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Planning (Development of Land Authorisation) (Amendment) Notification NO. S 326, 2004.

South-Eastern Asia

Minor Amendment of paragraph 2, with the sibstitution in the text of the period 12 months with 3 years.The functions of the Authority include to optimize land resources and to provide secure and effective registration systems for transactions relating to land in Singapore. The Authority shall also manage and maintain the cadastre survey system as a foundation for land title as well as advising the government on matters relating to land survey, tenure, ownership and disposition. The Authority has the power to direct for the purpose of discharging its functions under this Act (sect. 7).

Government Regulation on land use management.

South-Eastern Asia

This Regulation of land use management in Indonesia is divided into the following ChaptersChapters, i.e.: General provisions (I); Principles and aims (II); Principles of land Use Management (III); Policy on land use management(IV); Implementation of land use management (V); Development and Control (VI); Transitional provisions (VII); Conclusions (VIII). Land management is intended as the rationale use of land resources and their utilization and rehabilitation for agricultural purposes.

Ministerial Decree No. 993 validating Regulation on soil conservation.

Central Asia

This Ministerial Decree establishes the regulations on conservation of degraded agricultural land and land infected with pests and plant diseases with a view of soil rehabilitation. It shall not be applicable to disturbed land allotted for mining and mineral extraction. Identification and localization of degraded, polluted and disturbed land, and the plots of land infected with pests and plant diseases shall be carried out by the local executive body on request of landowner or land tenant.

Council of Ministers Resolution No. 136/99 approving the Land use Planning of Coastal zone of Sado-Sines (POOC).

Southern Europe

This Council of Ministers Resolution approves the Land use Planning of Coastal zone of Sado-Sines with the purpose of a better exploitation of water and land resources, in compliance with the environmental preservation. It consists of 5 chapters and 3 annexes establishing: General provisions establishing the conditions to be satisfied for occupation, use and transformation of lands (chap. 1); Water resources exploitation and sanitary measures to avoid pollution and to guarantee water quality standards (chap. 2); Classification of protected areas (chap.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 25/99 approving the coastal zone planning (POOC) between the areas of 'Caminha' and 'Espinho'.

Southern Europe

This Resolution approves the Coastal Zone Planning (POOC) between the areas of 'Caminha' and 'Espinho'. It consists of 9 Chapters and 2 Annexes defining the conditions to be satisfied in order to organize and plan the coastal zone of the aforesaid area. The text is divided as follows: Aim of the Coastal Zone Plans (Chap. 1); Servitudes and other administrative restrictions (Chap. 2); Coastal zone use, classifying the different areas (Chap. 3); Areas to be protected by the sea erosion (Chap. 4); Management and planning services (Chap. 5); Beaches and maritime areas (Chap.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 33/99 approving the coastal zone planning (POOC) between the areas of 'Burgau' and 'Vilamoura'.

Southern Europe

This Resolution approves the Coastal Zone Planning (POOC) between the areas of 'Burgau' and 'Vilamoura' in order to improve touristic sector. It consists of 5 Sections and 5 annexes defining the conditions to be satisfied in order to carry out the coastal zone plans of the aforesaid area. The text is divided as follows: Aim of the Coastal Zone Plans (sect. 1); Servitudes and other administrative restrictions (sect. 2); Coastal zone use, classifying the different areas (including wildlife protection, agricultural and marine areas) (sect.

Farm Waste Grant (Nitrate Vulnerable Zones) (England) (No. 2) Scheme 2000 (S.I. No. 2911 of 2000).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

This Scheme complies with Council Regulation (EC) No. 1257/99 of 17th May 1999 on support for rural development from the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund and in particular Articles 4 to 7 which deal with investment in agricultural holdings. It makes provision for the making of grants in respect of agricultural businesses which are at least partly situated in nitrate vulnerable zones, as defined by regulation 2(1) of the Protection of Water against Agricultural Nitrate Pollution (England and Wales) Regulations 1996.

Decreto Nº 982 - Modifica el Decreto Nº 2.664, que reglamenta la Ley Nº 160 de 1994, en lo relacionado con los procedimientos para la adjudicación de terrenos baldíos y su recuperación.

South America

El presente Decreto modifica el que dispone que el Instituto Colombiano de la Reforma Agraria (INCORA) administre en nombre del Estado las tierras baldías de propiedad nacional, y en virtud de esa atribución pueda adjudicarlas, celebrar contratos, constituir reservas y adelantar colonizaciones sobre ellas, en relación al procedimiento y requisitos para la adjudicación de un terreno baldío.

Countryside Access (Amendment) Regulations 1999 (S.I. No. 1174 of 1999).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

The principal Regulations provide for payment of aid to farmers who undertake for five years to permit members of the public to have access to an area of set-aside land. They implement in part Council Directive (EC) No. 2078/92 on agricultural production methods compatible with the requirements for protection of the environment and maintenance of the countryside.