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Land and Bioenergy (Chapter 9 from "Bioenergy and sustainability: Bridging the gaps")

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2015

Projected land demands for bioenergy fall well within conservative estimates of current and future land availability (240 to 905 Mha). Estimates for the amount of modern bioenergy needed to meaningfully mitigate climate change range from 80 to 200 EJ in the 2050 timeframe. At the upper end of this range, we estimate that about 200 million hectares would be required. This may be compared to most estimates for the amount of land available for bioenergy, which exceed 500 million hectares.

Land Degradation as a Security Threat Amplifier: The New Global Frontline

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2015

Land degradation is a widespread crisis, destabilizing nations and communities on a global scale. To be clear, food will be less plentiful (and thus more expensive) unless responsible land management and res- toration is given priority on the international political agenda. The commitment to halt and reverse land degradation will undoubtedly feature prominently in post-2015 development and climate agendas.

Road to Ankara and to a Land Degradation Neutral World

Reports & Research
ноября, 2015

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development has developed a comprehensive work program that can help its members better understand risks linked to inaction and opportunities for action, structuring its work program around the international discussions led by the UNCCD on LDN. In particular LDN is reflected in the WBCSD’s Action2020 targets of “restoring at least 12 million hectares per year of degraded land”, and a business solution on “Restoring Degraded Land” has been developed to provide a response to land degradation challenges and the LDN target.

Republic of Armenia: Land Degradation Neutrality National Report

Reports & Research
ноября, 2015

This report summarizes the key outcomes of the national efforts carried out in 2014 and 2015 towards putting in practice the land degradation neutrality concept. The LDN project, which was sponsored by the Republic of Korea, was carried out with the support of the UNCCD Secretariat and implemented in partnership with the Joint Research Center of the European Commission and CAP 2100 International.

Equity in Forests and REDD+: An Analysis of Equity Challenges as Viewed by Forestry Decision-makers and Practitioners in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Viet Nam

Reports & Research
октября, 2015

Considerable debate has developed in recent years over the potential of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) to either rectify or exacerbate social inequities in tropical forest countries. Despite agreement on the importance of equity issues in REDD+, few studies have considered differences in equity and equitable outcomes as understood at national and local levels, and related contextspecific barriers that frustrate the achievement of equitable outcomes.

Décret n°2015-0634/PM-RM du 15 octobre 2015 portant répartition des services publics entre la primature et les départements ministériels.

октября, 2015

Le présent décret organise la répartition des services publics entre la Primatures et les Départements ministériels, entre autres le Ministère du développement rural; le Ministère des domaines de l'Etat et des affaires foncières; le Ministère de l'environnement, de l'assainissement et du développement durable; le Ministère du commerce et de l'industrie; le Ministère de l'aménagement du territoire et de la population; le Ministère de l'énergie et de l'eau; et le Ministère des mines.Le Ministère du développement rural comprend les Services centraux (Direction nationale du Génie rural; Directi