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Ley Nº 155 - Ley de conservación del suelo agrícola.

América del Sur

La presente Ley tiene como finalidad la conservación del suelo agrícola, entendiéndose por tal el mantenimiento y mejoramiento de su capacidad productiva. El Poder Ejecutivo provincial establecerá regiones o áreas de suelos erosionados a efectos de la aplicación del régimen de conservación de los suelos previsto por las presentes normas.

Water Association Law.

Europa occidental

Article 1 of the above-mentioned Law establishes that water and soil associations are public bodies based on the law of the Reich or Land with the following tasks: 1) to create, modify and keep in orderly state waters and their banks, to regulate the discharge of waters and to ensure their elimination as appropriate; 2) to create, modify, keep in good state, run, exploit and as appropriate to eliminate navigation plants, dams, floodgates, hydropower stations and watersheds; 3) to drain, to irrigate, to lay dry and to protect land from flooding, 4) to eliminate, recycle and clean waste water

Foreshore Act, 1933.

Europa septentrional

Section 2 allows the Minister to grant leases on the foreshore in the public interest. "Foreshore" means the bed and shore, below the line of high water of ordinary or medium tides, of the sea and of every tidal river and tidal estuary and of every channel, creek and bay of the sea or of any such river or estuary. Every lease shall contain prescribed clauses or covenants as listed in section 2.

Natural Resources Act 1951 (No. 71 of 1951).

África austral

The Act provides for the establishment of the Natural Resources Board, whose functions shall: (a) except in respect of Swazi areas to exercise supervision over natural resources; (b) to promote the conservation and improvement of natural resources; (c) to advice the Minister of Agriculture on the proper conservation, use and improvement of natural resources. The Minister may, on the recommendation of the board, set aside Government land or acquire land in areas other than the Swazi areas, for the conservation or improvement of natural resources.

Dahir nº 1-69-170 sur la défense et la restauration des sols.

África septentrional

Ce dahir porte dispositions relatives aux diverses mesures à prendre en vue de la défense et de la restauration des sols. La mesure principale consiste en la création de zones dites "périmètres de défense et de restauration des sols d'intérêt national", à l'intérieur desquelles l'Etat peut imposer les mesures et les travaux nécessités par la lutte contre l'érosion.

Law on Exploitation and Protection of Forestry and Range Lands.

Asia occidental
Asia meridional

Chapter one of this Law contains definitions of terms therein employed, such as: forest, forest bushes, desert shrubs, forest cover and regions, range, planted rangeland, logs and saplings. Chapter two sets out rules for exploitation and protection of the above mentioned areas. Forestry Organization, established within the Ministry of Agriculture, shall supervise and issue permits for each applicant regarding exploitation of these areas. Licence shall be valid up to one year.

Foreshore and Land Reclamation Act (Cap. 46.01).


This Act vests the ownership of the foreshore and sea-bed in the Crown, subject to the public rights of: (a) navigation and fishing, and (b) of passing over the foreshore, and to any private rights that may exist in or over the foreshore or the sea-bed. The Minister may by notice, after consultation with landowners, designate a foreshore of an island or islet or any part thereof. No person shall remove from a designated foreshore any sand, gravel, reef mud, coral, rock or other like substance without first having obtained from the Chief Lands Officer a licence for that purpose.

Land Husbandry Act, 1969 (No. 22 of 1969).

África austral

The Act provides for soil conservation and livestock control. It harmonizes soil conservation activities in agriculture, livestock management and proper management of water resources. The Act contains provisions on range management and grazing control for communities to manage range resources in a sustainable manner, guaranteeing equal access.The Act applies to agricultural land, i.e. land utilised for the purpose of the growing of crops or the grazing of livestock.

Beach Protection Act, 1967 (Act No. 2 of 1967).

Santa Lucía

It shall not be lawful for any person to dig, take or carry away for building or construction purposes or for providing ballast for a vessel any sand, stone, gravel, etc. from any beach, seashore or floor or to move such materials along a public road., except under and in accordance with a license from the Director of Public works. A permit shall be in the form as set out in the Schedule. No transport of such materials shall take place at night. Transgression of prohibition may comport arrest and seizure of boats, conveyances, or animals used.

Soil Conservation Act 1951 (No. 25 of 1951).

Sri Lanka
Asia meridional

The Act aims at the conservation of soil resources for the prevention or mitigation of soil erosion and at the protection of land against damages by flood and drought. On the basis of surveys and investigations carried out by the Director of Agriculture for the purposes of ascertaining the nature and extent of soil erosion and of damages to land caused by floods and drought, the Minister may by Order published in the Gazette declare any area to be an erodible area.

Roads Act (Cap. 201).


This Act concerns the classification, declaration, construction, maintenance and control of public roads and some related matters such as the restriction on the discharge of water and other liquids from private lands onto public roads, the duty of owners of adjoining land in relation with vegetation, restriction on the removal of sand from coastal areas in the vicinity of public roads and the (compulsory) acquisition of land by the Minister and exchange of land for purposes of this Act.