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Resolución Nº 389-2017 ─ Guía de elaboración y explicación para la incorporación de la Gestión Integral de Riesgo de Desastre en los Planes y Esquemas de Ordenamiento Territorial de Panamá.

Septiembre, 2017

La presente Resolución aprueba la Guía de elaboración y explicación para la Incorporación de la Gestión Integral de Riesgo de Desastre en los Planes y Esquemas de Ordenamiento Territorial de Panamá, que es de obligatorio cumplimiento, y que amplía los conceptos técnicos de la Resolución Nº 732-2015, que establece los requisitos y procedimientos para la elaboración y tramitación de los Planes y Esquemas de Ordenamiento Territorial en la República de Panamá para el desarrollo urbano y rural, a nivel local y parcial, adicionando criterios para la gestión integral de riesgo de desastres y adapt

Namibia Special Risks Insurance Association (No. 5 of 2017).

Septiembre, 2017

This Act converts the National Special Risks Insurance Association established in terms section 21 of the Companies Act, 2004 into a public company having a share capital, with shares held by the State. It also determines the nature and ambit of the special risks that the Company may underwrite and the role of the State in the short-term insurance industry as regards special risks and to reduce the reinsurance risk exposure of the State. One of the risks that may be covered is loss in respect of a mortgage loan. Risks may arise from political strife or public disorder.

Housing, Land and Property Law in Bangladesh

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2017

The Red Cross Red Crescent aims to respond to disasters as rapidly and effectively as possible, by mobilising its resources (people, money and other assets) and using its network in a coordinated manner so that the initial effects are countered and the needs of the affected communities are met.

The Australian Red Cross (ARC) is a key Partner National Society, supporting the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies' (IFRC) response to natural disasters in the Asia- Pacific.

Rethinking post-disaster relocation in urban India

Policy Papers & Briefs
Julio, 2017

After natural disasters, governments often relocate vulnerable urban communities in the name of humanitarian relief. But urban communities rarely welcome such relocation, since it frequently exacerbates their daily challenges or creates new risks. Indeed, resettlement after a disaster is often another form of eviction. This briefing discusses the situation in Chennai, where state and local authorities have been building resettlement tenements on inland marsh areas using centrally sponsored schemes for affordable housing.

Federal Law No. 261-FZ amending Water Code (No. 74-FZ).

Julio, 2017

This Federal Law establishes that in order to prevent the negative impact of water on certain territories and objects and to eliminate its consequences, measures shall be taken to prevent negative impact of water and liquidation of its consequences in accordance with this Water Code. Engineering protection of territories and objects against flooding, underflooding, water shorelines, waterlogging and other negative impacts caused by water.

Regulation amending the Regulation on the implementation of Law No. 6306 on restructuring of areas under risk of natural disasters.

Julio, 2017

This Regulation repeals Subparagraph (b) of Paragraph 1 of Article 5 and Subparagraph (b) of Paragraph 4 of Article 6.

Amends: Regulation on the implementation of Law No. 6306 on restructuring of areas under risk of natural disasters. (2012-12-15)

Regional Law of 18 July 2017, n. 16- Provisions for the adaptation of the regional system in the environmental field and in favor of the territories affected by earthquakes.

Julio, 2017

This Law determines several provisions and measures, that also implementing and amending certain regional Laws, aimed at adapting the Emilia-Romagna regional legislative rules as regards the environmental field and introduction of measures in favor of territories that are or were affected by earthquakes (territories hit by earthquakes in 2012 and 2016).This text, as regards the environmental field, transposes the provisions of certain state Laws and Regulations related to the environment and to the defense of soil and coast, in particular as regards forestation, the evaluation procedure for

Regulations on impact assessments (No. 854 of 2017).

Junio, 2017

These Regulations, established by Royal Decree pursuant to Act No. 71 of 2008 and the EEA Agreement Annex XX No. 1 letter a (Directive 2014/52/EU) and no. 1 letter g (Directive 2001/42/EC), seek to ensure that consideration for the environment and society is taken into account during the preparation of plans and initiatives, and when considering and on what conditions plans or initiatives may be implemented.

Efectos de eventos El Niño y La Niña sobre las lagunas del sur de la Región Pampeana (Argentina)

Journal Articles & Books
Junio, 2017

En este trabajo se estudiaron los efectos de eventos El Niño y La Niña sobre la distribución espacio-temporal de las precipitaciones y el agua superficial en el sur de la Región Pampeana, Argentina. Para ello, se analizaron series mensuales de precipitación con el método de Quintiles, el de la tendencia central o la Normal y el Índice Estandarizado de Precipitación. Se evidenció una relación entre la variabilidad pluviométrica con la ocurrencia de eventos El Niño y La Niña. A partir de entonces se analizaron los impactos de los mismos sobre el agua superficial.

Agricultural Policy and Strategic Framework, June 2017.

National Policies
Mayo, 2017

This revised agricultural policy and strategic framework provides a coherent policy framework to address the key challenges in Timor-Leste. The Government recognizes that there is no simple "solution by technology". The Government will therefore re-orient agricultural and rural development policies that will redefine incentives and reduce barriers to food and agricultural systems transformation. Particular attention will be given to supporting small-scale, low-income farmers in strengthening their capacity to manage risks and adopt effective strategies to adapt to climate change.

Enclosure, dispossession, and the green economy: new contours of internal displacement in Liberia and Sierra Leone?

Journal Articles & Books
Mayo, 2017
Sierra Leone

Through a review of recent writings in political ecology and agrarian studies, this paper appraises the potential for emerging forms of ‘green economy’ initiatives to catalyze new forms of internal displacement in West Africa, with specific emphasis on the postwar contexts of Liberia and Sierra Leone.