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Decree No. 36/2001 defining the limits of the Partial Protection Area along the corridor of the Gas pipeline.

Eastern Africa

This Decree, composed of 3 articles, defines the Partial Protection Area along the corridor of the gas pipeline.

Implements: Law No. 3/2001 approving the Oil Act and repealing Law No. 3/81. (2001-02-21)
Implements: Land Act (No. 19/97). (1997-10-01)

Décret exécutif nº 01-87 fixant les conditions et les modalités d'autorisation d'usage dans le cadre des dispositions de l'article 35 de la loi nº 84-12 du 23 juin 1984 portant régime général des forêts.

Northern Africa

Le présent décret fixe les conditions et les modalités d'autorisation d'usage dans le cadre des dispositions de l'article 35 de la loi nº 84-12 du 23 juin 1984 portant régime général des forêts. L'autorisation d'usage est accordée pour une durée déterminée sur des parcelles délimitées, compatiblement avec la nature des activités de mise en valeur qui y seront mise en oeuvre, et notamment, les activités d'élevage (pépinière, petit élevage, élevage cynégétique), la création de vergers arboricoles et la plantation forestière.

Arrêté du Gouvernement de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale déterminant les critères d'assimilation d'une étude de sol à une reconnaissance de l'état du sol.

Western Europe

Le présent arrêté du Gouvernement de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale détermine les critères d’assimilation d’une étude de sol à une reconnaissance de l’état du sol. L’artice 2 établit que les critères dont l'absence implique le refus de l'étude de sol antérieure et la réalisation d'une reconnaissance de l'état du sol conforme à l'ordonnance relative à la gestion des sols pollués ou un complément d'étude venant s'ajouter aux données précédentes selon les cas, sont celles énumérées dans cet article. Le texte comprend 5 articles.

Ordonnance organique de la planification et de l'urbanisme.

Western Europe

La susdite ordonnance porte la réglementation relative à l’organique de la planification et de l’urbanisme. L’article 2 établit que le développement de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, en ce compris l'aménagement de son territoire, est fixé par les plans régionaux et communaux énuméré dans cet article. Dans l'élaboration desdits plans et lors de la délivrance des permis et certificats, les autorités administratives s'efforcent de concilier le progrès social et économique et la qualité de la vie en garantissant aux habitants de la Région le respect d'un aménagement harmonieux.

Council of Ministers Resolution No. 94/2002 approving the Environmental Planning of the dam of Montargil (POAM).

Southern Europe

This Resolution establishes the Regulation of the Environmental Planning of the dam of Montargil (POAM). This Regulation consists of 5 chapters, and is a special environmental plan (PEOT), according with Decree-Law No. 380/99 regulating actions and activities for the management, use and transformation of land and water of this area.

Implements: Decree-Law No. 380/99 establishing the territorial management regime. (1999-09-22)

Council of Ministers Resolution No. 95/2002 approving the Environmental Planning of the dams of Alqueva e Pedrógão (POAAP).

Southern Europe

This Resolution establishes the Regulation of the Environmental Planning of Alqueva Dam (PROZEA). This Regulation consists of 5 chapters and 1 annex regulating actions and activities for the management, use and transformation of land and water of the aforementioned dams.

Implements: Decree-Law No. 380/99 establishing the territorial management regime. (1999-09-22)

Regional Decree No. 12/96/A regulating land use and transformation within the protected natural heritage of 'Vinha da Ilha do Pico'.

Southern Europe

This Regional Decree regulates land use and transformation within the protected natural heritage of 'Vinha da Ilha do Pico'. It consists of 20 articles and 1 geographical map establishing authorized and prohibited activities according to the protected areas classification.

Implements: Regional Decree No. 12/96/A creating the protected natural heritage of 'Vinha da Ilha do Pico'. (1996-06-03)

Resolution of Council of Ministers No. 76/2002 establishing the National Programme for the Land Planning Policy.

Southern Europe

This Resolution of Council of Ministers establishes the National Programme for the Land Planning Policy (PNPOT). It consists of 17 articles dealing with the requirements to be satisfied in order to regulate the expansion of urban areas (in particular Lisbon and Porto) and protect the environment.

Implements: Decree-Law No. 380/99 establishing the territorial management regime. (1999-09-22)

Council of Ministers Resolution No. 62/2002 approving the Environmental Planning of Régua e do Carrapatelo Dam.

Southern Europe

This Resolution establishes the Regulation of the Environmental Planning of Régua e do Carrapatelo Dam (POARC). This Regulation consists of 5 chapters, and is a special environmental plan (PEOT), according with Decree-Law No. 380/99 regulating actions and activities for the management, use and transformation of land and water.

Implements: Decree-Law No. 380/99 establishing the territorial management regime. (1999-09-22)

Resolution of Council of Ministers No. 11/2002 approving the Coastal Zone Plan (POOC) of Alcobaça-Mafra.

Southern Europe

This Resolution of Council of Ministers establishes the Coastal Zone Plan (POOC) of Alcobaça-Mafra. The Regulation is composed by 5 parts and 3 annexes specifying the requirements to be satisfied, such as: authorised activities, pollution control, urban land management and all the sectors involved with the coastal zone management.

Implements: Decree-Law No. 380/99 establishing the territorial management regime. (1999-09-22)

Resolution of Council of Ministers No. 68/2002 approving the Regional Management Plan of the Territory of Lisbon (PROTAML).

Southern Europe

This Council of Minister Resolution approves the Regional Management Plan of the Territory of Lisbon (PROTAML). It establishes all the sectors involved with the management of the mentioned urban area and specifies the baselines for the urban planning, as well as territorial, forestry and protected areas management, etc.

Implements: Decree-Law No. 380/99 establishing the territorial management regime. (1999-09-22)

Decree No. 76 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating the Regulation on exemption from land tax of afforestation and reforestation areas.

Northern Europe

This Decree establishes the modalities of exemption from payment of land tax of afforestation and reforestation areas. It shall be applicable to forest species considered regenerated or regrown by State Forest Service, the age of main species for the current year of survey an assessment shall not exceed: (a) coniferous – 40 years; (b) hardwoods broadleaved species – 40 years; and (c) soft broadleaved species and speckled alder – 10 years. Land shall be exonerated from payment of land tax if on it has been performed forest inventory in accordance with the established modalities.