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IssuesAgencias de desarrolloLandLibrary Resource
There are 652 content items of different types and languages related to Agencias de desarrollo on the Land Portal.
Displaying 133 - 144 of 351

La financiación internacional de la silvicultura

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre, 1986

El presente nmero de Unasylva refleja en cierto modo el Plan de accin forestal en los trpicos, ya que sus principales artculos se refieren a las inversiones internacionales en el sector forestal (S.E. McGaughey), y a cuestiones relacionadas con tres importantes programas del Plan: lea y energa (G. Foley); ordenacin de cuencas hidrogrficas, que es una seccin del programa sobre la funcin de la silvicultura en el aprovechamiento de la tierra (U. Chanphaka); e industrias forestales (T.M. Maloney).

仝毖谄谏 70 年 (1945 年-2015 年)

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre, 2015


Formulação de um Programa para a implementação da Convenção das Nações Unidas de Combate a Desertificação (UNCCD) nos países da CPLP

Manuals & Guidelines
Abril, 2009

A localização geográfica de Moçambique nos trópicos e subtrópicos, faz com que ele seja vulnerável a eventos extremos de origem meteorológica tais como secas, cheias e ciclones tropicais e de origem geológica como é o caso de sismos e tsunamis. Dentre as diversas zonas do país, as áridas, semi-áridas e sub-húmidas secas são as mais vulneráveis, devido à degradação da terra caracterizada por perda persistente de productividade de vegetação, solos e pastagens e exacerbada pelo seu uso inapropriado (UNDP, 1992). As regiões sul e parte do centro do país são as mais afectadas pela seca.

Resistance and Contingent Contestations to Large-Scale Land Concessions in Southern Laos and Northeastern Cambodia

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2017

Over the last decade, there have been considerable concerns raised regarding the social and environmental impacts of large-scale land concessions for plantation development in various parts of the world, especially in the tropics, including in Laos and Cambodia. However, there is still much to learn about the various connections and interactions associated with reactions to what are often referred to as “land grabs”, and the ways they are associated or not associated with broader social movements and networks opposed to land grabbing.

Estratégia e Plano de Ação de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional

Manuals & Guidelines
Agosto, 2007

A Estratégia de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (ESAN II) resulta da evolução da

ESAN I aprovada pelo Governo de Moçambique em 1998, através da Resolução Interna

16/98. A ESAN I foi elaborada na sequência da Cimeira Mundial de Alimentação

(CMA), realizada em Roma em 1996, quando os diversos países se comprometeram a

reduzir a fome para metade até 2015. Este objectivo coincide com o Objectivo número

um do Desenvolvimento do Milénio (ODM), aprovado na Cimeira do Milénio, em 2000.

FAO in emergencies: Conflicts

Policy Papers & Briefs
Institutional & promotional materials
Febrero, 2013

Conflict is a major cause and, in some cases, result of humanitarian crises. Conflict frequently overlaps with underlying social inequalities, poverty and high levels of vulnerability. Conflicts are direct threats to food security as they cause massive loss of life and therefore loss of workforce (which is particularly important as agriculture tends to rely heavily on human labour), loss of vital livestock, and loss of land.

Toolkit and Guidance for Preventing and managing Land and Natural Resources Conflict - Land and Conflcit

Manuals & Guidelines
Training Resources & Tools
Noviembre, 2002

This guidance note provides a framework for understanding and addressing land and natural resource-related grievances and conflicts through a holistic, systematic approach. While the main emphasis is on violent conflict, it may also be useful in a variety of other situations characterized by significant land-related grievances, but which are not currently or openly violent. It is intended for staff of multilateral organisations, national and local governments, and civil society organisations.

The State of Food and Agriculture: Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2016

The Paris Agreement, adopted in December 2015, represents a new beginning in the global effort to stabilize the climate before it is too late. It recognizes the importance of food security in the international response to climate change, as reflected by many countries focusing prominently on the agriculture sector in their planned contributions to adaptation and mitigation. To help put those plans into action, this report identifies strategies, financing opportunities, and data and information needs.

Climate Change 2014 Synthesis Report

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2015

This document is the result of coordinated and carefully connected cross Working Group efforts to ensure coherent and comprehensive information on various aspects related to climate change. This SYR includes a consistent evaluation and assessment of uncertainties and risks; integrated costing and economic analysis; regional aspects; changes, impacts and responses related to water and earth systems, the carbon cycle including ocean acidification, cryosphere and sea level rise; as well as treatment of mitigation and adaptation options within the framework of sustainable development.

Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2014

Climate change impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability span a vast range of topics.With the deepening of knowledge about climate change, we see connections in expanding and diverse areas, activities, and assets at risk. Early research focused on direct impacts of temperature and rainfall on humans, crops, and wild plants and animals. New evidence points to the importance of understanding not only these direct impacts but also potential indirect impacts, including impacts that can be transmitted around the world through trade, travel, and security.

‘Control Grabbing’ and small-scale agricultural intensification: emerging patterns of state-facilitated ‘agricultural investment’ in Rwanda

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

The Rwandan government's ongoing reconfiguration of the agricultural sector seeks to facilitate increased penetration of smallholder farming systems by domestic and international capital, which may include some land acquisition (‘land grabbing’) as well as contract farming arrangements. Such contracts are arranged by the state, which sometimes uses coercive mechanisms and interventionist strategies to encourage agricultural investment.