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Issuesderecho agrarioLandLibrary Resource
There are 3, 873 content items of different types and languages related to derecho agrario on the Land Portal.

derecho agrario


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Climate Change Mitigation and Low-Carbon Economy Act, 2016 (S.O. 2016, c. 7).

Diciembre, 2015

Recognizing the critical environmental and economic challenge of climate change that is facing the global community, the purpose of this Act is to create a regulatory scheme, a) to reduce greenhouse gas in order to respond to climate change, to protect the environment and to assist Ontarians to transition to a low-carbon economy; and b) to enable Ontario to collaborate and coordinate its actions with similar actions in other jurisdictions in order to ensure the efficacy of its regulatory scheme in the context of a broader international effort to respond to climate change.

Planning Act 2016.

Mayo, 2016

This Act, consisting of 231 sections divided into eight Chapters and completed by two Schedules, aims to establish an efficient, effective, transparent, integrated, coordinated, and accountable system of land use planning (planning), development assessment and related matters that facilitates the achievement of ecological sustainability.

Ley Orgánica de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales.

Marzo, 2016

La presente Ley Orgánica de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales, tiene por objeto normar el uso y acceso a la propiedad de la tierra rural, el derecho a la propiedad de la misma que deberá cumplir la función social y la función ambiental. Regula la posesión, la propiedad, la administración y redistribución de la tierra rural como factor de producción para garantizar la soberanía alimentaria, mejorar la productividad, propiciar un ambiente sustentable y equilibrado, y otorgar seguridad jurídica a los titulares de derechos.

Loi-cadre nº 94-018 relative à l'environnement.

Junio, 1994

Cette loi porte régime de base en matière d'environnement. Elle vise, notamment, à: préserver la diversité et l'intégrité de l'environnement; créer les conditions d'une utilisation quantitativement et qualitativement durable des ressources naturelles; garantir à tous les citoyens un cadre de vie écologiquement sain et équilibré. Les citoyens sont tenus à participer collectivement pour la sauvegarde de l'environnement.

Loi n° 2015- 051 du 03 février 2016 portant Orientation de l’Aménagement du Territoire.

Febrero, 2016

La présente loi fixe le cadre juridique général de l’aménagement du territoire national dans une perspective de développement durable à l’échelle, nationale, provinciale, régionale et communale. Il peut également s’effectuer entre deux ou plusieurs Collectivités territoriales décentralisées. Elle en définit notamment les principes directeurs, les objectifs, les différents outils et les moyens de mise en œuvre en conformité avec les orientations formulées dans la politique nationale de l’aménagement du territoire.

Land Consolidation Act.

Julio, 1953

The present Act lays down provisions relating to land consolidation. Article 1 establishes that to improve production, working conditions in agriculture and forestry, as well as to improve general land use planning and land development, owned land may be consolidated. This is executed by means of official procedures within a certain area with the participation of the totality of land owners and competent authorities. The implementation of land consolidation shall be given top priority by the Länder. Accordingly, they shall appoint the competent organs.

Environment Protection Act.

Junio, 2014

An Act for the prevention of pollution, the conservation of a varied ecological system, for the promotion of involvement of the public in environmental protection and to provide for ecologically sustainable use of resources and the assessment of effects of economic activities on the environment.

National Irrigation Act, 2013 (No. 5 of 2013).

Octubre, 2013

This Act makes provision with respect to the management, use and maintenance of irrigation systems. It establishes the National Irrigation Commission and defines its functions and powers. The Commission is established as a body corporate and shall be an independent department of the Government under the Ministry responsible for irrigation. The Commission shall be responsible for coordination, promotional and regulatory functions in the development of the irrigation sector.

Coast Management Act.

Marzo, 2009
República de Corea

The purpose of this Act is to prescribe necessary matters concerning the efficient preservation, use, and development of coasts, thereby contributing to enhancing the preservation of the coastal environment, facilitating the sustainable development of coasts, and creating pleasant and affluent coasts as the basis for people's lives. In particular, the State and local governments shall formulate policies necessary to preserve, use and develop coasts in a sustainable manner.

Land Use Planning Act.

Diciembre, 2008

The main aim of the present Act is to ensure that the entire territory of the Federal Republic of Germany and the related regions shall be developed, organized and protected by general regional plans. In so doing 1) differing requirements shall be harmonized and related conflicts shall be solved at local planning level; 2) provisions shall be made regarding specific activities and individual land uses.

Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.

Noviembre, 2016

The purpose of this Act is to maintain a healthy, productive and resilient environment for the greatest well-being of the community, now and into the future, consistent with the principles of ecologically sustainable development (described in section 6 (2) of the Protection of the Environment Administration Act 1991), and in particular: a) to conserve biodiversity at bioregional and State scales; b) to maintain the diversity and quality of ecosystems and enhance their capacity to adapt to change and provide for the needs of future generations; c) to improve, share and use knowledge, includi