Política agraria related Blog post | Land Portal
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Política agraria

land policy

Land policy is the set of intentions embodied in various policy instruments that are adopted by the state to organise land tenure and land use.

Source: FAO, 2003

Mostrando 1 - 12 de 22
2 Agosto 2023
América Latina y el Caribe
América del Sur

Desde hace varios años, en el marco de los actos por del Día de la Reforma Agraria, cada 2 de agosto es aprovechado desde el Estado y otras instancias para recalcar los avances del saneamiento de tierras que se sigue ejecutando en el país (proceso que aún no concluye a pesar de que ya van más de dos décadas desde su inicio), haciendo hincapié en los millones de hectáreas saneadas, los miles de beneficiarios y los porcentajes de avance a nivel nacional y departamental. Sin embargo, la agregación de cifras y las descripciones generalizantes que caracterizan normalmente este tipo de información ocultan realidades importantes que vale la pena destacar.

Towards a Global Land Agenda
4 Julio 2023
Ward Anseeuw

In a world grappling with numerous challenges related to climate change, socio-economic issues, and migration, the significance of land cannot be overstated. Land is not just a concern for the land community but for all communities, as it holds the potential to address critical global issues. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive approach to land governance, a global land agenda is being proposed. This blog explores the origins, objectives, and actions required to pave the way for effective land governance on a global scale.

A rural homestead in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Collart Hervé/Sygma via Getty Images
22 Junio 2021
Prof. Ben Cousins

By Ben Cousins, Emeritus Professor, Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), University of the Western Cape

* This article originally appeared in the The Conversation on 22 June 2021

Benguela, Angola, october 2007_photo by Carlos Ebert_FLICKR creative commons
6 Agosto 2021
Allan Cain
África austral


By Allan Cain, Development Workshop Angola

* This article was originally published as part of the online discussion on customary law in Southern Africa

Does Indonesia really need a land bank?
27 Julio 2021
30 Julio 2021
Mike Powell

In recent years, the on-line discovery and exchange of information has become ever more pronounced. Digitisation has also led to an explosion in the volume of available material. Making this work for land governance and ensuring that new inequalities or exclusions are not unintended outcomes of the process are also key aims of the Land Portal.

27 Julio 2021
Eron Bloomgarden
  • The climate crisis cannot be solved without ending tropical deforestation, which increased by 12% between 2019 and 2020.
  • A jurisdictional approach to forest protection enables governments to drive systemic change at a national level while supporting local and private efforts.
  • Here are five key reasons why this approach should be central to corporate climate strategies.
16 Julio 2021
Dr. Agnes M. Kalibata
Dr. Michael Taylor

Our food systems are in urgent need of transformation, as humanity faces one of our biggest challenges yet; feeding a future population of 10 billion people with safe and nutritious food while keeping a healthy planet. Our food system has the power to tip the scales and transform the future of our planet and humankind.

Land and compensation in Zimbabwe: frequently asked questions
23 Noviembre 2020
Prof. Ian Scoones

The debate about compensation of former white farmers in Zimbabwe continues to rage. The compensation agreement signed in July agreed a total amount of US$3.5 billion to pay for ‘improvements’ to the land that was expropriated. After 20 years of discussion, this was a major step forward. However, there seem to be multiple positions on the agreement and little consensus, along with much misunderstanding. However, some things are happening, and a joint resource mobilisation committee has been established with technical support from the World Bank and others.

29 Diciembre 2020

La capital se mantiene como epicentro de las protestas contra la supresión del precio mínimo de los cereales


Jordi Joan Banos


17 Diciembre 2020

Por: Víctor M. Quintana S.




Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies

The primary purpose of the journal is to promote publications of original research related to the Malaysian economy. It is also designed to serve as an outlet for studies on the South-east Asian countries and the Asian region. The journal also considers high-quality works related to other regions that provide relevant policy lessons to Malaysia. The journal is receptive to papers in all areas of economics. We encourage specifically contributions on all range of economic topics of an applied or policy nature.

Afghanistan Analysts Network


he Afghanistan Analysts Network (AAN) is an independent non-profit policy research organisation. It aims to bring together the knowledge, experience and drive of a researchers, analysts and experts to better inform policy and to increase the understanding of Afghan realities. It is driven by engagement and curiosity and is committed to producing analysis on Afghanistan and its region, which is independent, of high quality and research-based. We are committed to be bi-taraf but not bi-tafawut – impartial, but not indifferent.

Afghanistan Legal Education Project

The Afghanistan Legal Education Project (ALEP) was founded in 2007 as a student-driven initiative under Stanford Law School’s Rule of Law Program. Since then, ALEP has published eight textbooks about Afghan law for Afghan audiences, and has an additional four forthcoming. In 2017, ALEP received a $3 million grant from the U.S. Department of State, to help ALEP continue its textbook-writing capabilities and support the BA-LLB (Bachelor of Arts and Law) degree program at the American University of Afghanistan.

Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit

The Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU) is a Kabul-based independent research think tank established in 2002 with the assistance of the international community in Afghanistan. AREU’s mission is to inform policy and practice by conducting high-quality, evidence-based research and actively disseminating the results, and to promote a culture of research and learning.

Africa Public Service Delivery & Performance Review logo

Africa’s Public Service Delivery & Performance Review (APSDPR) is a journal in the niche area of Public Service Monitoring and Evaluation. The journal is a peer reviewed journal, aimed at the promotion and sharing of knowledge, skills and innovations in government and the wider Public Sector environment in South Africa and abroad.

Creación de la Agencia Nacional de Tierras

El 7 de diciembre de 2015 fue expedido el Decreto 2363 “Por el cual se crea la Agencia Nacional de Tierras, ANT, y se fija su objeto y estructura”, en un esfuerzo del Gobierno nacional para consolidar la nueva institucionalidad que responderá a los retos del posconflicto en lo concerniente al desarrollo del campo y la implementación de los acuerdos suscritos en el marco del proceso de paz.

Así, en el Decreto quedó consignado el objetivo fundamental de esta Agencia, la máxima autoridad de tierras del Estado:

Agribank is a State-Owned Enterprise with the mandate to promote the growth and development of agriculture through affordable and innovative financing. Agribank has been operating in Namibia for over 25 years.

Agribank Act No. 5/2003, as amended, provide the legal framework for regulating the business of the bank and to expand the business operations to be responsive to the changing environment. The Act mandates Agribank to advance money to persons or financial intermediaries to promote agriculture and activities related to agriculture.

Our Mission

AidData is a research lab at William & Mary's Global Research Institute. We equip policymakers and practitioners with better evidence to improve how sustainable development investments are targeted, monitored, and evaluated. We use rigorous methods, cutting-edge tools, and granular data to answer the question: who is doing what, where, for whom, and to what effect?

Area Development and Policy

Area Development and Policy (ADP) aims to be a world class journal publishing original academic research examining the economic, political, cultural and geographical contexts which play a fundamental role in shaping and developing regions, cities, rural areas and the relationships between them. ADP concentrates on issues relating to the Greater BRICS and welcomes submissions emerging from these countries as well from the developed world.

Asia Survey

The only academic journal of its kind produced in the United States, Asian Survey provides a comprehensive retrospective of contemporary international relations within South, Southeast, and East Asian nations. As the Asian community’s matrix of activities becomes increasingly complex, it is essential to have a sourcebook for sound analysis of current events, governmental policies, socio-economic development, and financial institutions. In Asian Survey you’ll find that sourcebook.

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