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A contract granting use or occupation of property during a specified period in exchange for a specified rent.

Displaying 1461 - 1470 of 1658
Eastern Europe

The Mayor, for the purpose of improvement of legal regulation of land relationship, safeguarding inviolability and protection of the right of citizens to land ownership, formation of valuable market of the plots of land, including sale and purchase, mortgage, lease of the plots of land, as well as for the stabilisation of social and economic situation on the territory of St.

Eastern Africa

All ungranted land is declared to be public land. Public land shall be at disposition and control of the Governor. The Governor in the exercise of the powers conferred upon him by this Ordinance in respect to any land shall have regard to the native laws and customs existing in the district in which such land is situated.

Antigua and Barbuda

This Act defines powers and limits actions of trustees and other persons appointed in a will, deed or other instrument of settlement or mortgagees to lawfully dispose of land under their control pursuant to rights conferred upon them as trustees or mortgagees.The Act grants powers, subject to conditions a set forth in this Act, to trustees to sell or exchange land indicated in a will, deed or o

Eastern Africa

This Act makes provision with respect to the registration of and certification and rectification of titles respecting land. It also provides rules relative to lease of land and other matters regarding land such as mortgage and legal actions regarding land and the bringing of land under this Act. Certificates of title shall be in one of the forms in the Third Schedule to this Act.

Eastern Africa

This Act concerns judicial sales of property including agricultural crop. It gives rules for the seizure and execution by way of sale. At any time, while the execution debtor remains in possession of the property seized, as judicial sequestrator, any creditor may obtain an order for the sale of part or of the whole of the crop of the said property.

Côte d'Ivoire
Western Africa

Toute demande de bail emphytéotique sur un bien foncier rural objet d'un Certificat Foncier est établie sur un formulaire au modèle conforme au modèle annexé au présent arrêté.

Northern America

The present regulations provide for the enforcement of the Commissioner’s Land Act. The regulations contain at the outset a definition clause referring to various terms therein employed, such as “Act”, “agreement for sale”, “application”, “Deputy minister”, “land agent”, “lease”, “notification”.

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

A person who receives a notice for a claim for collective enfranchisement made under Part I of the Leasehold Reform Housing and Urban Development Act 1993 must respond by giving a counter-notice admitting or opposing the claim. These Regulations prescribe a requirement, in addition to those specified in section 21 of the Act, as regards the contents of the counter-notice.

South-Eastern Asia

The Ordinance is divided into the following Parts: Preliminary (I); Country Lands (II); Town Lands (III); Native Lands (IV); Registration (V); Part VI has been repealed; Collection of Land Revenue (VII); Demarcation and Survey (VIII); Trespasses and Penalties (IX).The entire property in and control of State land or land reserved for a public purpose is vested in the Government.