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Decreto Nº 2.378/E - Programa de riego y recuperación de tierras degradadas.

South America

El presente Decreto crea el Programa de riego y recuperación de tierras degradadas, adscrito al Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería, que funcionará para la inversión del riego en comunidades indígenas campesinas y recuperación de sus tierras degradadas, como base de la seguridad alimentaria nacional.

Revocado por: Decreto Nº 3.609 - Programa de riego y recuperación de tierras degradadas (Libro III, Título XXI del Texto Unificado de la Legislación Secundaria del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería). (2011-07-26)

Decreto Supremo Nº 026/03/AG - Reglamento de la Ley Nº 26.505, en materia del otorgamiento de tierras eriazas.

South America

El presente Decreto Supremo reglamenta el ámbito de aplicación del otorgamiento mediante la venta directa de tierras eriazas, conforme a la 2ª disposición complementaria de la Ley Nº 26.505, modificada por la Ley Nº 27.887, para fines de pequeña agricultura y que se hará sobre tierras eriazas de dominio del Estado con aptitud agropecuaria ubicadas fuera del ámbito de los Proyectos Especiales Hidroenergéticos.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 117/99 approving the Regulation for the Land Planning of Albufeira de Maranhão.

Southern Europe

This Resolution of the Council of Ministers approves the Regulation for the Land Planning of Albufeira de Maranhão (POAM), located in the district of Avis. POAM regulates the activities to be performed within the aforementioned area, promoting irrigation and public water supply. It consists of 4 chapters divided as follows: General provisions (chap. 1); General provisions for land use and building purposes (chap. 2); Zoning (chap. 3); Other provisions (chap. 4).

Emergency Ordinance on Irrigation Water Users Associations (No. 147 of 1999).

Eastern Europe

This Ordinance establishes rules for the creation and functioning of associations of water users and defines the rights and obligations of such non-profit legal entities and their members.The text consists of 41 articles which are divided into 8 Chapters: General provisions (I); Establishment of Water Users' Associations (II); Operation of Water Users' Associations (III); Legal relations between the association and its members (IV); Books, records and control of the association (V); Ownership of irrigation infrastructure and servitude (VI); Dissolution, liquidation and merger of Association

Ministerial Decree No. 326 regarding licensing of some types of activity.

Eastern Europe

The Government decrees to validate the list of the Federal Executive Bodies authorized to issue licenses and the list of activities subject to licensing. The Federal Tax Service is authorized to license production, storage, delivery, import/export of ethyl alcohol, spirits and spirit-containing products for alimentary use, production and wholesale trade of tobacco products. The Ministry of Natural Resources is authorized to license well sinking and exploitation of waterworks.

Irrigation Division "Kato Akkros" (Agios Ioannis Village) Regulations, 2000 (P.I. 132/2000).

Western Asia

The Irrigation Division (Villages) Law (Cap. 342) empowers the District Officer to form Irrigation Divisions. The present Regulations provide for the operation and maintenance of irrigation works for the supply of water to the proprietors of land in the Irrigation Division "Kato Akkros", Agios Ioannis Village, Region of Limmasol.

Irrigation Division "Leibadi-Apokofto" (Kaminaria Village) Regulations, 2000 (P.I. 130/2000).

Western Asia

The Irrigation Division (Villages) Law (Cap. 342) empowers the District Officer to form Irrigation Divisions. The present Regulations provide for the operation and maintenance of irrigation works for the supply of water to the proprietors of land in the Irrigation Division “Leibadi-Apokofto”, Kaminaria Village, Region of Limmasol.

Irrigation Division "Monarka" (Zoopigi Village) Regulations, 2000 (P.I. 131/2000).

Western Asia

The Irrigation Division (Villages) Law (Cap. 342) empowers the District Officer to form Irrigation Divisions. The present Regulations provide for the operation and maintenance of irrigation works for the supply of water to the proprietors of land in the Irrigation Division "Monarka", Zoopigi Village, Region of Limmasol.

Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act: Establishment of an Irrigation Improvement Scheme (G.N. R. 1487 of 1995).

South Africa
Southern Africa

This Notice, made by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture under section 8 of the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act, establishes an Irrigation Improvement Scheme. The objects of the Scheme shall be to prevent that the soil becomes waterlogged, to prevent salination of the soil, to utilise and protect water resources and to construct waterworks for those purposes, and to provide for payment of subsidies for such purposes. Subsidies may be paid to participants in the Scheme in respect to waterworks in the defined area as classified by this Notice.

Décret nº 94-265 portant création d'un périmètre public irrigué à Sidi-Shill - Sidi Ali J'Bini.

Northern Africa

Ce décret porte création d'un périmètre public irrigué à Sidi-Shill - Sidi Ali J'Bini. Il fixe à 60 ha la limite de la superficie totale des parcelles appartenant à un même propriétaire. La contribution aux investissememnts publics effectués dans ce périmètre est fixée à 600 dinars par hectare irrigable. Le périmètre est classé dans les zones d'interdictions prévues par l'article 4 de la loi nº 83-87 relative à la protection des terres agricoles.

Ministerial Decree No. 85167/820 approving a Code of Good Agricultural Practice.

Southern Europe

This Code of Good Agricultural Practice addresses issues related to the protection of waters affected by nitrate pollution deriving from agricultural sources. It is divided into four Parts as follows: the first Part (A) concerns fertilizers and aims at assisting farmers in implementing friendly practices towards the environment in a way that income by their crops may be secured and also that the environment can be protected. In particular it aims at avoiding pollution of underground and surface waters from the accumulation of nitrates through water infiltration or surface runoff.