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Philippines - Development Policy Review : An Opportunity for Renewed Poverty Reduction

Agosto, 2013

The Philippines regained a modest growth
rate of 3.5 percent per annum for 1999-2001, but has not yet
managed to reduce the incidence of poverty from its 1996
level. The Medium Term Philippine Development (MTPDP) growth
targets of over 5 percent per year are attainable, but only
if the key building blocks for sustained growth - an
environment conducive to increased investment and
productivity within both private and public sectors - are

Armenia : Poverty Update

Agosto, 2013

The report updates the poverty situation
in Armenia, largely based on the Integrated Living
Conditions Survey conducted during 1998-99, and provides as
well, the foundation for the preparation of the Poverty
Reduction Strategy. The poverty profile identifies a
widespread, and still deep poverty incidence, but while this
poverty seems persistent, its depth and severity may be
decreasing, and extreme poverty subsiding. Notwithstanding

Azerbaijan Republic : Poverty Assessment, Volume 1. Summary and Conclusions

Agosto, 2013

Poverty remains a major challenge in
Azerbaijan, where income poverty is spread throughout the
country. This Poverty Assessment reviews available household
data, which suggest particular demographic characteristics
of the poor - no significant differences in the poverty rate
by gender of the household head were recorded. However, the
report conveys the internally displaced people, are a core
group of particularly vulnerable people, heavily dependent

Revival for Zimbabwe’s meat market

Journal Articles & Books
Julio, 2013

Zimbabwe used to be well-known for its high-quality meat exports. The sector was hard hit by the economic crisis that set in during the 1990s and coincided with the impact of a failed land reform and recurrent drought. Now, a new livestock-fattening scheme is to contribute to the survival of the branch and help resource-poor smallholders earn a living by marketing their meat.

Recapitalization and Development Programme Policy

Legislation & Policies
Julio, 2013

Reversing the legacy of the 1913 Natives Land Act. The root of the land question today arises out of the pervasive process of land alienation that dispossessed the majority of South Africans of their land over the past few centuries. 2013 is the centenary f the 1913 Natives Land Act, which was the first of number of discriminatory laws that reinforced the massive dispossession of land from black South AFricans

Land reform and land fragmentation in Central and Eastern Europe

Peer-reviewed publication
Julio, 2013
Eastern Europe
Western Europe

It has often been stated that land fragmentation and farm structures characterized by small agricultural holdings and farms divided in a large number of parcels have been the side-effect of land reform in Central and Eastern Europe. This article reports the findings of a study of land reform in 25 countries in the region from 1989 and onwards and provides an overview of applied land reform approaches. With a basis in theory on land fragmentation, the linkage between land reform approaches and land fragmentation is explored.

Improving Land Sector Governance in the Philippines

Reports & Research
Julio, 2013

Land is considered a vital resource for any nation. It serves as the platform for carrying out

social, cultural and economic activities. Access to land is an important means for promoting

growth and equity and achieving social justice in many countries. The process by which

decisions are made regarding access to and use of land, the manner in which those decisions are

implemented and the way that conflicting interests in land are reconciled are crucial in

determining whether the country has what it takes to derive the desired benefits from this

Nicaragua - Land Policy and Administration : Toward a More Secure Property Rights Regime

Julio, 2013

This report centers on the problems
stemming from land issues in Nicaragua. The report's
main recommendations deal with four priority actions:
institutional reform; adjustments to the legal framework;
systematic regularization of land rights; and, firmly
addressing previous land invasions, and preventing future
invasions. The issue of land distribution, and ownership is
especially critical in Nicaragua; indeed, the country

Colombia : Land Policy in Transition

Julio, 2013

Unequal land distribution and the
negative social and economic implications resulting from
such polarization in Colombia have long been of concern to
policymakers. A 1950 World Bank mission identified unequal
land distribution as a key impediment to economic and social
development in the country. Since then, a wide range of
policies has been adopted to deal with this issue and its
consequences. Numerous studies show that the success of

Drivers of Sustainable Rural Growth and Poverty Reduction in Central America : Honduras Case Study, Volume 1. Executive Summary and Main Text

Julio, 2013
Central America

This regional study encompasses three
Central American countries: Nicaragua, Guatemala, and
Honduras. The focus of this report is Honduras. The
objective of the study is to understand how broad-based
economic growth can be stimulated and sustained in rural
Central America. The study identifies "drivers" of
sustainable rural growth and poverty reduction. Drivers are
defined as the assets and combinations of assets needed by

Kyrgyz Republic - Agricultural Policy Update : Sustaining Pro-poor Rural Growth, Rural Challenges for Government and Donors

Julio, 2013

Critical choices must now be made if
growth is to be sustained. Significant potential exists for
future growth, but bringing out this potential poses a major
challenge for government policy. Agricultural strategy must
shift its focus towards support for continuous productivity
growth by peasant farms in a conducive marketing
environment. Key priorities include completion of land
reforms (especially in the North); fundamental restructuring

Brazil - Piaui State Economic Memorandum : Managing a Natural Inheritance

Julio, 2013

This report represents a snapshot of a
dialogue between the State of Piaui and the World Bank and
focuses on the strategies and actions the State Government
may wish to adopt. Piaui's challenge is to build
institutions that address its weaknesses and exploit its
strengths. Addressing weaknesses implies continuing with
efforts to improve education, raising productivity in
small-scale agriculture, increasing public participation in