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28 Junio 2019
Research by ILC member Oxfam, and others such as the World Inequality Lab, shows that extreme inequality is rising – not falling – in most regions. Inequality is becoming one of the defining features of our economies and societies, and it increasingly shapes struggles for justice and human well-…
27 Junio 2019
Date: 20 juin 2019 Source: Foncier & Développement NELGA (le Réseau d’excellence sur la gouvernance foncière en Afrique) est un partenariat d’universités et d’institutions de recherche africaines ayant acquis une notoriété dans les domaines de l’éducation, la formation et la recherche sur la…
27 Junio 2019
Countries and regions devastated by war and civil strife remain fragile and vulnerable for decades after the fighting has ceased. In this post-conflict period, as social, political, and economic institutions are rebuilt, reconfigured or established anew, land is increasingly acknowledged as not…
26 Junio 2019
During the first week of June we held our very first Research Consortium Women’s Land Rights Grantee Workshop. Held in Geelong, in the state of Victoria in Australia, a representative from each grantee group, the submission reviewers, and representatives from Resource Equity met for three days to…
21 Junio 2019
        Under the theme of “Rights-Led Transformation Toward Climate-Resilient Landscapes”, this iteration of the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF), taking place this coming June 22-23, will explore the essential contributions made by Indigenous Peoples and local communities, rural women and youth to…
20 Junio 2019
A National Geographic Society busca propostas, de qualquer país do mundo, que envolvam estudantes e outros cientistas cidadãos em atividades para resolver problemas do mundo real e levar a ações na ciência e conservação. Os candidatos devem projetar e / ou implementar ferramentas que apóiem ​​o…
20 Junio 2019
O congresso conjunto XXIV IGC e XI IRC será realizado em Nairóbi, Quênia, de 25 a 30 de outubro de 2020. O tema do congresso é “Uso sustentável de prados e recursos de pastagem para melhoria dos meios de vida”. O objetivo do congresso será promover o intercâmbio de informações científicas e…
17 Junio 2019
Em uma mensagem em vídeo divulgada para o Dia Mundial de Combate à Desertificação e à Seca, marcado nesta segunda-feira (17), o secretário-geral da ONU, António Guterres, alertou que o mundo perde anualmente 24 bilhões de toneladas de terra fértil.   Além disso, a degradação da qualidade do…
15 Junio 2019
From the gases emitted through a car’s tailpipe to the tree biomass stored in the Amazon, carbon is no doubt the leading indicator of climate change today. But does a ton of carbon emitted by an aircraft 10 kilometers above the North Atlantic really equate to a ton of carbon stored in a mangrove…
14 Junio 2019
Insufficient data has been cited as a major hindrance to the realization of gender equality especially in land ownership. According to UN Women statistics, 80% of the indicators for gender equality across SDGs are lacking data. UN Women Chief Statistician Papa Seck says lack of political good will…
13 Junio 2019
Can urban planners use the technology in “Smart Cities” to create cities that are more just—and safe—for all? What does a “smart city” look like from a gender perspective?  Is there a difference as to how women experience a city? Does technology help or hinder that experience? And how can…
13 Junio 2019
En América Latina y Caribe se prevé realizar un lanzamiento regional a finales de agosto, mientras que otras regiones están trabajando para realizar lanzamientos regionales y nacionales. 448 representantes de 113 países han participado activamente los pasados 27, 28 y 29 de mayo en el Lanzamiento…