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Afar National Regional State Rural Land Use and Administration Regulation No. 4/2011.

Eastern Africa

This Regulation, made under the Afar National Regional State Rural Land Use and Administration Proclamation, concerns equal land use rights on communal holdings of the pastoralist communities and separation of communal holdings for use of the pastoralist community. Any pastoralist shall be entitled to equal land use right on communal holding. Such right shall include the right to equal distribution of grazing, water, land lease, forestry resources and any other proceeds from the communal holding.

Decreto Supremo Nº 062/75/AG - Reglamento de calificación de tierras.

South America

El Reglamento, que consta de 7 capítulos, 17 artículos y 2 anexos, establece un sistema nacional de clasificación de tierras adecuadas a las características ecológicas de las diversas regiones del país, con el fin de difundir el uso racional permanente de las tierras, evitando la destrucción y deterioro del suelo.

Revocado por: Decreto Supremo Nº 017/09/AG - Reglamento de calificación de tierras por su capacidad de uso mayor. (2009-09-01)

Kerala Forest (Vesting and Management of Ecologically Fragile Lands) Amendment Act, 2009 (Act No. 32 of 2009).

Southern Asia

This Act amends the Kerala Forest (Vesting and Management of Ecologically Fragile Lands) Act, 2003 by inserting two new sections 10A and 10B providing for dispute redressal in respect of lands having an extent of not more than two hectares and for the constitution of the Ecologically Fragile Land Claim Dispute Redressal Committee.

Amends: Kerala Forest (Vesting and Management of Ecologically Fragile Lands) Act, 2003 (Act No. 21 of 2005). (2005)

Circular No. 09/2013/TT-BTNMT on the management and use of riparian alluvial land, coastal alluvial land and coastal land with water surface.

South-Eastern Asia

This Circular, consisting of 9 articles divided into three Chapters, prescribes the management and use of riparian alluvial land, coastal alluvial land and coastal land with water surface used for agricultural production, forestry, aquaculture and salt-making. This Circular applies to state management agencies; domestic organizations, households and individuals; overseas Vietnamese; and foreign organizations and individuals involved in the above mentioned activities.

Loi n° 2015-537 du 20 juillet 2015 d'orientation agricole de Côte d'Ivoire.

Côte d'Ivoire
Western Africa

La présente loi vise à: préciser les actions pour la valorisation optimale du potentiel agro écologique et des savoir-faire agricoles du pays; créer un environnement propice au développement d'un secteur agricole structuré; créer les conditions de la modernisation de l'agriculture familiale et de l'entreprise agricole, pour favoriser l'émergence d'un secteur agro-industriel structuré, compétitif et intégré dans l'économie sous-régionale et internationale; développer un secteur agricole qui contribue è la souveraineté alimentaire, à la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle, à la lutte contr

Decree No. 1-CP promulgating the regulation on the allottment of land by State-owned businesses for agricultural production, forestry and aquaculture.

South-Eastern Asia

The Decree provides the allotment of state-owned land destined to planting of perennial trees, seasonal crops and forestation, plus the water surface required for aquaculture farming to individuals, households and organizations which shall invest in the resulting production. Planning and financial evaluation of production costs shall be prepared and funds destined to support all agricultural, forestry and aquaculture activities and operations.

Town and Country Planning Act (Cap. 35:01).

Trinidad and Tobago

This Act provides for town and country planning and other planning in relation with development in Trinidad and Tobago. The Act defines duties of the Minister and establishes an Advisory Town Planning Panel. Development plans shall be prepared by the Minister after a general survey. The Act further provides, among other things for: (a) the granting of development permissions; (b) compensation for consequences of planning decisions; (c) planning control and enforcement; and (d) acquisition and disposal of land for planning purposes.

Town and Country Planning Act (Chapter 32:09).

Southern Africa

The Act consists of 43 sections divided into 6 Parts: Preliminary (I); Central administration (II); Development Plans (III); Control of development of land and permission for development (VI); Subdivisions (V); Supplemental (VI).The Minister shall be responsible for a comprehensive policy with respect to use and development of all land in Botswana and in accordance with Development Plans made under Part III (sect. 3). The Minister may declare Planning Areas under section 4 and provisions of this Act shall apply to such areas.

Programme d’Action National de Lutte contre la Désertification (PAN).

National Policies
Eastern Africa

Le Programme d’Action National de Lutte Contre la Désertification (PAN) constitue une composante essentielle du Plan d’Action National pour l’Environnement (PANE) qui vise à rendre opérationnelles ses orientations majeures, notamment celles relatives à la lutte contre la désertification et l’atteinte de la sécurité alimentaire.

Decreto Supremo Nº 008/16/MINAM - Estrategia Nacional de Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía 2016-2030.

South America

El presente Decreto Supremo aprueba la Estrategia Nacional de Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía (ENLCDS), un instrumento de gestión multisectorial, de alcance nacional cuyo objetivo general es el de prevenir y reducir la desertificación, la degradación de la tierra y el impacto de la sequía en el territorio nacional, considerando un horizonte de planificación de 15 años (2016-2030).

Resolution No. 48/2015 authorizing the request for conversion of provisional authorization into definitive Right of Land Use and Exploitation (DUAT).

Eastern Africa

This Resolution authorizes the request for conversion of provisional authorization into definitive Right of Land Use and Exploitation (DUAT) for the silvo-forestry activities on behalf of the Company Niassa Forests Ltd, concerning an area of 34,227.15 hectares, located in the administrative post of Chimbonila, District of Lichinga, Niassa Province, documented in the cadastral case No. 11764/1250, as the map attached to this Resolution.