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Regional Law No. 297-OZ “On urban forests”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes the modalities of forest management and protection of forests located on urban land. The purpose of urban forests shall be to ensure conservation of favourable environment and urban forests shall be used for recreational, healthcare and sport purposes. Local self-government can carry out forest management, afforestation and reforestation autonomously or in accordance with contracts concluded with other organizations.

Law No. 3/04 on land, territorial and urban planning.

Middle Africa

This Law, consisting of 5 chapters, divided in 71 articles, regulates the general principles on land, territorial and urban planning. In particular, the Law rules on: land and territorial planning, land classification, and registration procedures. Moreover, the Law indicates the competent authorities and their related functions. The Law is divided as follows: General provisions (Chap I); Territorial planning structural tools (Chap II); Composition of territorial competent authorities (Chap III); Territorial plan regime (Chap IV); Final provisions (Chap V).

Town Planning Act 1961.

Southern Africa

The Act provides for the establishment of a town planning board, which shall exercise the following functions: (a) to advise the Minister in matters relating to the preparation and carrying into effect of town planning schemes; (b) to encourage the study of town planning: (c) to advise and assist local authorities generally in connection with town planning schemes and the layout of new township.

Re-enactment of the Urban Lease Holding Proclamation (No. 272/2002).

Eastern Africa

A Proclamation to provide for the utilization of urban land. Urban land is defined as all land within urban boundaries (art. 2). The Proclamation shall apply to urban land held by a permit system, or by lease-hold system, as well as by other means in force prior to those systems (art. 3). Urban land may be held in long-term lease by permit in accordance with plan guidelines, on auction or through negotiation on the basis of a decision of the Region or city concerned (art. 4). A leasehold deed shall be conferred upon a person who is permitted to hold land on lease.

Ley de Expropiación para el Estado de Baja California.

Central America

La presente Ley regula el procedimiento de expropiación de la propiedad privada por causa de utilidad pública en el Estado de Baja California. La Ley establece los efectos jurídicos de la expropiación (art. 5º) y define las causas de utilidad pública que pueden justificar este tipo de procedimiento (art. 6º). Asimismo la Ley establece las normas para determinar la indemnización que debe ser correspondida por el bien expropiado, y los principios relativos a los recursos administrativos de revocación.

Law No. IX-1381 on purchase of the plots of land.

Northern Europe

This Law regulates purchase of land by the foreign legal and natural persons, and also by foreign institutions and organizations that have no status of legal person but have legal capacity. It also establishes terms, conditions and restrictions on the purchase of land by foreigners. The Act consists of four Chapters divided into 17 Articles: (1) general provisions; (2) right of foreigners to purchase land, internal water and forest; (3) temporary provisions regarding the right of foreigners to purchase non-agricultural land; and (4) final provisions.

Regional Act No. 19 making provision on land protection, management and use.

Southern Europe

The present Regional Act makes provision in matter of land use planning and land protection. It regulates the exercise of the relevant administrative functions by the competent authorities. The Calabria Region prompts cooperation among the Region itself, the Provinces, the Communes and Mountain Communities. The overall aims hereby pursued are sustainable development and the appropriate use of natural resources. Article 3 lays down general principles to be applied for the purposes of urban land planning.

Law on construction land of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Southern Europe

This Law provides all necessary conditions and manner of acquiring rights to the land use in cities and urban settlements and other areas that are subject to land (public and private property) valuation and reuse, land planning and urban or rural construction/development.The Law is divided into XII Chapters and 97 article, including the offences and related penalties.

Law Amending Land Reform Act Regarding Irrigation Lands.

Western Asia

This Law amends certain articles of the Land Reform Act Regarding Irrigation Lands. Under this Act lands shall not be transferred, sold, and/or mortgaged until all administrative procedures are complied with, and the same applies to collectively irrigated lands. The present provisions are valid for a period of five years starting from the date of the Government’ Decree.

Amends: Law No. 3083 on land reform regarding rearrangement of land in irrigated areas. (1984-11-22)