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Community Organizations Norwegian Mapping Authority (Kartverket)
Norwegian Mapping Authority (Kartverket)
Norwegian Mapping Authority (Kartverket)
Governmental institution
Phone number
(+ 47) 32 11 80 00


Postal address
Norwegian Mapping Authority, Mapping and Cadastre
P.O.Box 600 Sentrum, 3507 Hønefoss, Norway
Working languages

The Norwegian Mapping Authority (NMA) is Norway's national mapping agency, dealing with land surveying, geodesy, hydrographic surveying, cadastre and cartography. Its headquarters are in Hønefoss and it is a public agency under the Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation. NMA was founded in 1773.


Source: Wikipedia (consulted d.d. February 18th, 2020)



Displaying 6 - 10 of 19

Geographic information for development and EU integration


Production of LIDAR and orthophotos for preparation of new maps for Montenegro for planning and development domestically and also for participation in the European Union program for data sharing and integration (INSPIRE Directive); establishment of a document management system.

Securing ownership to land


The project consists of three main components: •Establishing of six permanent reference stations for positioning services. These will complete the reference framework for the entire country and provide more accurate positioing. In addition, 30 GPS receivers will be acquired for surveying of property boundaries •Improvement of the IT-system for property registration. Today, this system is spread over several different components. This project will seek to harmonise the components and create one system. •Updating of property maps and register for 20% of the country where maps and register are still not up to date with new private properties