New report reveals the true cost of land degradation
This blog has originally been published by CABI at
Por: Yaima Rodríguez Turiño
Cuando el mundo mira con preocupación el futuro de la Amazonía, organizaciones ambientalistas en Latinoamérica cuestionan la sostenibilidad de una política destinada a la producción agropecuaria como única alternativa de desarrollo.
"Son soluciones inmediatas a problemas económicos con consecuencias graves para la humanidad", dijo a Sputnik Marlene Quintanilla, directora de investigación y gestión del conocimiento en la Fundación 'Amigos de la Naturaleza' en Bolivia.
Trees have become an iconic image of environmentalism, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we should plant millions of them.
CORQUÍN, Honduras — El agricultor estaba en su parcela de café, que lucía desolada: sus plantas se veían enfermas y las hojas marchitas, una situación que pone en duda la próxima cosecha.
Imagine you're a local sustainability officer developing an initiative to reduce emissions. But you don't know how many emissions the city produces, or where they're coming from. You don't know who the city's biggest energy users are, how many cars are on the road, or the amount of waste produced every year. And even if you can set goals for reducing emissions, you have no way of measuring progress against them.
After years of efforts, land rights are finally getting global attention. With several land-related indicators included in the Sustainable Development Goals, the land sector now has the unique opportunity to create an unprecedented momentum around land tenure issues and bring it to a higher level on the development agenda. Our goal is, of course, to contribute to the success of the SDGs, but also to be part of sustainable development in its real and practical sense!
In March, the Trump Administration released a new budget proposal that would cut funding to the Department of State and U.S. Agency for International Development by 28 percent. The proposal also reduces funding to the United Nations for ongoing climate change efforts.