Situation des activités forestières au Mexique
Meeting symbol/code: NAFC 2000 3
Meeting symbol/code: NAFC 2000 3
La cuestin de la mujer y la silvicultura es, pues, un elemento central en el campo general de las relaciones entre la mujer, la alimentacin y la agricultura que este ao se pusieron de relieve en todos los pases el 16 de octubre, con ocasin del Da Mundial de la Alimentacin. Al dedicar este nmero de Unasylva a La mujer y la agricultura - tema del Da Mundial de la Alimentacin - en los aspectos relacionados con la silvicultura, la FAO no desea limitarse a destacar los problemas y necesidades de las campesinas.
En el presente nmero de Unasylva se examinan algunas de las muchas formas en que la informtica y la tecnologa conexa influyen en la silvicultura sostenible y han pasado a formar parte de ella.
El presente informe es una versión reducida de “World agriculture: towards 2015/2030”, la última evaluación realizada por la FAO de las perspectivas a largo plazo del abastecimiento de alimentos, la nutrición y la agricultura. En él se resumen las proyecciones, se resaltan los mensajes y se presentan para el público en general. Las proyecciones abarcan la oferta y la demanda de los principales productos agropecuarios y los sectores agrícola, forestal y pesquero.
The report presents some of the general aspects of Madagascar before discussing the three main chapters of the report on eucalyptus plantations. The first part is dedicated to the objectives and the methods used to obtain information for this report. The second part is a synopsis of the results while the third part is more specific and concentrates on exploitation dynamics of eucalyptus in the country. A brief conclusion is given.
Tropical forest plantation resources
Revue internationale des forts et des industries forestires
The paper briefly reviews the mandates and main activities of some major governmental and non-governmental international organizations concerned with the management of forest genetic resources, and the role that such organizations play in this field. It is noted that national forest genetic programmes will continue to constitute the building blocks of regional and global programmes, but that these can be usefully complemented by harmonization of action at international level.
Meeting Name: FAO Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO/2016/9
Session: Sess. 23
This report is a shorter version of World agriculture: towards 2015/2030, FAO's latest assessment of the long-term outlook for the world's food supplies, nutrition and agriculture. It summarizes the projections, distills the messages and presents them for the generalist. The projections cover supply and demand for the major agricultural commodities and sectors, including fisheries and forestry. This analysis forms the basis for a more detailed examination of other factors, such as nutrition and undernourishment, and the implications for international trade.