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Irrigation Division "Leibadi-Apokofto" (Kaminaria Village) Regulations, 2000 (P.I. 130/2000).

Asia occidental

The Irrigation Division (Villages) Law (Cap. 342) empowers the District Officer to form Irrigation Divisions. The present Regulations provide for the operation and maintenance of irrigation works for the supply of water to the proprietors of land in the Irrigation Division “Leibadi-Apokofto”, Kaminaria Village, Region of Limmasol.

Irrigation Division "Monarka" (Zoopigi Village) Regulations, 2000 (P.I. 131/2000).

Asia occidental

The Irrigation Division (Villages) Law (Cap. 342) empowers the District Officer to form Irrigation Divisions. The present Regulations provide for the operation and maintenance of irrigation works for the supply of water to the proprietors of land in the Irrigation Division "Monarka", Zoopigi Village, Region of Limmasol.

Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act: Establishment of an Irrigation Improvement Scheme (G.N. R. 1487 of 1995).

África austral

This Notice, made by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture under section 8 of the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act, establishes an Irrigation Improvement Scheme. The objects of the Scheme shall be to prevent that the soil becomes waterlogged, to prevent salination of the soil, to utilise and protect water resources and to construct waterworks for those purposes, and to provide for payment of subsidies for such purposes. Subsidies may be paid to participants in the Scheme in respect to waterworks in the defined area as classified by this Notice.

Décret nº 94-265 portant création d'un périmètre public irrigué à Sidi-Shill - Sidi Ali J'Bini.

África septentrional

Ce décret porte création d'un périmètre public irrigué à Sidi-Shill - Sidi Ali J'Bini. Il fixe à 60 ha la limite de la superficie totale des parcelles appartenant à un même propriétaire. La contribution aux investissememnts publics effectués dans ce périmètre est fixée à 600 dinars par hectare irrigable. Le périmètre est classé dans les zones d'interdictions prévues par l'article 4 de la loi nº 83-87 relative à la protection des terres agricoles.

Ministerial Decree No. 85167/820 approving a Code of Good Agricultural Practice.

Europa meridional

This Code of Good Agricultural Practice addresses issues related to the protection of waters affected by nitrate pollution deriving from agricultural sources. It is divided into four Parts as follows: the first Part (A) concerns fertilizers and aims at assisting farmers in implementing friendly practices towards the environment in a way that income by their crops may be secured and also that the environment can be protected. In particular it aims at avoiding pollution of underground and surface waters from the accumulation of nitrates through water infiltration or surface runoff.

Décret n° 87-15 portant création de l'institut national des sols, de l'irrigation et du drainage (I.N.S.I.D.).

África septentrional

Le présent décret porte création de l'institut national des sols, de l'irrigation et du drainage (I.N.S.I.D.), chargé de procéder à l'inventaire des ressources en terres agricoles et mettre en oeuvre un programme d'actions d'aménagement en vue de leur mise en valeur et préservation.

Modifié par: Décret exécutif n° 09-311 modifiant et complétant le décret n° 87-15 portant création de l'institut national des sols, de l'irrigation et du drainage (I.N.S.I.D.). (2009-09-23)

Resolution of the Revolutionary Command Council promulgating the Law on the protection of agricultural land.

África septentrional

This Resolution is composed of 11 articles. Terms and definitions are contained in article 1. Disposal of agricultural land shall be used for agricultural utilizations or investment (art. 2). The construction of buildings on agricultural land shall be prohibited as well as the issuance of building licences on agricultural land unless for the construction of mosques, restaurants, rest-houses, groceries or fuel stations on public roads, public utilities, agricultural and industrial facilities and construction of buildings for the landlord and his employees (art. 3).

Lesotho Highlands Development Authority Order (No. 23 of 1986).

África austral

This Order establishes the Lesotho Highlands Development Authority as a body corporate and provides with respect to its functions, powers, administration and operation. The Act also concerns development of Lesotho Highlands and ancillary development matters such as water management and conservation, regulation of fisheries and protection of the environment.

Coffee (Cultivation and Processing) Rules.

África oriental

The Rules concern the growing, processing, purchase and marketing of coffee. They shall apply to all coffee growing in Kenya. Geographical restrictions are placed on the growing of (a type of) coffee. The Kenya Coffee Board, in granting licences under the Coffee Act, shall have regard to the potential benefits in terms of development that the granting of a licence may bring about.

Decreto Nº 126/992 - Créase la Comisión Nacional Honoraria de Conservación de Suelos y Aguas.

América del Sur

Mediante este Decreto se crea la Comisión Nacional Honoraria de Conservación de Suelos y Aguas, organismo de integración mixta cuya misión es concretar el esfuerzo privado y público en la conservación de los suelos y las aguas con fines agropecuarios.

Implementa: Ley Nº 15.239 - Declara de interés nacional el uso y la conservación de los suelos y de las aguas superficiales destinadas a fines agropecuarios. (1981-12-23)