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Drylands Monitoring Week 2015

Policy Papers & Briefs
марта, 2016
Burkina Faso

This flyer offers an overview on the main outcomes of the five-days workshop "Drylands Monitoring Week 2015": a roadmap for collaborative action in the drylands, and the “Rome Promise”.

Home Country Measures that Promote Responsible Foreign Agricultural Investment

Reports & Research
марта, 2016
Sierra Leone
United States of America
Republic of Korea
United Kingdom

This paper summarizes the good practices by nine selected OECD countries that seek to promote responsible foreign investment in developing country agriculture, primarily by investors in their territory or jurisdiction. The study provides examples of the increasing trend of home countries in establishing binding legal norms and other mechanisms as safeguards that are relevant for agricultural investment.

Final Evaluation Report (Socio-economic Impact): Integrated Land and Ecosystem Management to Combat Land Degradation and Deforestation in Madhya Pradesh

Reports & Research
марта, 2016

The study assessed the socio-economic impact of the project supported by UNDP and the Government of Madhya Pradesh to support local communities in rehabilitating degraded forest, generating sustainable livelihoods and protecting the areas rich ecosystem. The project was supported by the Global Environment Facility.

Overlooked benefits and services of grasslands to support policy reform

Conference Papers & Reports
марта, 2016

Despite their ecological, economic and social importance, Mediterranean grasslands continue to receive limited scientific, political and media attention. Grasslands are typically viewed as underutilized space, able to be transformed into more “valuable” land by placing it under cultivation, transforming it into forest land and/or privatizing it. This paper synthesizes a number of pertinent issues in relation to social and economic systems on grasslands within the southern Mediterranean region.


Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
марта, 2016

This Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) identifies the binding constraints to reducing extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity in Ethiopia. Achieving those goals requires a two pronged strategy of building on the strengths of past performance as well as introducing new elements. Progress in rural livelihoods drove poverty reduction in the past and will likely do so in the future. In addition, faster, and more inclusive, private sector-led structural change and ‘getting urbanization right’ are essential going forward.

Resolution No. 271-r of the Cabinet of Ministers validating the National Action Plan for combating land degradation and desertification.

марта, 2016

This Resolution assigns to the competent governmental agencies elaboration and approval of legislative acts related to conservation of soil and improvement of soil fertility, indicators of soil quality, data and information collection related to land degradation, reform of the system of environmental monitoring, rates of afforestation for planting of protection forests with a view of soil protection against desertification and elaboration of water basin management system with drought management plans.

Regional Law No. 888-OZ amending Regional Law No. 968-OZ “On protected areas”.

марта, 2016

Article 5 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Proclamation of natural complexes and sites nature monuments and areas where they are located protected areas shall be performed by decision of Regional Government. In case of necessity the respective land arear and waterbodies can be expropriated for state need in accordance with the modalities envisaged by civil, land and water legislation”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 968-OZ “On protected areas”. (2011-06-29)

Environment (Wales) Act 2016 (2016 anaw 3).

марта, 2016
United Kingdom

This Act makes provision with respect to a wide variety of matters regarding the environment in Wales including: the sustainable management of natural resources (includes animals, plants and other organisms, air, water and soil) climate change and targets for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases from Wales; collection and disposal of waste; shellfish fisheries; marine licensing; land drainage.

Decree laying down details on agrochemical testing of soil and on the storage and use of fertilizers.

марта, 2016

This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, which is composed of 17 articles and eight Annexes, lays down details on: (a) the soil sampling procedure, the method and scope of the agrochemical soil testing and the identification of soil properties of the forest land; (b) storage and use of fertilizers, secondary sources of nutrients and compost;(c) keeping records on the consumption and use of fertilizers, secondary sources of nutrients and compost; (d) method of processing the annual balance of nutrients and on the method of providing data to the Central Agricultural I

Ordonnance n° 2016-011 P-RM du 17 mars 2016 portant création de l’unité de gestion de la grande muraille verte.

марта, 2016

La présente Ordonnance crée l’unité de Gestion de la Grande Muraille Verte (UGMV), rattachée au Secrétariat général du Ministère chargé de l’Environnement, ayant pour mission d’assurer la réalisation et la gestion du segment malien de la barrière verte de protection contre l’avancée du désert dans la bande sahélienne comprise entre les isohyètes 100 et 400 mm sur une distance de 2.600 km de long et 215 km de large.A cet effet, elle est chargée: de coordonner, de suivre et d’évaluer la mise en œuvre des activés sur le terrain ; d’appuyer l’élaboration des projets et des programmes de faire l