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Issuesárea de tierraLandLibrary Resource
There are 285 content items of different types and languages related to área de tierra on the Land Portal.

área de tierra


Displaying 13 - 24 of 68

A indispensável terra africana para o aumento da riqueza dos pobres

Journal Articles & Books
Mayo, 2002

Este artigo junta-se aos esforços de muitos outros africanos, entendendo-se por pobreza não só os níveis de rendimento por dia por pessoa, mas também a pobreza como ausência de poder nas relações intra-familiares, entre estas e os demais actores e entre a sociedade no seu todo e os recursos naturais de que se dispõe no Continente Africano.

Desafios do Desenvolvimento Rural em Moçambique: Contributo Crítico com Debate de Postulados Básicos

Journal Articles & Books
Febrero, 2008

Quando do Ministério da Planificação e Desenvolvimento veio a solicitação para que apresentasse uma palestra sobre os desafios do desenvolvimento rural, foi-me dito que deveria usar uma abordagem que provocasse a reflexão e a discussão crítica. Evidentemente, sem que eu próprio reflectisse criticamente sobre os desafios do desenvolvimento rural estaria incapaz de ajudar quem quer que fosse a fazer o mesmo. Lancei-me, então, na tarefa de construir um quadro analítico provocador e crítico que servisse para construir esta conversa. É este raciocínio que aqui pretendo apresentar.

Criando capacidades para o desenvolvimento: o género no acesso aos recursos produtivos no meio rural em Moçambique

Journal Articles & Books
Febrero, 2017

Moçambique é um país repleto de instrumentos – políticas, estratégias, pacotes legislativos – para o desenvolvimento. O combate à pobreza, a desigualdade de género, o desenvolvimento rural, entre outros, são temas tratados nesse leque de instrumentos orientadores. Este trabalho tem como objectivo discutir a integração da mulher camponesa no processo de desenvolvimento rural, tendo em consideração as constantes preocupações com a equidade de género.

Land laws amendment bills: a practitioner’s perspective on the land bills

Journal Articles & Books
Agosto, 2014

The first set of the land laws were enacted in 2012 in line with the timelines outlined in the Constitution of Kenya 2010. In keeping with the spirit of the constitution, the Land Act, Land Registration Act and the national Land Commission Act respond to the requirements of Articles 60, 61, 62, 67 & 68 of the Constitution. The National Land Policy, which was passed as Sessional Paper No. 3 of 2009, arrived earlier than the Constitution, with some radical proposals on the land Management.

Políticas Públicas e Desigualdades Sociais e Territoriais em Moçambique

Journal Articles & Books
Junio, 2016

As desigualdades de desenvolvimento e suas dinâmicas possuem razões políticas, económicas e sociais de longa duração. Estes factores influenciam os percursos históricos sobre as quais as políticas económicas e os poderes políticos procuram influenciar conjunturalmente sem que, na maioria dos casos, sejam efectivas mudanças fundamentais nas sociedades.
As desigualdades sociais e territoriais têm implicações sobre a estrutura e as dinâmicas do crescimento/desenvolvimento económico, sobre a estabilidade política e social e sobre a sustentabilidade ambiental, entre outros aspectos.

Measurement and analysis of small-scale convective storm rainfall variability

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 1995

For large-scale catchment hydrology, the crucial importance of a good estimate of spatial rainfall variability is generally admitted. However, the assumption of uniform rainfall is still applied for small areas, whether they are studied as individual catchments or represent an elementary area in a distributed model. To investigate the validity of this assumption, an experiment was conducted in a small catchment (4.4 ha) in the semiarid USDA-ARS Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed.


Journal Articles & Books
Mayo, 2015

State cadastral assessment of agricultural lands conducts to determine their cadastral cost. Its results affect the interests of all land relation subjects. The main scope of the cadastral cost of lands’ use is creation of the basis for the taxation of lands. At present time, the newly formed cadastral assessment of lands is regulated by the methodological guidelines approved by the Economic Development and Trade Ministry of the Russian Federation on 12.08.2006, N 222.


Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2010

In connection with conception of Unitary System of Agricultural, Forest and Water Management, there was necessary to explain relations between stationary and dynamic elements of land area. Knowledge of symmetry of structure of springs of underground waters then led to further explanation of principles which enabled to define land area as a formation making up a hydrogeomorphologically closed system.

Biodiversity Indicators: UNECE & SDGs

Conference Papers & Reports
Octubre, 2016

Dr Tom Brooks, Head, Science and Knowledge International Union for Conservation of Nature UNECE, Committee on Environmental Policy, presentation on Biodiversity Indicators: UNECE and the SDGS at the 12th Session of the Joint Task Force on Environmental Statistics and Indicators, 17 November 2016.

Environmental and Social Policy and Procedures

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Abril, 2015
Asia occidental
África septentrional

The North Eastern Region (NER) in India is endowed with rich energy resources but faces significant bottlenecks in electricity access and availability levels. The per capita power consumption in NER is one-third of the national average. The region has a shortfall of about 500MW installed capacity against peak demand of about 1950 MW. No significant generation capacity has been added in the recent past. Therefore, inadequate power supply continues a critical constraint to sustainable growth and economic development in the NER.

Promoting Green Urban Development in African Cities

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Febrero, 2016
África austral
África subsahariana

The city of eThekwini or Durban has undergone a period of rapid urbanization that has contributed to the degradation of the city’s natural environment. Climate change is placing further strains on the city’s ability to manage the urban environment. The urban environmental profile of eThekwini has been prepared as the first component of the assignment promoting green urban development in Africa: enhancing the relationship between urbanization, environmental assets and ecosystem services, a project being conducted under the leadership of the World Bank.