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Leaping the fissures

Reports & Research
Abril, 2000

This archival paper takes a hard look at the claim that Communal Property Institutions established as part of South Africa's land reform programme are failing. It argues that there are no meaningful indicators against which assessments of success or failure can be made. It asserts that the tenure security of the group and its members should be the primary purpose of land reform CPIs because secure tenure is the primary mechanism for reducing risk for vulnerable people and is the universal need of the group.

Land Tenure, Land Markets, and Institutional Transformation in Zambia

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 1995

The Government of Zambia is embarking on an ambitious program of legal and administrative reforms in land policy. Although the need to liberalize the land market is universally shared, the ideas on how to accomplish this transformation are not. Two decades of underinvestment in field research have resulted in the present situation of micro-level data on land tenure and farm-level production, consumption, and resource management inadequate to guide policy decisions.

The Lands Act

Agosto, 1995

[An Act to provide for the continuation of Leaseholds and leasehold tenure; to provide for the continued vesting of land in the Presindent and alienation of land by the President; to provide for the statutory recognition and continuation of customary tenure ; to provide for the conversion of customary tenure into leasehold tenure....]

Land Policy and the Evolving Forms of Land Tenure in Masindi District, Uganda

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 1991

This paper examines the evolution and the nature of the current forms of land tenure in Masindi District and the extent to which these forms impair or facilitate positive socio-economic changes. Such an examination is vital in light of the fact that there exists no convincing empirically grounded studies on the impact of the official land policies on the relationships between forms of land tenure, social structure and agricultural production.

Communal Land Act

Enero, 1983

An Act to provide for the classification of land in Zimbabwe as Communal Land and for the alteration of such classification; to alter and regulate the occupation and use of Communal Land; and to provide for matters incidental to or connected with the foregoing.

Statutory recognition of customary land rights in Africa

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 1969

Given the recent trend of granting vast areas of African land to foreign investors, the urgency of placing real ownership in the hands of the people living and making their livelihood upon lands held according to custom cannot be overstated. This study provides guidance on how best to recognize and protect the land rights of the rural poor.

Changing customary land rights and gender relations in the context of HIV/AIDS in Africa1

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 1969

The effect of prime-age adult death and its consequences on access to land for the survivors has not been fully explored nor incorporated into policy regardless the fact that high adult mortality is now

the lived reality in countries affected by HIV/AIDS, particularly in Africa. This paper explores the

gendered relationships between adult death due to HIV/AIDS and changes in land rights for the

survivors particularly widows. In many African societies, women have traditionally accessed land

Loi 67-23 du 22 juillet 1967 portant statut des biens domaniaux

Legislation & Policies
Junio, 1967

La présente loi régit l’ensemble des biens (un domaine public et un domaine privé) appartenant à l’Etat, aux personnes publiques décentralisées et aux personnes morales de droit public subordonnées à l’Etat et possédant l’autonomie financière. A cet effet, ce texte définit la consistance et formation du domaine public et du domaine privé.

Loi n°24 sur le régime de la propriété foncière et des droits coutumiers.

Legislation & Policies
Junio, 1967

La présente loi fixe la procédure de l’immatriculation de la propriété foncière. Cette procédure consiste dans l’établissement et l’enregistrement d’un titre de propriété appelé titre foncier. Par ailleurs, en ce qui concerne toute terre non immatriculée (vacante et sans maître, à moins que ne soit rapportée la preuve du contraire), elle prévoit la constatation et régime des droits coutumiers par une commission dont la composition est fixée par décret.