forms of occupation as constituting legal tenure and nationals can claim this recognition of their right to occupy and use land allocated through customary norms/practices. Local communities can also claim rights over land which they have customarily occupied, used, and managed. These rights are not prejudiced by their lack of titling or documentation and may be defended on the basis of oral testimony.

Situação da informação fundiária em Moçambique

Reports & Research
декабря, 2023

Em Moçambique, a lei reconhece certas formas de ocupação que constituem posse legal e os(as) cidadãos(ãs) podem reivindicar esse reconhecimento de seu direito de ocupar e usar a terra alocada por meio de normas/práticas costumeiras. As comunidades locais também podem reivindicar direitos sobre a terra que costumam ocupar, usar e administrar. Esses direitos não são prejudicados pela falta de titulação ou documentação e podem ser defendidos com base em testemunhos orais.

State of Land Information in Madagascar

Reports & Research
сентября, 2023

This report on the land data ecosystem in Madagascar is the first step towards providing a baseline and diagnostic tool to inform conversations around land and data governance. It aims to complement existing initiatives to improve the accuracy and extent of land data in Madagascar and identify opportunities to improve public access to all forms of land information.

Executive Summary: State of Land Information in Madagascar

Reports & Research
сентября, 2023

This report on the land data ecosystem in Madagascar is the first step towards providing a baseline and diagnostic tool to inform conversations around land and data governance. It aims to complement existing initiatives to improve the accuracy and extent of land data in Madagascar and identify opportunities to improve public access to all forms of land information.

État de l'information foncière à Madagascar

Reports & Research
августа, 2023

Ce rapport sur l'écosystème des données foncières à Madagascar est la première étape vers la fourniture d'une base de référence et d'un outil de diagnostic pour informer les conversations autour de la gouvernance foncière et des données. Il vise à compléter les initiatives existantes pour améliorer la précision et l'étendue des données foncières à Madagascar et à identifier les opportunités d'améliorer l'accès du public à toutes les formes d'informations foncières.

Résumé : État de l'information foncière à Madagascar

Reports & Research
августа, 2023

Ce rapport sur l’écosystème des données foncières à Madagascar est la première étape vers la fourniture d’une base de référence et d’un outil de diagnostic pour informer les conversations autour de la gouvernance foncière et des données. Il vise à compléter les initiatives existantes pour améliorer la précision et l’étendue des données foncières à Madagascar et à identifier les opportunités d’améliorer l’accès du public à toutes les formes d’informations foncières.

State of Land Information in Botswana

Reports & Research
июля, 2023

This State of Land Information (SOLI) report is an analysis of the current state of land data in Botswana, assessing the availability of land information and the compliance of this information with open data standards. 

The aim of this report is to serve as a diagnostic for the land information ecosystem in Botswana and enable targeted interventions for improved information management.

The role of metadata and open data in the innovation cycle of land administration

Reports & Research
марта, 2023

This publication discusses the importance of open data as a tool for inclusive land governance. It introduces and describes open data, land governance functions, and metadata. It provides an in-depth looks at AGROVOC, the controlled vocabulary about agriculture and related sciences coordinated by FAO for more than 40 years, and LandVoc, a sub-vocabulary dedicated to the land sector. Using these two examples, the article explores why structured metadata is integral for open data to support innovation and improvements in land administration.