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Problemele relațiilor funciare în agricultura Moldovei

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2018

Acest articol este consacrat domeniului relațiilor funciare, în special celor agricole
și problemelor legate de reglementarea eficientă a lor în condițiile actuale ale dezvoltării societății. Din totalitatea problemelor nesoluționate în agricultura Republicii Moldova la etapa actuală autorul subliniază necesitatea obiectivă a dezvoltării bazelor metodologice a relațiilor funciare agrare, în scopul administrării durabile a resurselor funciare de către forme organizatorico-juridice, bazate pe diferite tipuri de proprietate.

The influence of land relations on the legal forms of organization

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2018

The paper addresses a current issue related to the agricultural land relations of the Republic of Moldova. The analysis of the current stage of situation proves the priority of the private property in the agricultural land belonging to the legal forms of organization in comparison with the areas of the leased agricultural lands. Land relations reform in agriculture aimed at the privatization of land and other agricultural goods and implementation of market land relations.

History and Politics of Land Reforms in Pakistan: A Case Study of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Era

Peer-reviewed publication
ноября, 2018

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto emerged as the populist leader in the elections of 1970 with his Pakistan People’s Party established in 1967. Bhutto had worked in Ayub Khan’s cabinet for a long time and he knew the weaknesses of incumbent government. Having established his party, he challenged the policies of Ayub government and pioneered the movement for the downfall of Ayub regime. The elections of 1970 yielded polarized electoral mandate in which Awami League won thumping majority in East Pakistan while Pakistan People’s Party outdid rivals in the West Pakistan.

Development of the Land Market in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2018

The paper provides the analysis of improving the land reform in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The authors examine the main development stages of land ownership relations, during which the work has been performed to transform agricultural enterprises, privatize land and change the land use. The main legal acts, intended to regulate the issues of land ownership and territorial organization and creating conditions for the development of the land market, are shown.

Land redistribution: South Africans prioritize land taken in forced removals, support ‘willing seller’ approach

Policy Papers & Briefs
октября, 2018
South Africa

In 1913, South Africa’s Land Act set aside 87% of the country’s land for exclusive use and ownership by white people, helping to divide the nation into a relatively prosperous white heartland and a cluster of increasingly impoverished black reserves on the periphery and within cities (Walker, 2017). More than a century later, South Africa is still struggling to redress this historical injustice and the inequality it continues to foster. 

Land Sector Review

Journal Articles & Books
сентября, 2018

Land is consistently ranked among the sectors where people most often report having to pay bribes to access services, according to Transparency International’s Global Corruption Barometer. The Land Portal has summarised the latest available (dated 2013) global data here, which shows that the incidence of bribes paid for land services can be over 50% in countries such as Cambodia, India and Pakistan.

Framework for Costing and Financing Land Administration Services (CoFLAS)

Reports & Research
августа, 2018

The tool presented in this guide aims to assist policy-makers and land administrators to adopt appropriate technologies and methodologies for land administration services more efficiently, cost effectively and with options most appropriately tailored to national and sub-national contexts. It was developed after recognizing the need to modernize the budgetary approach to land agencies and to provide effective, cost-efficient, affordable and sustainable services, particularly in developing countries.


Journal Articles & Books
августа, 2018

In a watershed moment for land rights in Liberia and across Africa, President George Weah on Sept. 19 signed into law a land reform bill that extends land rights to millions of rural Liberians.

The Land Rights Act ensures, for the first time, that the land rights of rural Liberians are recognized, protected, and guaranteed by law – an essential ingredient for these communities to achieve secure land rights. Under the previous land tenure system, as much as 80 percent of Liberians lived without legally recognized rights to land.


Peer-reviewed publication
августа, 2018

Kenya’s development context is greatly influenced by land use and ownership. Consequently land holds immense cultural, spiritual and socio-political significance for nearly all communities. However, proper utilization of land has been besmirched by numerous challenges. Vulnerable and marginalized groups such as women, children and youth have borne the brunt of land challenges. The Constitution of Kenya, 2010 in appreciation of these complex dynamics has sought to provide a blue print for the realization of land reforms.

Why Namibians want fresh impetus behind land reform

августа, 2018

The shortcomings of the current land reforms suggest that voluntary;market-based transactions of land might not be a suitable measure to redistribute land;not to speak of wealth and power. The “policy” of national reconciliation has delivered one-sided benefits. The politics of national reconciliation are used to justify the status quo – an avoidance strategy to address the structural problems in Namibia. A more radical approach must be considered to redistribute land and capital. Only then will formerly disadvantaged people become equal co-owners of Namibia’s land and wealth.