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Loi n°180/AN/07/5ème L portant modification de la Loi n°100/AN/05/5ème L du 10 avril 2005 relative à la procédure de la cession amiable.

África oriental

La présente Loi modifie trois dispositions du cahier des charges applicables aux anciens quartiers et à Balbala, instituée par la Loi n°100/AN/05/5ème L du 10 avril 2005.Elle définit les délimitations physiques du périmètre de la Cession Amiable et les changements des modalités d'acquisition des parcelles par les particuliers dans ces quartiers.Enfin, elle détermine de manière précise l'élargissement des domaines de compétences administratives du Fonds de l'Habitat.

Federal Urban Planning Institute Establishment Proclamation (No. 450/2005).

África oriental

This Proclamation establishes the Federal Urban Planning Institute as an autonomous public organ having its own legal personality. The Institute shall, among other things, provide capacity building in the field of preparation and implementation of urban plans and provide consultancy and information services. The Proclamation also defines the powers and duties of the General Manager and the Deputy General Manager of the Institute.

Regional Act No. 12 on town and country planning.

Europa meridional

There is hereby laid down the legislative framework in matter of town and country planning, in compliance with the principles of subsidiarity, cooperation and sustainability. The regional territory shall be managed through plans approved at the municipal, provincial and regional levels. In order to ensure the coordination of such different plans, article 3 provides for the setting up of the integrated Regional Territorial System. Plans shall be subjected to environmental assessments, so as to contribute to the protection of the environment and regional landscape.

Legislative Decree No. 1/2006 on Urban and Spatial Planning.

Cabo Verde
África occidental

This Legislative Decree, composed of 50 Chapters, approves the basic Order on Urban and Spatial Planning. In particular, it provides a classification of land comprised under the national territory and defines the basic principles undergoing spatial planning and management. Particular attention is paid to the institution of an integrated management system involving national and local administrations, as well as the provision of framework contracts as urban planning tools.

Ley general de los pueblos y comunidades indígenas del Estado de Durango.

América central

Esta Ley establece disposiciones para el desarrollo, reconocimiento, preservación y defensa de los derechos y cultura de los pueblos y comunidades indígenas. A tal fin la Ley establece que el Estado y los Municipios deban incluir dentro de sus planes y programas de desarrollo a las comunidades indígenas de los pueblos asentados en el territorio estatal. La Ley prevé la participación de los pueblos y comunidades indígenas en la planeación del desarrollo económico. Cabe destacar el Título Cuarto en materia de tierra, territorio y recursos naturales (arts. 74-84).

Loi nº 17-2006 AN portant code de l'urbanisme et de la construction au Burkina Faso.

Burkina Faso
África occidental

La présente loi institue le code de l’urbanisme et de la construction. Les structures centrales et décentralisées chargées de l’urbanisme et de la construction sont les suivantes: le ministère en charge de l’urbanisme et de la construction; la région et la commune et la structure de contrôle. Il est créé les structures consultatives suivantes: le Conseil national de l’urbanisme et de la construction; la Commission régionale de l’urbanisme et de la construction; la Commission communale de l’urbanisme et de la construction.

Regional Law No. 20-OZ “On urban land”.

Europa oriental

This regional law establishes the modalities of land use planning of urban land based upon coordination of public and private interests and conservation of urban forests and forest parks. Regional administration shall be competent in the field of mapping and modification of urban land boundaries. In the process of projecting of urban land areas shall be taken into consideration recreational use of urban forests and forest parks and increase of forest cover.

Law No. 9482 of 2006 on legalization, urbanization, and integration of the unlawful constructions.

Europa meridional

The Law lays down the framework for the legalization of constructions build without permissions in the informal zones, the transfer of ownership for these properties, the urbanization of the informal zones and blocks and their integration in the territorial and infrastructural development of the country, the procedures for legalization, and the establishment of responsible state structures. The Law is retroactively applicable regardless of the constructions’ purpose and function.

Regional Law No. 996-149 “On subsidiary smallholding”.

Europa oriental

This Regional Law establishes legal grounds for performance of subsidiary smallholding by citizens (natural persons) and state support thereto by state bodies and local government in the form of financial assistance for production of agricultural commodities and preferential taxation. Either urban land or agricultural land in the countryside, allotted to citizens or purchased thereby, can be used for subsidiary smallholding. Subsidiary smallholding shall include farming, gardening, horticulture and stockbreeding.

Regional Law No. 2643-III “On establishment of land price in case of land sale to the owners of edifices, constructions and buildings located thereon”.

Europa oriental

This Regional Law establishes the modalities of calculation of the price of land pertaining to public or municipal property in case of land sale to the owners of edifices, constructions and buildings located thereon. The price shall be calculated as tenfold rate of land tax for the current calendar year per land area unit.

Ley orgánica derogatoria de la Ley orgánica para la planificación y gestión de la ordenación del territorio.

América del Sur

La presente Ley tiene por objeto derogar la Ley que establece las disposiciones que rigen el proceso general para la planificación y gestión de la ordenación del territorio, en concordancia con las realidades ecológicas y los principios, criterios, objetivos estratégicos del desarrollo sustentable.

Revoca: Ley orgánica para la planificación y gestión de la ordenación del territorio. (2006-08-15)