Report of the Study Group on Forest Genetic Resources St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada, 12-16 June 2000
Meeting symbol/code: NAFC 2000 7a
Meeting symbol/code: NAFC 2000 7a
La gamme d'efforts ncessaires pour dvelopper tout le potentiel des PFNL est trs tendue. Les modes de faire-valoir et les politiques forestires doivent tre valus et, le cas chant, adapts afin de prendre en compte leurs impacts potentiels sur les ressources et les PFNL.
Une analyse de l'état des plantations forestières ainsi que des tendances actuelles du secteur forestier aux niveaux mondial et régional. Le rapport traite des mesures à tenir en compte en ce qui concerne le développement des plantations forestières. Par ailleurs, la perspective des plantations forestières est présentée sous la forme de différents scénarios qui se basent sur la future croissance
A medium-size report that describes the overall situation of data on fuelwood in Burundi. The report starts with a general introduction of the study and the country. It is followed by a section describing the forest area, its uses and the legislation surrounding it. The following part states the country's forest resources distinguishing natural from artificial forests. Some attention is given to non-wood forest products and sustainable forest ecosystems. The latter parts are a view of the institutional and political atmospheres as well as the effects of the crisis on forest ecosystems.
Revue internationale des forts et des industries forestires
Meeting Name: Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO/2014/6.2
An international journal of forestry and forest industries
Meeting Name: Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Forest Genetic Resources (of the CGRFA) - ITWG-FGR
Meeting symbol/code: CGRFA/WG-FGR-3/14/5
The outlook for the forestry sector in Algeria in the context of the current socio-economic and political environment. Likely scenarios to the year 2020 are presented and key issues affecting future development are outlined.
The European Forest Sector Outlook Study (EFSOS), Main Report, is the sixth major study in the European outlook study series. It aims to provide decision makers in the forestry sector with information and analysis about long-term trends in the sector and projections of future developments.
La Evaluación de los Recursos Forestales Mundiales (ERF 2000) recientemente publicada, se basó en un esfuerzo intensivo de cinco años realizado por la FAO en cooperación con los organismos nacionales de casi todos los países del mundo, un gran número de centros de investigación e instituciones académicas y una serie de organizaciones internacionales, regionales y no gubernamentales.