Mary Maneno is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya. She holds a Bachelor of Laws Degree and a Post graduate Diploma in Law. She is currently pursuing a Masters in Law (LLM) specialising in Law, Democracy and Governance. As a certified Legislative Drafter and member of the Law Society of Kenya, she has gained tremendous experience in anticorruption work in various fields including devolved governance, extractive industries, land corruption and constitutional implementation. She has overtime developed advanced skills in project design and management including monitoring and evaluation, resource mobilisation, budget tracking, dispute resolution, social audits, corruption risk mapping, human rights, refugee protection, advocacy, community mobilization and contextual knowledge of the key debates in human rights and governance specifically, human rights frameworks in service delivery in water, health, humanitarian aid, land and education. She has done extensive research and scholarly work on land corruption, gender issues, governance, the plight of refugees and internally displaced persons in Kenya and reproductive health rights. Mary is passionate about law and gender relations, human rights, legal research and legislative drafting. She has worked on assignments requiring close collaborative efforts with different stakeholders, at the local, regional and international level.
She currently works for Transparency International Kenya (TI Kenya) as the Senior Regional Officer in TI Kenya’s Coast Region Office. She also coordinates and implements TI-Kenya’s work on land and corruption.