Decreto Supremo Nº 048/91/AG - Reglamento de la Ley de promoción de las inversiones en el sector agrario.
El presente Reglamento consta de 6 títulos, 163 artículos, 7 disposiciones complementarias y 2 transitorias.
El presente Reglamento consta de 6 títulos, 163 artículos, 7 disposiciones complementarias y 2 transitorias.
This Act provides for the use of public uncultivated lands. It consists of 42 articles specifying the requirements to be met in order to exploit these lands, establishing the conditions for land expropriation, concession, use, etc. It lays down duties, competencies and composition of national administration responsible for the management of these lands, fees to be paid, land lease, etc.
Repealed by: Law No. 75/2017 establishing the regime on uncultivated lands and other community productive lands. (2017-08-17)
The Regulation is made under the Land Proclamation No. 58/1994. It sets out the procedure for the allocation and administration of land and applies to all types of urban and rural land. Land shall be allocated for tiesa, agricultural usufruct or leasehold, on the basis of a master plan. To ensure these rights, right holders shall be given an allocation certificate or lease agreement. To prevent allocation of land to holders with the sole aim of holding land idle, the size of land to be allocated shall be proportionate to the planned aim (art. 3(4)).
Ce dahir prévoit la possibilité de transfert à l'Etat des propriétés agricoles ou à vocation agricole constituées en habous publics, situées en totalité ou en partie à l'intérieur des périmètres d'irrigation et qui pourraient être redistribuées aux agriculteurs.
Ce dahir porte réglementation relative aux coopératives agricoles d'attributaires de lots domaniaux et/ou d'attributaires de lots constitués sur d'anciens immeubles collectifs. Il porte dispositions relatives aux membres, à l'objet, à l'organisation, au capital et au contrôle de l'Etat sur ces coopératives.
Mis en oeuvre par: Décret n° 2-72-555 du 23 kaada 1392 (30 décembre 1972) portant approbation des Statuts-Type des coopératives agricoles d'attributaires de lots domaniaux et/ou d'attributaires de lots constitués sur d'anciens immeubles collectifs. (1972-12-30)
Ce dahir définit les modalités selon lesquelles seront stabilisés des immeubles collectifs afin de favoriser une mise en valeur intensive des périmètres d'irrigation. Ces immeubles sont considérés comme appartenant dans l'indivision aux ayants droit ayant cette qualité au moment de publication de ce dahir et un mode particulier de dévolution successorale est institué afin de ne pas augmenter le nombre des indivisaires. Au même fin, les cessions de parts indivises ne peuvent avoir lieu qu'au profit d'un indivisaire.
This Act, consisting of 15 sections and one Schedule, provides for certain endowments of dry harbour land to be revested in the Crown or reserved for certain purposes, and to amend certain enactments. Section 4 empowers the Governor-General to declare specified lands vested in local authorities to be revested in the Crown for purpose of conservation (under the Conservation Act 1987), or for the purpose of creating reserves under the Reserves Act 1977.
This Act governs the alienation, development, classification and leasing of Crown lands and is divided into 13 Parts and 2 Schedules as follows: General administration (I); Surveys (II); Purchase and development of land (III); Classification and alienation of Crown land (IV); Leases and licences (V); Advances to Crown tenants (VI); Acquisition of fee simple and modification of existing leases and licences (VII); Renewals of renewable leases (VIII); Remissions, revaluations, forfeitures (IX); Servicemen and discharged servicemen (X); Licences for timber, flax, minerals and other purposes (XI
El presente Reglamento, que consta de 6 capítulos y 54 artículos, regulará los procedimientos para la adjudicación de los arrendamientos de tierras en reserva nacional bajo jurisdicción del Instituto de Desarrollo Agrario.
This Act, consisting of 5 Parts and three Schedules, provides for the following aspects of forestry assets: management of the Crown’s forest assets; the transfer of those assets while at the same time protecting the claims of Maori under the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975; in the case of successful claims by Maori under that Act, the transfer of Crown forest land to Maori ownership and for payment by the Crown to Maori of compensation; and other incidental matters.It is divided into the following Parts: Crown forest land (I); Crown forestry assets and Crown forestry licences (II); Return of Cr
The Act contains a list of certain areas to be proclaimed as Crown lands. The Proclamation of said areas as Crown lands shall not affect any concession, lease, servitude or other right existing in respect of the said areas at the date set out in the third column of the Schedule to this Act and not vested in the Crown.
The Minister may dispose of Crown lands by grant, sale, lease or otherwise in such manner and on such conditions as he may deem advisable, and may grant any Crown land in exchange for any other land or interest therein. All rights to precious or base metals, precious stones, minerals or mineral products shall be excluded from the grant, sale, lease or other disposal of Crown lands.