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Real Decreto Nº 1.020/1993 - Normas para determinar el valor catastral de los bienes inmuebles de naturaleza urbana.

Europa meridional

El presente Real Decreto aprueba las normas tecnicas de valoracion y el cuadro marco de valores del suelo y de las construcciones para determinar el valor catastral de los bienes inmuebles de naturaleza urbana.

Enmendado por: Real Decreto Nº 1.464/2007 - Normas técnicas de valoración catastral de los bienes inmuebles de características especiales. (2007-11-02)

Ministerial Decree No. 12 regarding validation of the Regulation on the Committee of Municipal Services.

Europa oriental

The Government decrees to validate the Regulation. Committee of Municipal Services is a central Federal Executive Body entitled to carry out state regulation and inter-departmental coordination as regards municipal services (housing facilities, heat and electricity supply, water supply and sewerage, engineering protection, equipping with services and utilities, urban planning and road-building, waste disposal, municipal bath and laundry services, ritual services for the population, scientific planning and industrial and production support).

Ordinance relating to the Building Law.

Europa occidental

The present Ordinance implements various articles of the Building Law of 28 April 1985. In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to land use planning in the Canton Appenzell Innerrhoden. The text consists of 75 articles divided into 5 chapters as follows: Planning law (1); Urbanization, land consolidation and boundary adjustment (2); Building law (3); Building permit process (4); Final provisions (5). One Annex is enclosed.

Implements: Building Law. (2009-04-26)
Repealed by: Ordinance relating to the Building Law. (2014-12-01)

The urban transition: challenges and opportunities

Journal Articles & Books

Urbanisation and economic transformation - the growth of non-farm, industrial and service sectors - offer many opportunities for improvements in poor people's lives.The crucial challenge is to ensure that places work better for people, providing an enabling and supporting environment for changing livelihoods and economies. But all too often there is a failure to recognise and manage the urban transition, resulting in the continuing urbanisation of poverty, vulnerability and exclusion.

Urban and rural areas: A changing relationship

Journal Articles & Books

The relationship between urban and rural areas has undergone great change in recent years. It is now often difficult to clearly define the borders between the two; instead we find a continuum ranging from agricultural zones to suburbs, informal settlements and urban centers. But do countries and development cooperation policies have the instruments needed to promote a dynamic and balanced development of urban and rural areas and open up opportunities for the people who live there?

Regional Law No. 1929-ZRK “On establishment of purchase price of plots of land within urban areas destined for agricultural production.

Europa oriental

This Regional Law establishes that the prices of plots of urban land destined for agricultural production in ownership by agricultural organizations or peasant farms allotted thereto on condition of permanent (open-ended) land tenure or as life-long hereditary possession shall be established with 15 percent reduction in relation to its cadastre value.

Acuerdo Nº 111 - Instructivo para la aplicación del Reglamento para otorgar el bono de titulación de predios.

América del Sur

El presente Acuerdo expide el instructivo para la aplicación del Reglamento del bono de titulación, destinado a financiar la formalización y perfeccionamiento de las escrituras de traspaso de dominio de inmuebles a favor de los beneficiarios del bono de titilación.

Implementa: Acuerdo Nº 13 - Reglamento para otorgar el bono de titulación de predios para beneficiarios del bono de vivienda. (2007-04-04)

Décret exécutif n° 08-389 du 29 Dhou El Kaada 1429 correspondant au 27 novembre 2008 portant création de l’inspection régionale de l’urbanisme et de la construction et fixant ses missions et son fonctionnement.

África septentrional

Le présent décret crée une inspection régionale de l’urbanisme et de la construction, un service extérieur du ministère chargé de l’urbanisme, de la construction et de la protection du cadre bâti, chargée de mener, dans les wilayas relevant de sa compétence territoriale, les actions d’inspection et de contrôle en matière d’urbanisme, de construction et de protection du cadre bâti.

Decision No. 86/2009/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Dak Lak province up to 2020.

Viet Nam
Asia sudoriental

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Dak Lak province.The master plan aims at bringing into play the province’s potential and advantages, especially human, capital, land, forest and hydraulic resources and minerals, for accelerating economic and labour restructuring.The main objectives of the plan include: development of agriculture, forestry and fishery; protection, development and rational exploitation of forest resources; sustainable protection and development of the environment and of natural resources; development of water supply, drainage and irr

Decree No. 42/2009/ND-CP on the grading of urban centres.

Viet Nam
Asia sudoriental

This Decree provides for the grading of urban centres in order to: organize, arrange and develop the national system of urban centres; formulate and approve urban construction plans; raise the quality of urban centres; and formulate policies and mechanisms for urban management and development.The Decree further provides for the formulation and evaluation of urban centre-grading schemes and urban development programs and for the competence to decide to reorganize urban centre grades.

Acuerdo Nº 30 - Reglamento Operativo del Sistema de Apoyos Económicos para el Programa Nacional de Vivienda Social.

América del Sur

El presente Acuerdo expide el Reglamento Operativo del Sistema de Apoyos Económicos (SAV) para el Programa Nacional de Vivienda Social, que tiene como objetivo facilitar a los hogares ecuatorianos de bajos ingresos y vulnerables, situados en cualquier parte del país, el acceso a una vivienda en condiciones de habitabilidad y servicios básicos, indispensables para una vida digna.

Décret relatif à l’aménagement du territoire, coordonné le 22 octobre 1996.

Europa occidental

Ce décret porte des dispositions relatives à l’aménagement du territoire, coordonné le 22 octobre 1996. Le texte est formé par 73 articles répartis en 4 titres comme suit: Aménagement du territoire (I). Ce titre porte les chapitres suivants: Dispositions générales (I); Plans régionaux (II); Plans de secteur (III); Plans communaux (IV); Expropriations et indemnités (V); Remembrement et relotissement (VI); Révision des plans (VII).