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Ley Nº 1.540 - Ley de conservación de los recursos naturales renovables.

Costa Rica
América central

La presente Ley, que consta de 19 artículos, tiene por finalidad promover la conservación, mejora y restauración de los suelos y las aguas, que son parte de los recursos naturales renovables del país (art. 1º). El Ministerio de Agricultura e Industrias será el organismos encargado de poner en práctica esta Ley (art. 3º); clasificará las diversas clases de suelos por su valor agronómico, estableciendo las zonas aptas para su explotación agrícola, ganadera y forestal (art. 4º).

Ley Nº 13.667 - Declara de interés nacional la conservación de los suelos y de las aguas superficiales y subterráneas.

América del Sur

La Ley consta de 2 títulos y 30 artículos. INDICE: Título I: Principios Generales (1), Competencia (2), Conservación y recuperación de suelos (3), Sanciones (4), Crédito (5), Disposiciones generales (6); Título II: Alumbramiento de aguas subterráneas (1).El artículo 1º declara de interés nacional promover, proteger y regular el buen uso y la conservación de los suelos y de las aguas, tanto superficiales como subterráneas. El Ministerio de Ganadería y Agricultura coordinará y dirigirá todas las actividades tendientes a lograr un manejo adecuado del suelo y del agua (art. 3º).

Pas Geometriques Act.

África oriental

This Act declares areas along the coast known as Pas Geometrique to be public domain and makes provision for the survey of lands in such kind of land areas, the grant of leases, rights of lessees, and prohibits dumping on Pas Geometriques. The Minister may grant leases of Pas Geometriques or annexes. The granting shall take place by private contract or public auction. A clause, which imposes the planting of trees on the lessee, shall be included in every lease contract. Cutting of trees on Pas Geometriques requires permission by the Minister and shall be included in the lease contract.

National Parks and Gardens Ordinance (No. 70 of 1966).

Papua Nueva Guinea

There is established a National Parks and Gardens Board as a body corporate under section 4.The constitution of the Board is defined in section 6. Functions of the Board include the management of reserved land and the management of other land entrusted to its care. “Reserved land” means land reserved by the Administrator under the Lands Ordinance 1962-1965 as national park, reserve, or sanctuaries for fauna or flora protection or similar purposes. Powers of the Board are set out in section 16. The Board may make by-laws in accordance with section 24.

Sand (Preservation) Act (XVI of 1949).

Europa meridional

The present Act provides for the restriction on removal of sand. No person shall remove or carry away from any beach or sea shore or from any land or place, whether publicly or privately owned, any sand without a permit by the Director of Public Works. Section 7 establishes the penalties to be applied in case of contravention.

Soil Conservation (Scotland District) Act (Chapter 267).


The 27 sections of this Act are divided into 7 Parts: Preliminary (I); Soil Conservation Board (II); Conservation Orders (III); Powers of the Chief Agricultural Officer (IV); Contributions and compensation (V); Offences (VI); Miscellaneous (VII).The Scotland District Soil Conservation Board is established under section 3. The Board shall advise the Chief Agricultural Officer on the utilisation of lands in the conservation areas described in the First Schedule. The Chief Agricultural Officer may issue Conservation Orders to prevent soil erosion pursuant to section 5.

Law No. 3573 on olive improvement and grafting of wild species.

Asia occidental

The objective of this Law which includes 25 articles and 2 supplementary articles is to define the procedure for olive improvement efforts. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs is the leading agency for establishing, sowing, grafting and establishing gardens for wild species. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs provides land to those who would apply for olive sowing. Seeds will also be provided by the Government on cost basis. These land will be permanently transferred to those who have engaged in olive planting for five years.

Republic Act creating the Bureau of Soil Conservation, defining its powers, duties and functions (No. 622).

Asia sudoriental

The Bureau of Soil Conservation shall have a headed by the Director of Soil Conservation, to be appointed by the President. All the divisions, sections, field activities and agencies of the Government connected with soils work are hereby transferred to the Bureau of Soil Conservation and such powers, functions and duties relative to soils vested by law or executive orders are hereby vested in the Director of Soil Conservation.

Land Planning and Soil Conservation Act.

África occidental

This Act establishes committees with powers to preserve and reclaim land and to protect water resources in approved areas of the Gold Coast. The Minister may declare, for the purposes of preserving land, reclaiming land and protecting water resources, any area within a designated area to be a planning area and establish a planning committee for such area (sect. 3 and 4).