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There are 548 content items of different types and languages related to Empoderamiento legal on the Land Portal.
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Loma Linda University


Core Values

The University affirms these values as central to its view of education.

COMPASSION—The sympathetic willingness to be engaged with the needs and sufferings of others. Among the most memorable depictions of compassion in Scripture is the story of the Good Samaritan, which Loma Linda University has taken as a central symbol of our work.

Montecristi Vive

Cuál es nuestro punto de partida

La Constitución del 2008 es la más garantista y democrática de toda la historia. En sí, esta Constitución es un proyecto de vida en común, que debe materializarse sobre bases de libertad, igualdad y equidades, en armonía con la Naturaleza, para construir el Buen Vivir o Sumak Kawsay.

Kituo cha Katiba


KcK addresses the problem of governments in East Africa not respecting their constitutions, which leads to gross human rights violations, marginalisation, oppression, civil strife and coups. As a think tank, KcK provides critical and up to date information to East Africans on constitutionalism, good governance and democratic development.

Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (México)

La Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación es el Máximo Tribunal Constitucional del país y cabeza del Poder Judicial de la Federación. Tiene entre sus responsabilidades defender el orden establecido por la Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos; mantener el equilibrio entre los distintos Poderes y ámbitos de gobierno, a través de las resoluciones judiciales que emite; además de solucionar, de manera definitiva, asuntos que son de gran importancia para la sociedad.

Projecto de Gestão de Terras no Planalto Central de Angola

The project “Strengthened capacity for improved governance of land tenure and natural resources by local government in partnership with Non State Actors in the Central Highlands of Angola” is an initiative funded by the European Union, and implemented by the NGOs World Vision Angola, and Development Workshop, under the leadership of the Ministério da Administração do Território (MAT), and Provincial and Municipal Governments.

Avocats Sans Frontières


ASF serves the most vulnerable people waiting for justice

ASF intervenes in countries where human rights are not respected, where political violence and armed conflict reign, and where legal rules are flouted.  Justice in those countries, too often arbitrary, does not guarantee the security of the population.  Conflicts are not satisfactorily resolved before the local courts.  People whose rights have been abused tend to resort to vigilante justice, which evolves into the law of the strongest or richest, and contributes to a climate of violence.

Advocates for Natural Resources and Development


We are a nonprofit group of researchers activists, organizers, and lawyers with expertise in human rights, environmental governance, corporate and government accountability. Our small team of activists work tirelessly and relentlessly in Uganda to extend legal services to the very poor and to preserve our natural resources.

We also network with a fantastic broad network of part-time and volunteer members on the ground whose dedication to our cause is crucial to our operations.

Research Foundation for Governance in India


Research Foundation for Governance: in India (RFGI) is an Ahmedabad-based think-tank that aims to research, promote, and implement various reforms to improve the legal and political process in Gujarat and across India. The organization conducts research on key issues in law and governance and hosts public events in order to raise awareness, particularly among the youth who are often disengaged from the democratic process. RFGI also acts as a consultant in the implementation and development of Government reforms.

Global Online Access to Legal Information


GOALI - Global Online Access to Legal Information is a new programme providing free or low-cost online access to legal research and training in the developing world.

What is available?

  • Academic and professional peer-reviewed journals, publications and databases in selected subject areas of law from the world's leading academic publishers.

Who can access GOALI?

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