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Joint Decree No. 458-49 of 1996 of the Committee on Land Resources and Land Survey of the Russian Federation and of Moscow Government “On the course of keeping land cadastre in Moscow”.

Europa oriental

The Government of Moscow and the Committee on Land Resources and Land Survey note that under the conditions of ongoing economic transformation in the city of Moscow increases the importance of keeping state land cadastre.

Ministerial Decree No. 77 of 1995 regarding validation of the Regulation on Interministerial Co-ordination Commission for carrying out the project of the support of land reform.

Europa oriental

The Government decrees to validate the Regulation. The Interministerial Co-ordination Commission functions for the period of effect of the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development concerning the land based credit for putting into effect land reform.

Décret nº 97-426 PRESS/PM/MCIA/MEF portant création de la Société nationale d'aménagement des terrains urbains (SONATUR).

Burkina Faso
África occidental

Le présent décret porte création de la Société nationale d'aménagement des terrains urbains (SONATUR), société d'Etat ayant pour objet l'acquisition de terrains urbains, leurs aménagementet la commercialisation des parcelles viabilisées, la gestion de son patrimoine immobilier et la prise de participation pour le compte de l'Etat au capital de certaines sociétés intervenant dans le domaine de l'habitat.

Decreto Nº 36 - Reglamento nacional de urbanizaciones.

América central

El presente Decreto aprueba el Reglamento Nacional de Urbanizaciones, que tiene por objeto regular el proceso de urbanización y establecer las normas y principios básicos mediante los cuales se llevará a cabo el desarrollo de las urbanizaciones.

Enmendado por: Decreto Nº 382 - Modifica el Decreto Nº 36, Reglamento nacional de urbanizaciones. (2013-06-21)
Enmendado por: Decreto Nº 121 - Modifica el Decreto Nº 36, Reglamento nacional de urbanizaciones. (2014-06-11)

Ministerial decree No.1223 of 1997 regarding validation of the Regulation on determination of size and boundaries of the plots of land within condominiums.

Europa oriental

The Government, for the purpose of speeding-up of the reform of housing and municipal services, as well as for more active participation of the population in the process of the improvement of urban planning, decrees to validate the Regulation. The document determines the modalities of definition of size and boundaries of the plots of land within condominiums conceded on condition of ownership or lease to the house-owners or condominiums.

Decree No.77 of 1994 of the Government of Moscow “On the proceedings of the registration of land tenants and ensuring the collection of land charges".

Europa oriental

The Government of Moscow, for the purpose of more efficient use of land, decrees to consider proceedings of the registration and inventory of land tenants a priority issue for the city of Moscow. The Government of Moscow decrees to entitle the prefectures of administrative districts and managing bodies to render Moscow land committee assistance in carrying out the set task.

Decreto Nº 113/98 - Crea la Comisión de Titulación de Terrenos Urbanos.

República Dominicana

El Decreto, que consta de 3 artículos, crea e integra la Comisión de Titulación de Terrenos Urbanos para familias ocupantes de terrenos de propiedad del Estado Dominicano y de los municipios, donde se hayan fomentado mejoras de viviendas, tomando en cuenta que la ocupación no debe ser menor de 5 años y de manera pacifica e ininterrumpida.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 13/2000 establishing the Urbanization Plan of Évora (3rd Revision).

Europa meridional

This Resolution of the Council of Ministers regulates the Urbanization Plan of Évora (3rd Revision). It consists of 5 sections concerning this Regulation specifying the aforementioned Plan (PUE), which aim is to regulate all activities relevant with occupation, use and transformation of urban and agricultural land of Évora area.

Acuerdo Nº 75/00 - Reglamento de mediación.

América central

El presente Reglamento, que consta de 3 capítulos y 15 artículos, tiene como objeto regular el procedimiento a seguir y los derechos y deberes de las partes, mediadores, asesores y representantes en el tramite de mediación institucional establecido en la Ley Nº 278, Ley sobre propiedad reformada urbana y agraria de 1997. Por tratarse de procesos de mediación institucional, administrados por la Oficina Nacional de Mediación, todo proceso de mediación se llevara a cabo en las instalaciones que disponga la mencionada Oficina y con mediadores certificados por ésta.

Acuerdo Nº 76/00 - Reglamento de arbitraje.

América central

El presente Reglamento, que consta de 3 capítulos y 13 artículos, tiene como objeto regular aspectos administrativos y reglamentarios de los procesos arbitrales establecidos en la Ley Nº 278, Ley sobre propiedad reformada urbana y agraria de 1997. La Corte Suprema de Justicia, a través de la Oficina Nacional de Arbitraje, será la institución a cargo de la administración de los procesos arbitrales.

Implementa: Ley Nº 278 - Ley sobre propiedad reformada urbana y agraria. (1997-12-12)

Order No. AP-3-04/31 of 1998 of the State Treasury regarding amendments and additions No. 4 to the Regulation of the State Treasury No. 29 of 1995 concerning the application of the Law "On royalties for the use of land".

Europa oriental

The State Treasury validates amendments and additions No. 4 to the Regulation of the State Treasury No. 29 of 1995 regarding the application of the Law "On royalties for the use of land" according to the Annex. This document has been previously approved by the Ministry of Finance and by the State Committee on Land Resources and Land Survey. Regulation 1 is modified as follows: paragraph 5 is supplemented with point 25.

Order No. 1 of 1995 of the State Treasury regarding amendments and additions No. 1 to the Regulation of the State Treasury No. 29 of 1995 concerning the application of the Law "On royalties for the use of land".

Europa oriental

This Order regards Article 26 of the Law "On royalties for the use of land". The new wording of this Article reads as follows: "Managerial boards of the farming, gardening ,housing and breeding cooperative societies must submit calculations of the land taxes to the Treasury's district inspections, on which territory the plots of land are located, and pay the royalties for the use of land to the budget of the local administration before the issuing of landownership certificates to their members.