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Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) (Scotland) Regulations 1999 (S.S.I. No. 43 of 1999).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

The present Regulations implement, for Scotland, changes made to Council Directive 85/337/EC, implemented by the 1998 Regulations, made by Council Directive 97/11/EC. They also implement the extension of both Directives to the Contracting Parties of the European Economic Area (EEA) under Article 74 and Annex XX paragraph I.1 of the Agreement on the European Economic Area, as given effect by Decision No.20/1999 of the EEA Joint Committee adopted on 26th February 1999.

Decree No. 325 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating the Regulation on compensation of damages caused to forestry due to transformation of deterioration of forestland.

Northern Europe

This Decree establishes the modalities of calculation of damages caused to forestry and compensation thereof. It is related to transformation of forestland in case of allotment thereof for purposes not related to forest management and/or deterioration of soil or productivity of forestland. Revenues from compensation shall be accredited to the Agricultural Development Fund and shall be used for financing of forest management.

Order No. 69 of the Federal Forest Service validating the Regulation on examination of applications for transfer of forest land to the category of unforested land for the purposes not related to forest and forest fund management.

Eastern Europe

This Order establishes the list of requested technical documentation and the modalities of transfer of forest land to the category of unforested land for the purposes not related to forest and forest fund management. The aforesaid transfer can be carried out by initiative of legal and natural persons and requires authorization of the competent state forest institution by agreement with the organizations concerned. In the process of transfer shall be decided also allotment of the plots of land, conditions of expropriation thereof and payment therefore.

Regulation No. 97/9637 on support for the development of forest villagers.

Western Asia

This Regulation is based on article 21 of Act No. 2924 dated 17 October 1983 and sets forth procedures and principles for providing support to forest villagers whose villages would be moved.Villages where development activities could not be achieved in their present locations and those that should be moved due to soil-water regime, health, military purposes, tourism and forestry will be determined jointly by the local organizations of the Ministry of Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, General Directorate of Forestry and General Directorate of Rural Services.

Conservation and Protection of the Physical Landscape of The Bahamas Regulations, 1997 (Cap. 260).


These Regulations implement provisions of the Conservation and Protection of the Physical Landscape of The Bahamas Act, 1997 concerning the application for, and the granting of, permits for excavation or landfill operations or the to harvesting of protected trees and a licence to quarry or mine. Applications, permits or licences shall be in the form as set out in the Schedule to these Regulations.

Regulation on assessment of forest management and transfer of forests to forestry enterprises.

Eastern Europe

Assessment of forest management in forests pertaining to kolkhozes and agricultural enterprises shall be carried out with a view of transfer thereof to the state forestry enterprises for the purpose of economic and ecological revaluation of forests. Forest officers through on site inspection shall carry out assessment of forest management.

Regulation laying down detailed rules on the purchase, by managers of the National Forests organizational units, of forests, lands designated for afforestation and other immovables being a property of individuals and legal persons.

Eastern Europe

This Regulation of the Minister of Environment Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry is composed of four paragraphs. A forest or land designated for afforestation can be purchased in the following cases: the forest or land is directly adjacent to lands managed by the National Forests; there is no common ownership; the field forest border has been regulated. Other immovables can be purchased as long as it is justified by needs of forest management run by organizational units.

Implements: Forest Act 1991. (1991-09-28)

Nature-based Activities Regulation (No. 492 of 1991).

Northern Europe

The scope of the Act is to improve the living standards and opportunity of earning of those involved in agriculture, forestry, fishery and aquaculture, hunting, reindeer breeding and other nature-based activities in the Northern districts of Finland. This Regulation prescribes further conditions for land acquisition loans and the sale of State land (Chap. 1), it outlines procedures for the application of land with the District Agricultural Offices (Chap. 2), provides further detail for the drawing up of Disposition Plans by the Planning Commission (Chap.

Town and Country Planning (Tree Preservation) Regulations, 1967.


These Regulations concern tree preservation orders which may be issued by local authorities under section 25 of the Town and Country Planning Act. The Regulations specify some procedural requirements and require the Minister to take into account objections and representations before confirming an order.

Implements: Town and Country Planning Act. (2001)

Notification on the procedures of forest settlement in Bhutan.

Southern Asia

The newly instituted Survey and Demarcation Division shall conduct the survey and definiton of boundaries of the so called reserved Forests of Bhutan and shall widely spread information about the forest areas included under this provision, in order to ascertain eventual claims of rights on forests and their products, land and water courses or grazing and pasture rights. The involved land shall be excluded from the reserved forest areas or expropriated or acquired.

Council of Ministers Decree No. 117/CCM on the management and use of forests and forested land.

South-Eastern Asia

Part I, Management of forests and forested lands: provisions are made on social and community forestry in order to preserve, manage, maintain, rehabilitate forests and forested lands by maen of strategic planning, appointing Directors of Forestry to organize, supervise and implement the plans, encouraging investments in forestry industrial production.