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Displaying 325 - 336 of 1452

Estate Crops More Attractive than Community Forests in West Kalimantan, Indonesia

Peer-reviewed publication
Marzo, 2017

Smallholder farmers and indigenous communities must cope with the opportunities and threats presented by rapidly spreading estate crops in the frontier of the agricultural market economy. Smallholder communities are subject to considerable speculation by outsiders, yet large-scale agriculture presents tradeoffs that they must navigate. We initiated a study in Sintang, West Kalimantan in 2012 and have returned annually for the last four years, building the baselines for a longer-term landscape approach to reconciling conservation and development tradeoffs in situ.

Will Biodiversity Be Conserved in Locally-Managed Forests?

Peer-reviewed publication
Marzo, 2017

Recent decades have seen a rapid movement towards decentralising forest rights and tenure to local communities and indigenous groups in both developing and developed nations. Attribution of local and community rights to forests appears to be gathering increasing momentum in many tropical developing countries. Greater local control of forest resources is a response to the failure of government agencies to exercise adequate stewardship over forests and to ensure that the values of all stakeholders are adequately protected.

Analysis of Vegetation Phytosociological Characteristics and Soil Physico-Chemical Conditions in Harishin Rangelands of Eastern Ethiopia

Peer-reviewed publication
Marzo, 2017

The objective of this study is to analyse the phytodiversity, distribution, herb biomass and physico-chemical conditions of the vegetation system in the context of communal continuous open grazing and enclosed grazing management practices in the Harishin rangelands of Eastern Ethiopia. A total of 58 herbaceous species and 11 woody species were recorded in the study area. Analysis of Importance Value Index for two management practices was represented by different combinations of species with varied dominance.

Hydrological Response to ~30 years of Agricultural Surface Water Management

Peer-reviewed publication
Marzo, 2017

Amongst human practices, agricultural surface-water management systems represent some of the largest integrated engineering works that shaped floodplains during history, directly or indirectly affecting the landscape. As a result of changes in agricultural practices and land use, many drainage networks have changed producing a greater exposure to flooding with a broad range of impacts on society, also because of climate inputs coupling with the human drivers.

Unexpected Interactions between Agricultural and Forest Sectors through International Trade: Wood Pallets and Agricultural Exports in Costa Rica

Peer-reviewed publication
Marzo, 2017
Costa Rica

International market forces have played an increasingly important role in shaping land use dynamics through complex supply chains. In Costa Rica, the shift from a net loss to a net gain in forest cover was facilitated by forest plantations and the replacement of extensive cropland and pastures by export-oriented, high-yielding crops. However, agricultural intensification generated several feedbacks affecting forests. We analyzed the interactions between Costa Rica’s agricultural and forestry sectors associated with the use of wood pallets for commodity exports over 1985–2013.

Agricultura Familiar Brasileira: Desafios e Perspectivas de Futuro

Journal Articles & Books
Febrero, 2017

A Agricultura Brasileira se destaca entre as maiores do mundo e representa uma fonte de alimentos e de matéria prima para muitos países. Nela estão presentes diversos modos de fazer Agricultura, entre os quais a produção Agrícola Familiar, encontrada em extensas e importantes regiões do país. A agricultura familiar no Brasil é crescentemente uma forma social de produção reconhecida pela sociedade brasileira, por suas contribuições materiais e imateriais.

Método de análise econômico-ecológica de agroecossistemas

Manuals & Guidelines
Febrero, 2017

Este documento apresenta um método de análise econômico-ecológica

de agroecossistemas. O desenvolvimento do método se fundou

na necessidade de dar visibilidade a relações econômicas, ecológicas

e políticas que singularizam os modos de produção e de vida da agricultura

familiar, povos e comunidades tradicionais e que têm sido

historicamente ocultadas ou descaracterizadas pela teoria econômica

convencional. As contundentes evidências empíricas do fracasso dos

Olhares Agroecológicos: Análise econômico-ecológica de agroecossistemas em sete territórios brasileiros

Journal Articles & Books
Febrero, 2017

A ideia de produzir este livro teve origem em um esforço compartilhado por organizações e redes vinculadas à Articulação Nacional de Agroecologia (ANA) de sistematizar evidências dos benefícios do enfoque agroecológico na gestão técnico-econômica da agricultura familiar, aqui apreendida em suas variadas formas de organização produtiva e expressão identitária.

Biomas brasileiros e a teia da vida

Journal Articles & Books
Febrero, 2017

Conscientes do colapso civilizacional com que nos defrontamos como espécie humana e inspirados pela Campanha da Fraternidade deste ano, cujo tema é Fraternidade: Biomas Brasileiros e Defesa da Vida e que tem como lema Cultivar e Guardar a Criação (Gn 2,15), a edição de número 500 da revista IHU On-Line debate o tema que também é assunto central do ciclo de conferências promovido pelo Instituto Humanitas Unisinos – IHU a partir do dia 15 de março até o final do mês de junho deste ano.

Le foncier agricole au Sud : tensions et régulations dans l’accès à la terre

Journal Articles & Books
Febrero, 2017
Côte d'Ivoire

Date: juin 2017

Source: Foncier & Développement 

Ce dossier sur le renouvellement des formes et des enjeux de l’accès à la terre agricole au Sud rassemble des contributions présentées lors du colloque SFER « Le foncier agricole : usages, tensions et régulations », qui s’est tenu à Lyon les 11 et 12 juin 2014.