El estado de los bosques del mundo 2016: Folleto
Folleto promocional del informe sobre la situación de los bosques del mundo 2016.
Folleto promocional del informe sobre la situación de los bosques del mundo 2016.
Ce numro d'Unasylva commmore les 50 ans d'exprience et d'engagement de la FAO en faveur du dveloppement international de la foresterie. Malgr un thme rtrospectif, ce numro est nettement orient vers l'avenir. Les articles rdigs par des responsables du Dpartement des forts sont consacrs aux principaux problmes qui se posent aujourd'hui en matire de foresterie mondiale et aux dfis qu'il faudra relever. Ils tirent aussi les enseignements de l'exprience passe.
Document de travail sur les régimes fonciers 19. Ce rapport a été écrit faisant partie du processus global de consultation et d’élaboration des Directives Volontaires et vise à contribuer à la préparation subséquente du Guide Technique pour le Genre. Le rapport contextualise et définit le genre dans le cadre des Directives Volontaires, explique ce que signifie gouvernance foncière d’une prospective genre et identifie et analyse les principaux thèmes et questions.
This volume is one of the products the project generated to meet these expanded expectations. At the time this volume was published these guidelines had been successfully employed in six municipalities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The experience in each of these municipalities has been unique, but that was an expected result in light of the first three goals listed in the previous paragraph. However, the most important outcome of all is that the process is continuing in all six of these municipalities.
This publication explores various aspects of the interface between water rights and land tenure. It is intended to synthetize and assess current learning on this topic, to define salient issues and to propose fruitful approaches for further investigation.
Meeting Name: European Commission on Agriculture
Meeting symbol/code: ECA/32/02/2
Session: Sess. 32
This issue of Unasylva considers some of the issues related to forest-dwelling and forest-dependent people, and particularly their role in and relationship to sustainable forest management.
Unprecedented pressures on land have been created as new areas are cultivated, taken over by expanding urban centres or are abandoned due to degradation, climate change and conflict. These developments have strained the rules, processes and institutions that determine which land resources are used, by whom, for how long and under what conditions.
The banner will be used at the FO publication exhibit at the Committee on World Food Security 43rd Session Information MarketPlace (FAO HQ, 17–21 October 2016).