Country Report - Japan
A description of the forest areas and types in Japan. This report reviews the current state of both protected and economic forest areas and predicts long term future demand.
A description of the forest areas and types in Japan. This report reviews the current state of both protected and economic forest areas and predicts long term future demand.
Meeting symbol/code: FO:LACFC/2015/2
Session: Sess. 29
Un análisis del estado actual de las plantaciones forestales y las tendencias actuales de las mismas tanto a nivel global como a escala regional. Se examinan tanto los aspectos económicos, como los políticos relacionados al desarrollo de las plantaciones forestales. Luego se presentan las perspectivas de las plantaciones forestales a través de panoramas alternativos de acuerdo al futuro crecimiento de las áreas con plantaciones.
Forest resources could play a huge role in the development of the country. There is a range of NWFP used every day by the people in order to satisfy their basic needs, such as for food, medicine purposes, and other uses. The use of these products is recognized, but it is still very difficult to know how much they are used. There is very little available data concerning NWFP and no effort is made to acquire information to assist the sector in planning and ensuring its sustainable administration, management and use for the future generations as well.
El sector forestal en general, y el de la industria forestal en particular, no ha quedado al margen de este amplio proceso de reformas. En el presente nmero de Unasylva se analizan las vicisitudes del sector forestal en determinados pases en transicin hacia la economa de mercado.
The current publication «State of the Forest Genetic Resources in Ghana» is issue of country national report presented at The Sub- Regional Workshop FAO/IPGRI/ICRAF on the conservation, management, sustainable utilization and enhancement of forest genetic resources in Sahelian and North-Sudanian Africa (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 22-24 September 1998).
This paper is written in fulfilment of the requirement of the Associate Regional Advisers (ARA) Programme which is run under the auspices of the Forest Industries Advisory Group (FIAG) for Africa. The objective of the Forest Industries Advisory Group is to assist African countries in promoting the growth of forest industries and their optimum contribution to economic and social development.
A description of Mongolia's forest resource base, including the prevailing socioeconomic, biological and physical environment. The country's forest industries and main wood products are outlined and forest development plans and legislation are presented
Esta nota tiene como propsito el informar a la Comisin acerca de las actividades de la FAO relacionadas con el sector forestal que son de inters para la regin, financiadas con el presupuesto del Programa Ordinario y los proyectos ejecutados por la FAO financiados por el PNUD y los fondos fiduciarios donantes en el periodo 1998-99. La parte C proporciona referencias respecto a las recomendaciones y solicitudes especficas de la vigsima reunin de la Comisin.
This report reviews the outlook for the supply and demand of roundwood and forest products, and the balance between the two until 2020, while taking into account recycling, energy and trade issues. It covers the forest and forest products sector, including the forest itself, as well as production, trade and consumption of forest products and wood for energy