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Forest Ordinance (Cap. 157).

Western Africa

The Governor may constitute Forest Reserves under section 4.A Notice in this respect shall be published in the Official Gazette. For each Reserve a Reserve Settlement Commissioner shall be appointed. Restrictions are placed on acquisition of rights during an interim period between publication and an Order constituting a Reserve under section 17. The Settlement Commission shall be considered a Court. The Commissioner may exclude land from a Reserve. Section 13 concerns compensation and section 14 concerns extinction of rights.

Regulation on Environmental Pollution Control.

Northern Europe

This Regulation makes provision to reduce and prevent pollution of the outer environment, which is defined as being all land, water, and air, outdoors, and outside workplaces. The Regulation shall not cover those activities and enterprises which are already subject to the laws referred to in article 1. Chapter 3 deals with inspection and control. The Local Environmental Health Commission shall oversee the implementation of this Regulation (art. 3.1). The supervision shall encompass air, land and water, as well as all equipment and all circumstances which might cause pollution.

Regulations on Nature Conservation, No. 205 of 1973.

Northern Europe

These Regulations have been adopted in implementation of the Nature Conservation Act of 1971. Articles 1 to 7 deal with the setting up of nature conservation committees on each county and town, as well as in the city of Reykjavik. The task of these committees is to further the nature conservation in their district. They shall submit annual reports on their activities (art. 5). Articles 8 to 14 concern the right of access to public lands and the right of free passage, under certain circumstances, through private lands.

Decree No. 77.775 regulating Law No. 6.225 on environmental plans for soil erosion prevention.

South America

This Decree regulates Law No. 6.225 establishing the obligation of drawing up regional environmental plans in order to avoid or prevent soil erosion. It consists of 14 articles defining lands to be protected (specifying environmental requirements to be satisfied) according to the Ministry of Agriculture. Land authorized activity is specified in the text.

Implements: Law No. 6.225 establishing environmental plans for soil erosion prevention. (1975-07-14)

Decree No. 97.717 creating the protected area of "Alcobaça", within the State of Rio de Janeiro.

South America

This Decree creates the protected area of "Alcobaça", within the Municipality of Petrópolis, State of Rio de Janeiro. It consists of 4 articles establishing the aforesaid protected area aimed to the preservation of water springs, the reduction of soil erosion and the protection of flora e fauna of the above-mentioned territory. Geographical limits and coordinates are specified in the text.

Agriculture (Environmental Areas) (Northern Ireland) Order 1987 (S.I. No. 458 (N.I. 3)).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

This Order, which is made only for purposes corresponding to those of section 18 of the Agriculture Act 1986, makes provision for the designation and management of environmentally sensitive areas where maintaining or adopting particular agricultural methods is likely to facilitate the conservation, enhancement or protection of specified aspects of the environment.

Décret n° 80-160 du 28 mai 1980 portant organisation des services relevant du ministère de l’aménagement rural.

Western Africa

Le présent décret fixe les règles d’organisation des services relevant du ministère de l’aménagement rural.Composé d’un cabinet, des directions de l’administration centrale et des services régionaux extérieurs, le Ministère de l’aménagement rural a pour attributions : la définition et la mise en œuvre des programmes d’aménagement et d'équipement rural, l'étude et l'amélioration du milieu, le contrôle sanitaire des animaux, le contrôle du conditionnement des produits agricoles, l'élaboration et l'application de la législation foncière et de la réglementation relative aux forêts, à la chasse,

Presidential Decree No. 1529 amending and codifying the laws related to registration of land property.

South-Eastern Asia

This Presidential Decree, consisting of sixteen Chapters, amends and codifies the laws related to registration of land property. It establishes Land Registration Commission composition, duties and responsibilities (Chap. II); Ordinary (Cadastral) Registration Proceedings, in particular, specifying the exclusive and notorious possession and occupation of alienable and disposable lands of the public domain under a bona fide claim of ownership including private lands or abandoned river beds obtained by right of access and any other manner provided for by law (Chap.

Regulations on the Enforcement of the Protection of Air, Waters and Soil against Pollution Act.

Eastern Europe

These Regulations govern in detail the prevention of pollution of air, waters (inland and marine waters) and soil in Chapters I, II and III. These Regulations nominate the competent authorities that shall determine standards for the pollution of air, waters and soil. They also prescribe prevention methods and the use of air, water and soil quality monitoring systems.

Real Decreto Nº 3.288/1978 - Reglamento de Gestión Urbanística para el desarrollo y aplicación de la Ley sobre el régimen del suelo y ordenación urbana.

Southern Europe

El presente Real Decreto aprueba el Reglamento de Gestión Urbanística para el desarrollo y aplicación de la Ley sobre régimen del suelo y ordenación urbana, que dispone que la ejecución del planeamiento urbanístico corresponde, dentro de sus respectivas esferas de actuación, a la administración del Estado, a las entidades locales, a las entidades urbanísticas especiales y a los particulares.

Decreto Nº 681/81 - Reglamenta la Ley Nº 22.428, Régimen legal para el fomento de la acción privada y pública tendiente a la conservación y recuperación de la capacidad productiva de los suelos.

South America

El Decreto, que consta de 29 artículos, implementa la Ley Nº 22.428, de 11 marzo 1981, por la cual se dictan normas para fomentar la aplicación de prácticas conservacionistas del manejo de los suelos por los productores agropecuarios.

Decree No. 30.443 prohibiting tree logging within certain areas in the State of São Paulo.

South America

This Decree prohibits tree logging within certain areas in the State of São Paulo. It consists of 21 articles establishing the zones (including protected zones, natural reserves and urban areas) in which tree logging is prohibited in order to preserve natural habitats. A list of protected trees is specified in article 16. Exceptional tree logging may be authorized by the Environmental Secretariat and the State Forestry Institution.