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Ley Nº 6/2009 - Medidas urgentes en materia de ordenación territorial para la dinamización sectorial y la ordenación del turismo.

Europa meridional

La presente Ley establece medidas urgentes en materia de ordenación territorial para la dinamización sectorial y la ordenación del turismo, con el objetivo de abordar lod principios del marco en el que el turismo, principal actividad económica del archipiélago, deba desarrollarse en los próximos años, garantizando la sostenibilidad de su ocupación territorial y la fortaleza de su competitividad.

Environment Protection and Management Law.

África occidental

The Act consists of 115 sections divided into 13 Parts: Preliminary (I); General principles and objectives (II); Environmental impact assessment, audit and monitoring (III); Environmental quality standards (IV); Pollution control and licensing (V); Guidelines and standards for the management of the environment and natural resources (VI); Protection of biodiversity, natural heritage and the ozone layer (VII); Environmental restoration Order (VIII); Inspection, analysis and records (IX); International obligations (X); Information, access, education and public awareness (XI); Offences (XII); M

Coast Conservation Act 1988.

Islas Marshall

The administration, control, custody and management of the Coastal Zone, and the general administration and implementation of the provisions of this Act are hereby vested in the National Environmental Protection Authority. "Coastal Zone" means the area laying within a limit of twenty five (25) feet landwards of the mean high water line and a limit of two hundred feet seawards of the mean low water line. The Authority shall appoint a Director of Coast Conservation.

Prevention of Floods Act.


This Act makes provision for measures for the prevention of floods in Barbados. The Minister may by Order declare any area to be a flood area. The Chief Technical Officer may from time to time prepare plans for the approval of the Minister for the execution of flood works in any flood area, having regard to the coastal zone management plan referred to under the Coastal Zone Management Act. When the plans have been approved, written notice thereof shall be given to any person whose land, premises, plants, trees or growing crops may be affected by such flood works.

Foreshore and Seabed Endowment Revesting Act (No. 103 of 1991).

Nueva Zelandia

The principal aim of this Act is to revoke certain endowments of foreshore and seabed so as to revest them in the Crown. In particular, it applies to land formerly, and at the date of commencement of this Act, alienated from the Crown and vested in Harbour Boards or local authorities as well as land that has been reclaimed from the sea unlawfully (sect. 4). The "foreshore" is defined as such parts of the bed, shore, or banks of the sea or river as are covered and uncovered by the flow and ebb of the tide at mean spring tides.

Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Amendment Act, 2014 (No. 36 of 2014).

África austral

This Act amends the Integrated Coastal Management Act, 2008 with respect to a wide variety of matters including composition coastal public property, access fees, purposes for which coastal public property is established, reclamation of land by public authorities for state infrastructure and other purposes, the declaration of state-owned land as coastal public property, establishment of coastal management lines for protection purposes, award of coastal use permits on coastal public property and unlawful structures on coastal public property.

An Act to restrict the leases of public agricultural land to the resident citizens of the CNMI and of the U.S., and to similarly restrict the use of publicly owned marine and wetlands areas that come under agricultural, aquacultural, or maricultural de...

Islas Marianas del Norte

This Act restricts the use of public lands set aside for agricultural purposes to citizens of the Northern Mariana Islands and US nationals so as to prevent large-scale commercial exploitation of such lands which are scarce.Such lands as are leased or its use is permitted in accordance with the provisions of this Act and shall be developed in accordance with their most appropriate use or uses, i.e. either agricultural, aquacultural, maricultural, or animal husbandry.

Decreto Nº 45 - Reglamenta la Ley Nº 80, sobre derechos posesorios y titulación de predios en las zonas costeras.

América central

El presente Decreto aprueba el Reglamento de la Ley que reconoce los derechos posesorios y regula la titulación de predios en las zonas costeras y el territorio insular, que tiene como objetivo establecer el conjunto de normas y procedimientos con el propósito de cumplir las acciones de reconocimiento de derechos posesorios y la titulación de predios ubicados dentro de los bienes patrimoniales de la nación, tierras baldías nacionales, zona costera y territorio insular.

Port Authority Act (Cap. 7.09)


This Act establishes the Port Authority for Montserrat and defines its functions and powers. The Act also makes provision with respect to compulsory acquisition of land by the Authority and defines certain rules applying to port operations and navigation in ports. Some provisions concern the storage of perishable goods. The Governor may with the advice of the Authority, make Regulations generally for the conveyance, loading, discharging and storage of dangerous goods within the limits of a port.

Implemented by: Port Authority Regulations (Cap. 7.09) (2002-01-01)

Decreto Nº 35.509/J - Reglamento de organización del Registro Inmobiliario.

Costa Rica
América central

El presente Decreto aprueba el Reglamento de organización del Registro Inmobiliario, que es el órgano del Registro Nacional que integra las funciones catastrales y registrales inmobiliarias, respetando el principio de especialidad de cada área.

Implementa: Ley Nº 8710 - Modifica la Ley Nº 5695, que crea el Registro Nacional y la Ley Nº 6545, Ley del catastro nacional. (2009-02-03)
Enmienda: Decreto Nº 26.771/J - Reglamento del Registro Público. (1998-02-18)

Programme d'Action National de Lutte Contre la Dégradation des Terres.

National Policies
África oriental

Le PAN, contrairement aux autres programmes antérieurs de lutte contre la dégradation des terres, présente une tonalité originale découlant, d’une part, de son caractère d’instrument de mise en œuvre d’un accord international et, d’autre part, des principes directeurs qui sous-tendront le processus de sa mise en œuvre à savoir le partenariat, la participation effective de tous les acteurs et l’appréhension du problème de dégradation des terres dans son ensemble.Son objectif global est de contribuer au processus de développement durable du pays à travers le renforcement des capacités nationa

Foreshore and Seabed Endowment Revesting Amendment Act (No. 113 of 1994).

Nueva Zelandia

This Act inserts a new section 9A to the principal Act endowing in the Crown all land that is (i) foreshore and seabed within the coastal marine area (within the meaning of the Resource Management Act 1991); or (ii) was foreshore, seabed or both, within the coastal marine area (within the meaning of that Act) on the 1st day of October 1991, and has been reclaimed (whether lawfully or otherwise) on or after that date and which is for the time being vested in the Crown, but not set aside for any public purpose or owned by anybody.