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Decreto Supremo Nº 002/16/MINAGRI - Aprueba la Política Nacional Agraria.

South America

La Política Nacional Agraria es un instrumento multisectorial, de alcance nacional, cuyo objetivo general es conseguir el incremento sostenido de los ingresos y medios de vida de los productores y productoras agrarios, priorizando la agricultura familiar, sobre la base de mayores capacidades y activos más productivos, y con un uso sostenible de los recursos agrarios en el marco de procesos de creciente inclusión social y económica de la población rural, contribuyendo a la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional.

Zimbabwe Agriculture Investment Plan (ZAIP) 2013-2017.

National Policies
Eastern Africa

Given the provision of the Medium Term Plan (MTP 2011-2015), the ZAIP recognizes that the Zimbabwean agricultural sector has undergone massive changes in the farm size leading to increased number of farmers and relatively smaller sizes of farms.The overall goal of ZAIP is to facilitate sustainable increase in production, productivity and competitiveness of Zimbabwean agriculture through building capacity of farmers and institutions, and improving the quantity and quality of public, private and development partner investment and policy alignment’’.The overall programme objective of ZAIP is t

Native Terrestrial Biodiversity and National Parks Act 2015 (No. 14 of 2015).

Eastern Africa

The Act makes renewed provision for – (a) generally the protection of wild fauna and flora; (b) giving effect to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and any other biodiversity related Convention to which Mauritius is or may become a party; and (c) the identification, control and management of reserved lands and private reserves, and for related matters.

Pastoral Land Act.


The objects of this Act are: (a) to provide a form of tenure of Crown land that facilitates the sustainable use of land for pastoral purposes and the economic viability of the pastoral industry; (b) to provide for (i) the monitoring of pastoral land so as to detect and assess any change in its condition; (ii) the prevention or minimization of degradation of or other damage to the land and its indigenous plant and animal life; and (iii) the rehabilitation of the land in cases of degradation or other damage; (c) to recognize the right of Aborigines to follow traditional pursuits on pastoral l

Lesotho National Action Programme in Natural Resource Management, Combating Desertification and Mitigating the Effects of Drought

National Policies
Southern Africa

The objectives of this NAP is to structure and guide the implementation of the UNCCD and define the elements of strengthening environmental capacities, enhance public awareness and mobilize active participation in order to better manage the natural resources, combat DLDD.The objective also contains elements of strengthening the policy, legal and institutional foundations for environmental management.In order to structure overall programme of the NAP, the five programme areas that were formulated in 1998 and reviewed and adopted as part of NAP in 2005 have been subjected to a series of stake

National Forest Policy of Montenegro.

National Policies
Southern Europe

The National Forest Policy of Montenegro is a national sectoral policy whose main objectives are: a) to ensure and improve long-term resistance and productivity of forests and other ecosystems; b) to ensure the maintenance of plant and animal species; c) to ensure sustainable forest administration and sustainable implementation of social, economic and environmental forest functions; d) to ensure the contribution of forests to social and economic development of rural areas; e) to ensure long-term development and competitiveness of wood industry.

Town and Country Planning (Trees) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2008 (S.I. No. 2260 of 2008).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations amend the Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999 by: (a) inserting a new regulation 9A to make provision for the form and content of applications for consent to carry out work on trees subject to a tree preservation order; (b) substituting a new Part 4 to provide new procedures for appeals without a hearing or inquiry under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as applied under tree preservation orders and to appeals against tree replacement notices under section 208; and (c) making consequential amendments.

Great Bear Rainforest Order.

Northern America

The present Ministerial Order by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations provides for the implementation of Ecosystem Based Management (EBM) on forested lands in the Great Bear Rainforest (GBR). It establishes legal objectives pursuant to section 93.4 of the Land Act, for the purpose of directing forest practices implemented under the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA).