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Tierras agrícolas


Displaying 85 - 96 of 3329

Land Proclamation (No. 58/1994).

África oriental

This Proclamation introduces a general land reform in Eritrea by formulating new rules respecting land tenure and land use. The text of the Proclamation consists of a Preamble and 59 articles which are divided into 5 sections: Section One defines terms such as "usufruct", "system of land tenure" and "land administrative body".The main set of rules relative to landownership and land tenure can be found in section Two. This Section (arts.

Decree-Law No. 98/91 of 24 August 1991 establishing Law Courts' jurisdiction for matters relating to usufruct, lease or joint lease of rural lands, or portions of them.

Cabo Verde
África occidental

This Decree-Law establishes that matters concerning usufruct, lease or joint lease of rural lands, or portions of them, are under the Law Courts' jurisdiction (art. 1). This Decree-Law deals with cases in which a tenant, or usufructuary, has been evicted. It establishes defences which can be presented (with or without legal representation) to the local Law Court, according to the Civil Code (art. 2). The evicted tenant may request the temporary return of the land in compliance with arts. 393-395 of the Civil Code (art. 3).

Act No. 9/II/82 on the Agricultural Reform.

Cabo Verde
África occidental

This Act establishes the general bases of the Agricultural Reform. The first part deals with a historical view of Cape Verdean life illustrating the different and traditional ways of exploiting agriculture, livestock and all other resources. The Act establishes the bases for the organization and accomplishment of the agricultural reform.

Decree-Law No. 39/83 regulating land expropriation procedures, in compliance with the Agricultural Reform.

Cabo Verde
África occidental

This Decree-Law regulates land expropriation procedures, in compliance with article 75, paragraph 1, point (f) of the Constitution. Article 3 deals with requests for land expropriation, documents needed, and other requirements. Expropriation requests (also non-written) should be notified to the competent Committee (as established in article 2 of the present Decree-Law), or to the Agricultural Reform Cabinet. The expropriation request must be registered in the "Expropriation Procedures Registration Book" after approval by the Ministry of Rural Development (art. 5).

Decree No. 41/83 establishing duties and competencies of Agricultural Reform Committees.

Cabo Verde
África occidental

In compliance with article 77 of the Constitution, this Decree creates an Agricultural Reform Committee for each local government council. This Decree is divided into 20 articles dealing with duties and competencies of such Committees and Sub-Committees. Administrative duties and competencies (arts. 3-7). Each Committee shall enjoy the administrative support of its own secretariat and may also benefit from technical experts' consultancy by requesting it to the National Council of Agricultural Reform (art. 8).

Decree No. 42/83 establishing, in compliance with Act No. 9/III/82 article 6, the priority of implementing the Agricultural Reform.

Cabo Verde
África occidental

This Decree, in compliance with article 6 of the Law on Agricultural Reform, and with article 77 of the Constitution, establishes certain priorities for the implementation of the Agricultural Reform: (a) concession of usufruct rights to farmers of agricultural lands belonging to the State, municipal and other public authorities; (b) expropriation and concession in usufruct of lands (or portions of them) to be expropriated (3 specific localities are specified in the text), etc.

Decision of 27 October 1983 approving the model form for land expropriation according to the Agricultural Reform.

Cabo Verde
África occidental

In compliance with Decree-Law No. 39/83 of 4 June 1983 (art. 3, para. 2) the Ministry of Rural Development approves the model form for land expropriation.

Implements: Decree-Law No. 39/83 regulating land expropriation procedures, in compliance with the Agricultural Reform. (1983-06-04)

Decision of 14 July 1978 establishing sub-leasing contracts for rural lands.

Cabo Verde
África occidental

In compliance with article 25 of Decree-Law No. 74/77, the Ministry of Rural Development establishes that when, in spite of a decision by the competent authorities (CCRA), the landowner refuses to convert sub-leasing and sharecropping contracts into leasing contracts, the authorization for such a conversion shall be granted by the president of the above-mentioned authorities.

Decree-Law No. 37-A/83 regulating compensation for expropriation procedures, in accordance with the Agricultural Reform.

Cabo Verde
África occidental

This Decree-Law regulates compensation for expropriation procedures under the Agricultural Reform, in compliance with article 1, paragraph 5 of Act No. 15/II/82 of 26 March 1982. This Decree establishes that the Government and the owner(s) of expropriated land are the parties interested in compensation procedures. The representative of the Government shall be a member of the Ministry of Rural Development. Article 4 sets forth methods for establishing compensation and the criteria for land improvements (with State incentives).

Decree-Law No. 38/83 regulating rural land leasing contracts.

Cabo Verde
África occidental

In compliance with Act No. 15/II/82 (art. 1, para. 5) of 26 March, and with article 75, paragraph 1, point (f) of the Constitution, the Government of Cape Verde regulates the rural leasing contracts for lands not subject to expropriation, according to the Agricultural Reform Act. It also regulates rural sharecropping and rural land leasing which remain temporarily in force in compliance with articles 9 and 23 of the aforementioned Act. This Decree-Law is divided into 9 chapters concerning conditions, terms and requirements for obtaining such leasing contracts.

Règlement grand-ducal déclarant obligatoire le plan d'aménagement global "Haff Réimech".

Europa occidental

Ce règlement déclare obligatoire le plan d'aménagement global "Haff-Réimech. Ce plan comprend parmi d'autres la zone protégée des réserves naturelles du "Baggerweieren" et la zone viticole et agricole. La première est destinée à garantir la protection d'espèces rares de la faune et de la flore et la dernière est destinée à l'exercice de la viticulture et de l'agriculture. En plus, tous les travaux viticoles et agricoles usuels peuvent y être exécutés. Le règlement comprend 17 articles.