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Aboriginal Lands Act 1991 (Act No. 38).


The purpose of this Act is to authorize the granting of public land for Aboriginal cultural and burial purposes. The Act provides for the closure of roads in the areas (sect. 4), extinguishes existing rights on the land (sect. 5), prohibits the sale of land (sect. 7) and states that no compensation is payable by the Crown in respect of anything done under or arising out of this Act (sect. 9).

Regional Law “On protected areas”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes the modalities of conservation and protection of protected areas and defines the status thereof and the status of environmental protection institutions located on their territory, classifying protected areas as follows: (a) state nature reserves, including biosphere reserves; (b) national parks; (c) natural parks; (d) state nature reserves; (e) nature monuments; (f) ecologic-ethnic areas; (g) dendrological parks and botanical gardens; and (h) healthcare and health rehabilitation areas and spas.

Loi concernant l’aménagement du territoire.

Western Europe

L’article 1er établit que l’aménagement du territoire organise le territoire national et en assure le développement en respectant les particularités et les ressources propres des diverses régions qui le composent. Il a pour objectif d’assurer aux habitants du pays des conditions de vie optimales par une mise en valeur harmonieuse et un développement durable de ses régions en valorisant leurs ressources respectives et en maintenant un équilibre structurel et économique entre elles.

National Spatial Planning and Management Act 2012 (No. 7 of 2012).


This Act provides for spatial development of Tonga and in particular, among other things, provides for the fair, orderly, economic and sustainable use, development and management of land including the protection of natural and man-made resources and the maintenance of ecological processes and genetic diversity. It establishes the National Spatial Planning Authority and appoints the Minister for Lands as the Authority. The principal function of the Authority shall be the implementation of the provisions of this Act in accordance with its objectives.

Environment (Amendment) Act 2012.

Papua New Guinea

This Act amends the Environment Act in section 2 (interpretation) by repealing the definitions of "Amendment Commencement Date"; "Authorisation Instrument"; and "Supplementary Approval" and by repealing sections 69A, 69B, 87A, 87B, 87C, 87D and 87E.

Amends: Environment Act 2000 (No. 64 of 2000). (2006)

Ley Nº 825 - Modifica la Ley Nº 311, Ley Orgánica del Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER).

Central America

La presente Ley modifica la que tiene por objeto organizar y redefinir las funciones, atribuciones y ámbito de competencia del Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (INTER), respecto a la integración de la Dirección Superior y a las atribuciones del Secretario General.

Enmienda: Ley Nº 311 - Ley Orgánica del Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER). (1999-07-09)

Law No. 2260-IIs “On conservation, rehabilitation of soil and improvement of soil fertility”.

Western Asia

This Law regulates the following issues: (a) conservation, rehabilitation of soil and improvement of soil fertility, prevention of soil erosion due flooding, landslide, soil pollution, siltation, waterlogging, and anthropogenic impact; (b) rehabilitation, improvement of soil and rational land tenure of low productive land; and (c) establishment of maximum allowable limits of contents of hazardous substances in soil, provisions related to application of pesticides and agrochemicals.

Ley Nº 9.073 - Ley de protección a los ocupantes de zonas clasificadas como especiales.

Costa Rica
Central America

La presente Ley de protección a los ocupantes de zonas clasificadas como especiales, suspende el desalojo de personas, demolición de obras, suspensión de actividades y proyectos en la zona marítimo-terrestre, zona fronteriza y patrimonio natural del Estado. Tal disposición no excluye dictar las medidas cautelares judiciales o administrativas, ni la ejecución de resoluciones judiciales o administrativas en firme, en ambos casos cuando se determine la comisión de daño ambiental o peligro o amenaza de daño al medio ambiente.

Law on the elimination of consequences of floods in the Republic of Serbia.


This Law regulates the elimination of consequences of floods or landslides in the area affected by the floods in the Republic of Serbia (occurred in May 2014).The areas affected by the floods, according to this Law, includes flooded and landslide affected parts of the territory of the Republic of Serbia, various municipalities, towns and the city of Belgrade.This Law further sets the powers and duties of the Commission aimed to determine the damage caused by natural disasters.The Law is divided into V Chapters and 46 articles, including the monitoring and data collection provisions.

Regional Law No. 12 “On protected areas”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates relations in the sphere of organization, conservation, protection and management of protected areas with a view of conservation of unique ecosystems and typical natural complexes, natural landscapes and other natural objects, wild fauna and wild flora, genetic fund thereof, study of natural processes in the biosphere and control over change of state thereof, and also for the purpose of ecological education of the population.