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Local Customary Law (Declaration) (No. 4) Order (G.N. No. 436/1963).

Diciembre, 1962

This Notice contains in its Schedules declared customary law on guardianship, inheritance and wills. As to guardianship of women and children, certain powers and restrictions are placed un guardians regarding agricultural crops and livestock. A guardian is forbidden from selling land or permanent crops which are under his protection. As for inheritance, women are allowed to inherit except clan land. They can use clan land without selling it during their lifetime. But if there are no men in that clan, a woman can inherit this land completely.

Loi n° 62-7 du 12 mars 1962 supprimant les privilèges acquis sur les terrains de chefferie.

Marzo, 1962

La présente loi supprime les privilèges acquis sur les terrains de chefferie (terrain attaché, non à la personne du chef, mais à ses fonctions, et qui se transmet d’un titulaire de la chefferie à son successeur). Désormais, ces terrains deviennent la propriété de ceux qui les cultivent.Pour les terrains vacants, les chefs de circonscriptions seront habilités à les attribuer à ceux qui en feront la demande.Les terrains acquis dans les conditions ci-dessus ne peuvent être aliénés à un titre quelconque, ni même loués.

Loi n° 61-30 du 19 juillet 1961 fixant la procédure de confirmation d’expropriation des droits fonciers coutumiers dans la République du Niger.

Julio, 1961

La présente loi fixe la procédure de confirmation d’expropriation des droits fonciers coutumiers dans la République du Niger. Par ailleurs, elle prévoit les procédures d’appropriation collective et individuelle; expropriation pour cause d’utilité publique; des dispositions transitoires.

Nauru Lands Committee Ordinance 1956-1963.

Julio, 1956

This Ordinance makes provision for the establishment of Nauru Lands Committee, defines its functions and powers and its internal organization. The Committee has power to determine questions as to the ownership of, or rights in respect of, land, which arise between Nauruans or Pacific Islanders or between Nauruans and Pacific Islanders. The Ordinance also regulates appeals from decisions of the Committee. The constitution and procedure of the Committee shall be as determined by the Nauru Local Government Council.

Native Lands Ordinance.

Diciembre, 1955

An Ordinance to provide for title and registration of rights in native land. Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance native land shall not be alienated, whether by sale, gift, lease or otherwise, to a person who is not a native. The Chief Lands Officer shall appoint a native lands Registrar for every register of native lands. No lease or sub-lease of any native land shall be valid until it has been approved and registered according with the provisions of this Ordinance. The Ordinance provides also for the survey of lands.

Land Consolidation Act.

Julio, 1953

The present Act lays down provisions relating to land consolidation. Article 1 establishes that to improve production, working conditions in agriculture and forestry, as well as to improve general land use planning and land development, owned land may be consolidated. This is executed by means of official procedures within a certain area with the participation of the totality of land owners and competent authorities. The implementation of land consolidation shall be given top priority by the Länder. Accordingly, they shall appoint the competent organs.

Land Tenure: Burma - Chapter VII of "The Economics of the Central Chin Tribes"

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 1942

CHAPTER VII. Land Tenure:
"Salient differences between tenures in autocratic and democratic
groups rights and claims in autocratic group of chief, headman,
specialists, the whole community, the individual resident
and the individual cultivator the principles governing these rights
and claims the rights and principles of tenure in democratic group
land tenure in practice the "bul ram" individual tenure and its effects
communal land possible solutions to land problems".

Subordinate Courts Act (Cap. 28).

Diciembre, 1932

This Act provides for the establishment of subordinate courts to the High Court in each District, and provides with respect to the jurisdiction, proceedings and administration of such courts. There shall be three classes of subordinate courts for each District. Subordinate courts may transfer proceedings at any stage to a Local Court.

Judicature and Application of Laws Act (Cap. 358).

Diciembre, 1919

This Act defines the jurisdiction of the High Court and makes provision with respect to the application of selected foreign law and customary law of Tanzania. The High Court shall be a Court of Admiralty and its jurisdiction shall extend to the territorial waters. Common law, doctrines of equity and statutes of general application of England shall be in force in Tanzania only so far as the circumstances of Tanzania and its inhabitants permit, and subject to such qualifications as local circumstances may render necessary.

Organic Law on Provincial Governments and Local-level Governments .

Diciembre, 0000
Papua Nueva Guinea

This Act provides with respect to local government in accordance with section 187B of the Constitution, which requires an Organic Law to provide for, or make provision in respect of, the form and the manner of establishment of the Provincial Governments and the Local-level Governments. The system of Provincial Governments established by this Organic Law applies to the government of the National Capital District and the provisions of this Organic Law relating to Provincial Governments apply to the National Capital District.