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Countries África related Blog post


Displaying 361 - 372 of 450
14 Julio 2019
20 milhões de fulânis vivem sem lar e sem paz: seu modo de vida e o preconceito espalham conflitos na África  Os fulânis, também chamados peul ou fulbe, são um grupo de mais de 20 milhões de pessoas dispersas por 15 países, da costa atlântica do Senegal à densa selva centro-africana. Este povo…
27 Junio 2019
Ernesto Reis
On 27-30 May 2019 around 200 actors engaged in talks to initiate and reinforce guidelines and actions on sustainable soil management and land governance at the World Agroforestry headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. “Soil is a universal element for survival,” says Alice Kaudia, Founder and Executive…
29 Mayo 2019
Date: 28 mai 2019 Source: Farmlandgrab, GRAIN Une action de solidarité avec les communautés affectées par les plantations de SOCFIN en Afrique et en Asie a été menée au Luxembourg ce 28 mai durant l’Assemblée générale de la multinationale. Une dizaine d’activistes ont directement participé à l’…
28 Mayo 2019
olajide ogunnaike
This story was submitted as part of our recent Data Stories Contest and was the recipient of the first prize. The original story can be found here.     
27 Mayo 2019
Mr. Michael Odhiambo
The land sector is in the throes of the Global Data Revolution, which, of course, has created opportunities as well as challenges.  Government data portals, open access academic journals, community mapping and other citizen-generated data initiatives create possibilities for inclusive and open…
23 Mayo 2019
The loss of public records and personal documents following the disaster, is already having a tremendous impact on recovery efforts   Tropical Cyclone Idai made landfall in Beira, the second largest city in Mozambique on March 14, 2019. The cyclone is considered one of the worst disasters to…
20 Mayo 2019
Alfred Brownell
This year's Goldman Environmental Prize winner says the battle for land rights in Liberia is just getting underway.  Alfred Brownell is the recipient of the 2019 Goldman Environmental Prize and founder of Green Advocates an NGO and academic at Northeastern University School of Law In 2016, I fled…
17 Mayo 2019
Por Alfredo da Mota A China caminha para ser a grande potência do século 21. Entre outras andanças busca também lugares com abundância de terras para alimentos, petróleo e minérios para assegurar essa expansão econômica.   Trabalha num projeto chamado Nova Rota da Seda ou One Belt, One Road, em que…
15 Abril 2019
Date: 13 avril 2019 Source: Farmlandgrab, Collectif TANY Résumé Dans le cadre de la commémoration de l’anniversaire de l’insurrection des Malagasy contre le colonialisme français, du 29 mars 1947, le Collectif TANY se joint aux nombreux citoyens qui s’interrogent sur ce que nous avons fait de…
8 Abril 2019
Por Osvaldo Gonçalves   A insistência com que se refere à necessidade de os Estados direccionarem mais os seus investimentos para a vertente humana deve, de uma vez por todas, captar a atenção dos dirigentes africanos, sob pena de os países do continente continuarem a falar em potencialidades…
29 Marzo 2019
Date: 28 mars 2019 Source: Farmlandgrab, CNCD et al La campagne « Stop Greenwash-ING », menée par une coalition d’ONG, a interpellé la banque ING quant au financement du groupe SOCFIN. En effet, celui-ci est responsable d’accaparements de terres et d’abus de droits humains. En janvier 2019, ING…
25 Marzo 2019
Date: 25 mars 2019 Source: Agence Ecofin Par: Propos recueillis par Espoir Olodo (Ecofin Hebdo) - Le groupe de réflexion indépendant Overseas Development Institute (ODI) et la société de conseil britannique TMP Systems ont publié à la fin février, un rapport baptisé « Assessing the costs of tenure…