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Pagando pelos Serviços Ambientais

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2009
América do Sul

Sabe-se que o processo de ocupação econômica, pós-1970, foi extremamente prejudicial ao meio ambiente e às populações tradicionais da região Amazônica, persistindo ainda hoje as imensas dificuldades de reprodução das famílias no interior da floresta. Um dos principais desafios na busca de um Desenvolvimento Sustentável é a viabilização do desempenho econômico das unidades produtivas, a partir dos produtos florestais não madeireiros (PFNM), e, conseqüentemente, da reprodução social dessa população.

Pagando pelos Serviços Ambientais: Uma proposta para a Reserva Extrativista Chico Mendes

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2009
América do Sul

Sabe-se que o processo de ocupação econômica, pós-1970, foi extremamente prejudicial ao meio ambiente e às populações tradicionais da região Amazônica, persistindo ainda hoje as imensas dificuldades de reprodução das famílias no interior da floresta. Um dos principais desafios na busca de um Desenvolvimento Sustentável é a viabilização do desempenho econômico das unidades produtivas, a partir dos produtos florestais não madeireiros (PFNM), e, conseqüentemente, da reprodução social dessa população.

Concession or cooperation? Impacts of recent rubber investment on land tenure and livelihoods: A case study from Oudomxai Province, Lao PDR

Reports & Research
декабря, 2009

The research team set out to answer three research questions: 1) What are rubber investment’s key features with regard to the investment process, investor identity, location, activities and scale? 2) How was the “upland” landscape originally zoned and mapped as part of the LFA process, and later re-zoned and mapped by local authorities and foreign investors? 3) What are the impacts of rubber investment in upland areas on the land use and livelihoods of the villagers involved?

Industrialization and Urbanization in Vietnam: How Appropriation of Agricultural Land Use Rights Transformed Farmers’ Livelihoods in a Peri-Urban Hanoi Village

Reports & Research
декабря, 2009

ABSTRACTED FROM INTRODUCTION: Since đổi mới, Vietnam witnesses a rapid urbanization and industrialization, which leads to conversions of a large area of agricultural land and other types of land, and this has forced thousands of farmer households to change their traditional livelihoods and even their lives. Using the lens of a sustainable livelihoods framework, this study analyzes and explains the questions of how, in what ways and to what extent agricultural land conversions have been affecting farmer livelihoods in one peri-urban Hanoi village.

Agricultural land conversion and its effects on farmers in contemporary Vietnam

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2009

Đổi Mới, the name given to the economic reforms initiated in 1986 in Vietnam, has renewed the party-state’s ambitious scheme of industrialization and has intensified the process of urbanization in Vietnam. A large area of land has been converted for these purposes, with various effects on both the state and society. This article sheds light on how land conversion has resulted in farmers’ resistance and in what way and to what extent it has transformed their livelihoods in the transitional context of contemporary Vietnam.

Restoration of degraded steppe lands : opportunities for Lugansk Oblast, Eastern Ukraine

Reports & Research
декабря, 2009

There are millions of hectares of land in the Ukraine which either have been abandoned, or are farmed with a low land productivity due to severe land degradation. The Netherlands Embassy has requested a study to assess the opportunities and benefits of restoration of degraded steppe areas. The goal of this project is the restoration of degraded land and to develop more sustainable land use with a higher biodiversity. Innovative farming systems are proposed which are both economically and environmentally sustainable agricultural production systems.

Agrarian transformation in Vietnam: land reform, markets and poverty

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2009

ABSTRACTED FROM INTRODUCTION: This paper traces the implications of key agrarian transformations −particularly the reforms in land policy and emerging land relations− for livelihood security and vulnerability. Part of a broader societal transformation and globalization of economies, these new development trajectories include commercialization of farmers’ produce, contract farming, cooperative sector reform, rising landlessness and tenant farming, and the end of exclusive dependence on land for earning a living.

International Climate Change Negotiations: Ensuring Support for Adaptation and Mitigation Measures in Smallholder Agriculture

Policy Papers & Briefs
ноября, 2009

The issue of climate change was already being discussed in the 1980s as scientists raised alarm over the world's increasing emission of manmade green house gases (GHGs), the main cause of global warming. In 1988, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), began to look into the effects of manmade GHG emissions on climate change. Following the release of the IPCC findings in 1990, the United Nations initiated the process of convening countries with the goal of reducing man-made GHG emissions and helping countries adapt to climate change.

Rubber Production in Northern Laos: Geographies of Growth and Contractual Diversity

Reports & Research
ноября, 2009

ABSTRACTED FROM INTRODUCTION: Lao PDR is the least densely populated country in Asia and has long been remote and isolated from the rest of the continent. This role has only recently begun to change. The geographic location of Laos between the booming economies of Thailand, Vietnam, and China has led to the perception of Laos as a potential crossroads of the tightly integrated GMS an organization promoting trade, tourism, and development between countries through which the Mekong River runs. However, this is a role it has been somewhat reluctant to accept.

Climate change in the African drylands: Options and opportunities for adaptation and mitigation

Manuals & Guidelines
октября, 2009

The drylands of Africa, exclusive of hyper-arid zones, occupy about 43 per cent of the continent, and are home to a rapidly growing population that currently stands at about 325 million people. Dry zones, inclusive of hyper-arid lands, cover over 70 per cent of the continent’s terrestrial surface. Outside of the cities many dryland inhabitants are either pastoralists, sedentary or nomadic, or agro-pastoralists, combining livestock-rearing and crop production where conditions allow.

Critical Issues on the Growing Market Power of Transnational Agribusinesses

Policy Papers & Briefs
августа, 2009


Agribusiness as used in this paper refers to very big corporations that produce, process, trade, and market agricultural food products and agricultural inputs. Examples are corporations that produce inputs, such as seeds and fertilizers, and those that produce for supermarkets and retail chains. Transnational agribusiness companies are those that operate in the agriculture sector of many countries, usually with a huge volume of business.