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Mines Law (the State Law and Order Restoration Council Law No 8/94).

Asia sudoriental

The Law provides for all the activities related to mining and exploiting the mineral resources, be them gemstone (ruby, diamonds, opal, sapphire etc.), metallic mineral (iron, gold, silver, zinc, copper, aluminium etc.), industrial mineral (coal, asbestos, etc.) and stone (marble, limestone, quartz, granite etc.). Large scale-production is encouraged as the exportation of mineral products.

Law No. 10 on public and private State lands.

Asia occidental

This Law is composed of 4 Chapters divided into 25 articles. Chapter I deals with definitions and terms and defines the steps for the concession and exploitation of State lands. Chapter II provides for the definition of private State lands, concession rights, exploitation rights, ownership transfer and land leasing. Chapter III contains offences and penalties. Chapter IV gives general provisions necessary for the issuance of resolutions and regulations for the implementation of this Law.

Nature Conservation Act, No. 47 of 1971.

Europa septentrional

The aim pursued by this Act is the protection of nature as a whole, in such a way that land, sea, freshwater and air are not wasted or polluted. Taking into special account the exceptional and historical aspects of Icelandic nature, the Act shall enhance the nation’s access to and familiarity with the natural environment (art. 1).Once the Act has defined the aims pursued, articles 2 to 8 provide for the institutional framework which shall be in charge of the implementation of these provisions. It shall include the Ministry of the Environment (art.

Decree-Law 89/87 amending Decree-Law 468/71 on the legal regime of the land related to public domain water.

Europa meridional

This Decree-Law, composed of 4 articles, amends parts of the Decree-Law No. 468/71 on the legal regime of land related to public domain water. In particular, it introduces a new version of articles 14 and 15 respectively dealing with areas under flood threat and the regime of adjacent domains; changes the position of Chapter IV (into Chapter V) and the numeration of articles 32, 33 and 34; adds a new Chapter IV on sanctions control.

Amends: Decree-Law 468/71 on the legal regime of the land related to water pertaining to public domain. (1971-11-05)

Decree-Law 468/71 on the legal regime of the land related to water pertaining to public domain.

Europa meridional

This decree-Law, composed of 34 articles, regulates the legal regime of the land related to water pertaining to public domain, namely alves, waterfronts and adjacent domains. The Decree-Law establishes the general principles and definitions and regulates on private property located on those public areas, as well as the concession and licences regime.

Amendments of the Law on Exploitation and Protection of Forestry and Range Lands.

Asia occidental
Asia meridional

The amendments concern the need for authorization from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Agriculture for the conversion of forest and valley land into the following: 1. making farmland, orchard, rangeland, artificial forests, forage land, livestock institutions, aquatic breeding institutions, as well as the use for mine exploting and exploration (in nothern Iran); and 2. establishment of factories, townships, schools, training institutions, sport clubs, etc.

Non-Agricultural Tenancy Act, 1949 (Act No. XXIII of 1949).

Asia meridional

This Act provides for the tenancy of land that shall be used for purposes other than cultivation; and for the building of residential housing or factories or for erecting shrines and temples and digging tanks. Nevertheless, the tenant or the sub-tenant is entitled to fell trees planted on that land, dispose of harvested fruits and flowers produced by the trees, and, even, to sow any plant or flower.

Saxon Contaminated Sites Cadastre Regulation.

Europa occidental

The present Regulation implements the Federal Soil Protection Act of 17 March 1998 (BGBl. I p. 502). In particular, the Regulation lays down provisions relating to the contaminated site cadastre of Saxony. The text consists of 7 articles as follows: Subject matter (I); Content of the database (II); Data collection and updating of data (III); Storage, deleting and archiving of data (IV); Access right (V); Information of interested parties (VI); Entry into force (VII).

Implements: Federal Soil Protection Act. (2017-07-20)

Decree No. 135/2005/ND-CP on contractual assignment of agricultural land, production forest land and land with water surface for aquaculture in state-run agricultural farms and forestry farms.

Viet Nam
Asia sudoriental

This Decree consists of 4 Chapters divided into 18 articles: General provisions (I); Contractual assignment of land for agricultural production (II); Contractual assignment of production forest land (III); Implementation provisions (IV). The objectives of contractual land assignment are to use land and forest resources in order to raise production and business efficiency of State-run agricultural or forestry farms, to create more jobs and increase incomes, etc.

Regulation No. 7 on the sale and lease of lands in the Aqaba Exclusive Economic Zone.

Asia occidental

This Regulation is composed of 19 articles. Articles 1 and 2 deal with terms and definitions. Selling or leasing lands in the Aqaba EEZ shall be subject to the zoning of lands and buildings approved by the Board of Commissioners (art. 4). The Board may sell or allocate any of the Authority’s Lands to Governmental Bodies and worship homes (art. 5). Whoever purchases a land from the Authority in order to carry out a project thereon, shall be obliged to complete it within the period fixed by the Authority and not later than 9 years (art. 8).

Community Services (Torres Strait) Regulation 1998.


This regulation implements the Community Services (Torres Strait) Act 1984. It consists of 68 sections and is divided into 12 Parts. Part 2 is dedicated to the Island councils, their composition and their membership, Part 3 to the chairpersons of Island councils and Part 4 to the election of Island councils. Part 5 concerns councils’ meetings, Part 8 regulates Island courts and Part 9 the Island Coordinating Council. The regulation is completed by five schedules that provide further for the operation of the bodies regulated in the text.

Permits and Leases Regulation (Man. Reg.150/96).

América Septentrional

The present Regulation implements the Provincial Parks Act (Chapter P20). In particular, it lays down provisions relating to permits and leases. The text consists of 8 sections as follows: Definitions (1); Permits and leases of residential lots (2); Leases of commercial lots (3); Fees (4); Assignment (5); Cancellation (6); Mineral rights (7); Coming into force (8).

Implements: Provincial Parks Act (C.C.S.M. c. P20). (2015)