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Decree No. 5.300 implementing Act No. 7.661 establishing National Planning for Coastal Zone Management.

South America

This Decree, composed of 40 articles divided into seven Chapters, implements Act No. 7.661 establishing National Planning for Coastal Zone Management (PNGC). In particular, it adopts measures related to the use and occupation of the coastal areas and defines criteria for the management of the maritime coast.

Implements: Act No. 7.661 establishing National Planning for Coastal Zone Management. (1988-05-16)

Beach Authority (Use of Public Beach) Regulations 2004 (G.N. No. 90 of 2004).

Eastern Africa

These Regulations make provision for the control of activities on public beaches in the sense of the Beach Control Act. The holding of a public gathering on a beach shall be subject to authorization by the Beach Control Authority. Other rules concern swimming and use of boats in the sea adjacent to a public beach, disturbing or damaging of flora and fauna on beaches, pollution, erecting of structures, etc.

Forest Regulations, 2001.


Regulations to implement provisions of the Forests Act and to provide for various other matters.The 74 regulations are placed under the following headings: Preliminary (regs. 1-4); Forest roads (regs. 5-12); Forest fires (regs. 13-17); Trespass (regs. 18-29); Enforcement (regs. 30-39); Community catchment areas (regs. 40-45); Private forestry (regs. 46-52); Leases of forest estates (regs. 53-58); Forest recreation (regs. 59-61); General (regs. 62-74).Regulation 4 defines the contents of a forest management plan in the sense of section 8 of the Act.

Protected Areas Order 2004.

South-Eastern Asia

This Order relates to the Protected Areas and Protected Places Act (Chapter 256) and repeals the Protected Areas (No. 13) Order 2002 and the Protected Areas (No. 10) Order 2003; furthermore it provides for the application of the status of protected areas to those listed in the Schedule.

Order No. 434 of the Ministry of Environmental Protection validating the Regulation on the modalities of approval by the environmental institutions of the materials regarding expropriation (purchase) and allotment of the plots of land.

Eastern Europe

The present Regulation is applicable to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and its territorial branches (environmental institutions). The Regulation establishes the mechanism of approval by the environmental institutions of the selection of the plots of land for the location of the objects thereon, allotment of all categories of land irrespectively of the form of ownership and land tenure.

Decreto Nº 4.002 - Reglamenta parcialmente la Ley Nº 388 de 1997, Normas sobre planes de desarrollo municipal, compraventa y expropiación de bienes.

South America

El presente Decreto reglamenta la Ley Nº 388 de 1997, precisando y reglamentando algunos aspectos relacionados con la revisión de los planes de ordenamiento territorial y la modificación de sus normas urbanísticas.

Resolución Nº 121/02/INDECOPI/CRT - Norma Técnica Peruana sobre suelos y aguas subterráneas.

South America

La presente Resolución aprueba, entre otras, las Normas Técnicas Peruanas relativas a los suelos y aguas subterráneas: método de ensayo normalizado para la determinación del contenido de sales solubles, de cloruros y de sulfatos solubles en suelos y aguas subterráneas.

Environment (Northern Ireland) Order 2002 (S.I. No. 3153 (N.I. 7) of 2002).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

Part II of this Order makes provision for implementing Council Directive 96/61/EC and for otherwise preventing and controlling pollution. It amends the transitional provisions in relation to waste management licenses in Article 47 of the Waste and Contaminated Land (Northern Ireland) Order 1997 and makes provision about certain expiring disposal licenses. Part III makes provision for implementing Council Directive 96/62 EC and for otherwise preventing and controlling air pollution. Part IV makes new provision with respect to areas of special scientific interest.

Arrêté du Gouvernement de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale concernant la mise en décharge des déchets.

Western Europe

Le présent arrêté transpose la directive 1999/31/CE du Conseil du 26 avril 1999 concernant la mise en décharge des déchets. Il a pour objet de prévoir des mesures, procédures et orientations visant à prévenir ou à réduire autant que possible les effets négatifs de la mise en décharge des déchets sur l'environnement, et notamment la pollution des eaux de surface, des eaux souterraines, du sol et de l'air, et sur l'environnement de la planète, y compris l'effet de serre, ainsi que les risques qui en résultent pour la santé humaine, pendant toute la durée de vie de la décharge.

Décret nº 2001-260 modifiant le Code de l'urbanisme et le code de l'expropriation pour cause d'utilité publique et relatif aux documents d'urbanisme.

Western Europe

Ce décret établit les dispositions réglementaires communes aux schémas de cohérence territoriale, aux plans locaux d'urbanisme et aux cartes communales. Il s'agit notamment, des dispositions relatives aux informations portées par l'Etat à la connaissance des communes ou de leurs groupements; aux projets d'intérêt général; aux associations locales d'usagers et à la Commission de conciliation. Le décret fixe, en outre, les dispositions relatives au contenu, à l'élaboration et la révision de ces documents.