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13 Agosto 2019
Comment: The latest science shows the impacts of global warming – and solutions to it – risk worsening inequality if not coupled with support to the world’s poor One of the fundamental truths of the climate crisis is that the countries and people who did least to create the problem are, in…
9 Agosto 2019
Yesterday, the day before Indigenous Day, the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) included indigenous rights in its Special Report on Climate Change and Land. This is a landmark action. In doing this, the IPCC have recognized that Indigenous peoples are crucial in combatting…
8 Agosto 2019
Tras el lanzamiento oficial del UNDFF del 27 al 29 de mayo en la sede de la FAO en Roma, el lanzamiento en Nueva York durante el HLPF 2019 (Foro Político de Alto Nivel, por sus siglas en inglés) brindó la oportunidad de compartir con los estados miembro y las delegaciones los esfuerzos realizados…
7 Agosto 2019
Lands managed by indigenous people possess the greatest levels of biodiversity. This is according to a study led by researchers at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and published in the journal Environmental Science & Policy. The team compared levels of biodiversity in 15,621 areas…
6 Agosto 2019
Date: 27 juin 2019 Source: Farmlandgrab, UNIDROIT Dans le cadre de ses travaux portant sur le droit privé et le développement agricole, un Groupe de travail d'UNIDROIT prépare actuellement, en collaboration avec la FAO et le FIDA, un Guide juridique sur les contrats d'investissement en terres…
6 Agosto 2019
Government needs to revisit customary law and use land reform to enable female farmers. Globally women play a significant role in agriculture. In Sub-Saharan Africa alone, women are the backbone of the agricultural sector and make up almost half of the agricultural labour force, according to a…
6 Agosto 2019
As mulheres estão entre as principais vítimas da mudança climática, mas também podem ser a chave para ajudar a limitar seus efeitos, segundo um informe da ONU que será divulgado nesta semana.   “Há uma falta de reconhecimento dos direitos das mulheres às terras, oficial e tradicionalmente”,…
5 Agosto 2019
El balance de Global Witness 2018 destaca que Filipinas y Colombia son los países con más muertes violentas de ecologistas y activistas indígenas   Treinta muertos en Filipinas, 24 en Colombia (24), 23 en India, 20 en Brasil... Y así hasta alcanzar la cifra de 164 personas dedicadas a la…
5 Agosto 2019
Despite centuries of persecution, indigenous groups still manage or have tenure rights over at least a quarter of the world’s land surface. Often inhabiting these lands as far back as memory extends, they share a deep and unique connection to their environment. Recently released figures show that…
31 Julio 2019
In a growing global movement, environmentalists are trying a new legal route to protect the planet - vesting rivers and reefs with "rights of nature" WASHINGTON - For some, human rights are not enough - it's nature's turn, now. In a growing global movement, environmentalists are trying a new…
26 Julio 2019
Dear Colleagues: I am very pleased to announce that my article -- an introduction on blockchain and the land surveying - has been published in the July/August issue of the LAND JOURNAL magazine of The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors / RICS.   “The traditional image of a surveyor’s…
25 Julio 2019
Protecting the world’s remaining tropical forest cover from natural resource extraction is essential if the worst of climate change is to be avoided, and the rights of people who depend on those forests are to be respected. For this to happen, politicians have to see political advantage in voting…