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Plan Nacional de Cambio Climático de El Salvador.

National Policies
El Salvador
Central America

El Plan Nacional de Cambio Climático (PNCC) es un documento de alcance nacional que establece las prioridades del país en adaptación y mitigación ante el cambio climático, presenta la estimación general del rango de necesidades financieras para su implementación, las capacidades técnicas nacionales existentes para su desarrollo y las instituciones públicas con responsabilidades directas en su implementación. El objetivo del PNCC es construir una sociedad y una economía resiliente al cambio climático y baja en carbono.

Federal Law No. 123-FZ “Technical Regulation of fire safety”.

Eastern Europe

The scope of creation of forest fire safety system shall be to prevent fires and ensure protection of the population and property in case of the outbreak of fire (Art. 5). Separation distance from the boundaries of housing land-use planning to forest area shall be no less than 50 m, and from the boundaries of housing land-use planning with one- and two-storey constructions to forest are shall be no less than 15 (Art. 69).

Amended by: Federal Law No. 117-FZ amending Federal Law No. 123-FZ “Technical Regulation of fire safety”. (2012-07-10)

Law No. 6444 amending the Law No. 6292 on supporting the development of forest villagers, valuation of areas taken out of forest area borders on behalf of the Treasury and vending of agriculture lands owned by the Treasury and amending the Forest Law N...

Western Asia

This Law makes minor changes in several different articles of the the Law No. 6292 on supporting the development of forest villagers, valuation of areas taken out of forest area borders on behalf of the Treasury and vending of agriculture lands owned by the Treasury and amending the Forest Law No. 6831.

Amends: Law No. 6292 on supporting the development of forest villagers, valuation of areas taken out of forest area borders on behalf of the Treasury and vending of agriculture lands owned by the Treasury. (2012-04-25)
Amends: Forest Law No. 6831. (1956-08-31)

Pastoral Leases (Rental) Act.


Notwithstanding any other law in force in the Territory, the terms and conditions of the pastoral lease or the fact that rental in respect of a pastoral lease may have been paid in pursuance of such terms and conditions in respect of the financial year before the Administrator's assent to this Act was declared, the rent payable in respect of a pastoral lease for the financial year is the rent that is or was otherwise payable in respect of that lease multiplied by a rental increase factor of 2.8, and the additional rent resulting from the application of the rental increase factor shall be pa

Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 (Act No. 2 of 2007).

Southern Asia

The purpose of this Act is to recognize forest rights to tribal communities who have been occupying the land before the forest laws were put into force.Scheduled Tribes residing in forests shall be entitled to the land currently occupied which may be allocated in all forests including National Parks and Sanctuaries.The Act grants forest rights to Scheduled Tribes and other traditional forest dwellers including: right to live in the forest land for habitation or for self-cultivation for livelihood; right of ownership, access to collect, use, and dispose of minor forest produce; right to use

Ley Nº 29.376 - Suspende la aplicación de los Decretos Legislativos Nº 1.090, Ley Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre y Nº 1.064, Régimen jurídico para el aprovechamiento de las tierras de uso agrario.

South America

La presente Ley suspende la aplicación del Decreto Legislativo Nº 1090, Ley Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre y del Decreto Legislativo Nº 1064, Régimen jurídico para el aprovechamiento de las tierras de uso agrario; restituye el texto de la Ley Nº 27308, Ley Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre y de la Ley Nº 26505, Ley de la inversión privada en el desarrollo de las actividades económicas en las tierras del territorio nacional y de las comunidades campesinas y nativas; y restituye parcialmente la vigencia del Decreto Legislativo Nº 653, Ley de promoción de las inversiones en el sector agrario.