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Displaying 25 - 36 of 1422

Integrating the development program for agri-food system with climate change policies and commitments in Tajikistan

Diciembre, 2023

At COP28 countries recognized that unprecedented adverse climate impacts are increasingly threatening the resilience of agriculture and food systems and ability to produce and access food in the prevailing scenario of mounting hunger, malnutrition, and economic stresses.

The African Leaders Nairobi Declaration on Climate Change and Call to Action. Adopted 6 September 2023. Nairobi, Kenya.

Conference Papers & Reports
Septiembre, 2023

We, the African Heads of State and Government, gathered for the inaugural Africa Climate Summit (ACS) in Nairobi, Kenya, from 4th to 6th September 2023; in the presence of other global leaders, intergovernmental organizations, Regional Economic Communities, United Nations Agencies, private sector, civil society organizations, indigenous peoples, local communities, farmer organizations, children, youth, women and academia,

Understanding the importance of primary tropical forest protection as a mitigation strategy

Journal Articles & Books
Agosto, 2023

Given the short time-frame to limit global warming, and the current emissions gap, it is critical to prioritise mitigation actions. To date, scant attention has been paid to the mitigation benefits of primary forest protection. We estimated tropical forest ecosystem carbon stocks and flows.

Sustaining Land Governance Reforms

Reports & Research
Junio, 2023

The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) and the Framework and Guidelines on Land Policy in Africa (F&G) are important international and continental instruments for improving the governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests for improved food security and nutrition. They are useful for dealing with the many tenure challenges confronting developing countries and set the standards and frameworks for improvement.

L'État de la sécurité alimentaire et de la nutrition dans le monde 2023

Peer-reviewed publication
Reports & Research
Mayo, 2023

L’urbanisation progresse dans de nombreux pays et ce rapport montre qu’elle modifie les systèmes agroalimentaires d’une façon qu’il n’est plus possible d’appréhender sous l’angle de la simple dichotomie entre milieu rural et milieu urbain.

Place-based solutions for global social-ecological dilemmas:

Journal Articles & Books
Mayo, 2023

The Amazon has a diverse array of social and environmental initiatives that adopt forest-based land-use practices to promote rural development and support local livelihoods. However, they are often insufficiently recognized as transformative pathways to sustainability and the factors that explain their success remain understudied.

Her Land. Her Rights: Advancing gender equality to restore land and build resilience

Policy Papers & Briefs
Mayo, 2023

This policy brief highlights the critical role of gender-responsive approaches to land tenure that empower women and accelerate the implementation of land restoration commitments that build community resilience. It examines how greater tenure security for women and girls can lead to a more equitable and sustainable land management. The brief builds upon the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) 2018–2030 Strategic Framework and its Gender Action Plan adopted in 2017.

Contribution à l'amélioration de la gouvernance foncière locale au Sénégal

Manuals & Guidelines
Reports & Research
Abril, 2023

La présente étude est une capitalisation des principaux résultats en termes d’outils, de produits ou de processus obtenus dans le cadre du projet de la FAO sur les Directives volontaires pour une gouvernance responsable des régimes fonciers applicables aux terres, aux pêches et aux forêts dans le contexte de la sécurité alimentaire (DV) au Sénégal, durant la période allant de 2017 à 2019. Cette capitalisation se concentre sur les processus par lesquels des connaissances implicites sur le foncier sont rendues explicites et diffusées auprès des populations.

Migration And Land Tenure Changes In The Central Cotton Basin Of Côte D'Ivoire

Diciembre, 2022

Migration dynamics have always been at the heart of Ivorian agricultural development. From the colonial era to the present day, the areas of departure have remained virtually unchanged, but the areas of arrival have been modified. The objective of this study is to show the impacts of the dynamics of Senufo cotton migrations on access to land in the central Ivorian cotton basin. After a survey conducted in 23 villages in the sub-prefectures of Tiéningboué and Marandallah, it emerged that migration to the central Ivorian cotton basin is motivated by cotton cultivation.