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Land Registration Rules.

Europa meridional

These provisions aim at implementing the Land Registration Act, particularly as regards the application for the registration of land or the issue of a certificate of title and application for registration of acquistion by prescription. Article 13 concerns appeals against the decisions of the Registrar; article 14 concerns claims for indemnity. Several schedules, containing the models of the forms of the applications and certificates hereby envisaged, are attached.

Decree No. 171 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating the Regulation on calculation of compensation to former owners of land and their legitimate heirs for land transferred in ownership to cities.

Europa septentrional

This Decree establishes the modalities of calculation and payment of compensation to former owners of land and their legitimate heirs for land transferred in ownership to cities. The total amount of compensation shall be established by district (urban) bodies of State Land Service and it shall be submitted for approval to the respective urban land commission. The sum of compensation shall be exonerated from application of taxes. The amount of compensation shall be based upon cadastre value of land.

Joint Order No. 73 of the State Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy and Cartography and No. 453 of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction validating the Regulation on cadastre valuation of urban land.

Europa oriental

This Joint Order establishes that land plots allotted to citizens in private ownership for subsidiary small-holding, housing constriction and collective farming in urban areas, urban-type settlements, rural areas and garden suburbs shall be subject to land valuation in accordance with normative price of land. Normative prices can differ by reduction of 50 percent for land plots allotted for subsidiary small-holding and by increase or reduction of 50 percent for land plots allotted for other purposeful uses as above-mentioned. The Joint Order contains calculation formula and indices.

Decree No. 13 of the State Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy and Cartography validating the Regulation on the establishment of administrative and territorial units.

Europa oriental

This Decree establishes the modalities of delimitation of administrative and territorial boundaries, including mapping, calculation of the perimeter of boundaries, calculation of area of administrative and territorial units, and legalization of the boundaries. In the process of mapping the following boundaries shall be established: (a) administrative and territorial units (urban and rural areas); and (b) areas with special land tenure (protected areas, national parks, biosphere reserves, territories of cultural heritage).

Order No. 59 of the Ministry on Land Policy, Construction, Housing and Communal Services validating the Regulation on calculation of land area in condominiums.

Europa oriental

This Order establishes that calculation of land area in condominiums and the establishment of boundaries thereof shall be carried out for the purpose of land use planning, establishment of land shares in common property, efficient use of urban land , taxation and state registration of immovable property. Land area in condominiums shall be ascertained in the process of elaboration and mapping of the boundaries of condominium in accordance with land use planning documentation. The Order contains calculation formula.

Regulation to Provide for the Procedure of Allocation and Administration of Land (L.N. No. 31/1997).

África oriental

The Regulation is made under the Land Proclamation No. 58/1994. It sets out the procedure for the allocation and administration of land and applies to all types of urban and rural land. Land shall be allocated for tiesa, agricultural usufruct or leasehold, on the basis of a master plan. To ensure these rights, right holders shall be given an allocation certificate or lease agreement. To prevent allocation of land to holders with the sole aim of holding land idle, the size of land to be allocated shall be proportionate to the planned aim (art. 3(4)).

Decreto Nº 14/98 - Reglamento a la Ley Nº 278 sobre propiedad reformada urbana y rural.

América central

El Reglamento, que consta de 4 artículos, dispone que los proyectos a que se refiere el artículos 96 de la Ley, es decir, los proyectos alternativos de solución urbana que permitan la reubicación y reasignación de lotes a personas, que a través del proceso de revisión se hayan hecho acreedoras de la correspondiente solvencia y beneficio de titulación, y que por restricciones urbanísticas se dictamine su necesaria reubicación, deberán ser formulados conjuntamente entre la Oficina de Ordenamiento Territorial (OOT) y la Oficina de Titulación Urbana (OTU).

Decreto Nº 1 - Reglamento del Decreto Legislativo Nº 732, Ley de desarrollo y ordenamiento territorial del área metropolitana de San Salvador y de los municipios aledaños.

El Salvador
América central

El presente Reglamento de la Ley de desarrollo y ordenamiento territorial del Área Metropolitana de San Salvador y de los Municipios Aledaños, tiene por objeto establecer las disposiciones que regularán el funcionamiento de las Instituciones cradas por la Ley de Desarrollo y Ordenamiento Territorial del Area Metropolitana de San Salvador y establecer los procedimientos para la formulación de los diferentes Instrumentos de Planificación del Desarrollo Urbano.

Decreto Nº 151 - Compensación en tratamiento de conservación mediante la transferencia de derechos de construcción y desarrollo.

América del Sur

El presente Decreto dicta las reglas relativas a los mecanismos que hacen viable la compensación en tratamiento de conservación mediante la transferencia de derechos de construcción y desarrollo, que son aquellos que en casos particulares y concretos regulan el aprovechamiento del suelo, el subsuelo y el espacio aéreo de un predio de conformidad con la licencia que concede la autoridad competente, con sujeción a las normas urbanísticas contenidas en los planes de ordenamiento territorial establecidos en la Ley Nº 388 de 1997.

Presidential Order No. 130 delegating competences of the Minister of Environment to the General Secretary of the Prefecture of Macedonia in order to approve environmental terms on certain works or activities.

Europa meridional

With this Order, the following competences of the Minister of Environment are transferred to the General Secretary of the Prefecture of Central Macedonia: approval of physical planning and built-up appropriateness of land areas belonging to building cooperatives; approval of master plans of urban land; preliminary approval of environmental terms for works and activities within the Region.