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Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources.

Europa oriental
Europa septentrional

This Directive aims to reduce water pollution from nitrates used for agricultural purposes and to prevent any further pollution. It is closely linked to other EU policies which address air and water quality, climate change and agriculture.

Law on Dehkan (Private) Farm (No. 544 of 1992).

Asia central

Dhekan farms are independent commercial enterprises with legal form and capacity as described in article 2. Such farms can voluntarily unite and join cooperative societies. Qualified persons have a preferential right on the granting of land plots. Such land is granted on the basis of conditions specified in article 6. District authorities shall create land funds for purposes of Dhekan development (art. 7). Certificates proving the right on a Dhekan farm are given out by the State. Lease shall be regulated by contract (art. 8). Dhekan farms shall be registered in accordance with article 11.

Agricultural Small Tenancies Act (Cap. 58:70.


An Act to regulate contracts of tenancy of small agricultural holdings. "Small holding" means any area of land under cultivation or pasture or intended for cultivation or pasturage, with or without buildings thereon, comprising not less that half an acre or more than ten acres in one or more parcels of land of a landlord (sect. 2). No person shall let any small holding unless a contract of tenancy has been entered into between the parties thereto. The contract shall be in writing in the form as prescribed in the First Schedule.

Decree No. 1126A-XII of the Supreme Soviet regarding carrying out the Law on the particulars of the privatization of property of state agricultural enterprises.

Asia central

The Supreme Soviet (Parliament) decrees to carry into force the Law on the particulars of the privatisation of the property of state agricultural enterprises from the 1 February 1992. The Supreme Soviet entitles the Government to examine the possibility of transfer free-of-charge of the property of some state agricultural enterprises to their work collectives.

Law No. 1126-XII on the particulars of the privatisation of the property of state agricultural enterprises.

Asia central

This Law regulates the particulars of the privatisation of the property of state agricultural enterprises and is aimed at overcoming of the monopoly in the production of the agricultural commodities by creating various form of property and management, by creating the conditions for the transition to market economy in agriculture, by promoting free competition among producers, by stimulating free enterprise for the purpose of increasing the efficiency of agricultural production and the improvement of the delivery of foodstuffs and industrial raw materials to the population.

Ley Nº 14/1992 - Patrimonio agrario de la Comunidad Autónoma y medidas de reforma y desarrollo agrario.

Europa meridional

La presente Ley persigue los siguientes objetivos, en primer lugar, la regulación del patrimonio agrario de la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón para evitar que las tierras una vez transformadas y adjudicadas puedan acumularse en unos pocos propietarios; en segundo lugar, trata de subsanar las deficiencias de la Ley de Reforma y Desarrollo Agrario, en especial con referencia al régimen establecido para las tierras reservadas en las zonas regables, la conversión de las mismas en tierras en exceso mediante la transmisión por actos inter vivos y el establecimiento de un mecanismo legal que evite fe

Decreto Ley Nº 170/74 - Ley de Reforma Agraria.

América central

La Ley consta de 7 títulos y 180 artículos. INDICE: Dispociones generales: objetivos, fines y principios fundamentales (I); La propiedad rural afecta a los fines de la Reforma Agraria (II): Afectación de tierras nacionales y ejidales y de las instituciones descentralizadas del Estado (cap. 1), Afectación de tierras de propiedad privada (cap. 2), Tierras de propiedad privada inafectables (cap. 3), Obligaciones de los propietarios de predios rurales (cap. 4); Ejecución de la Reforma Agraria (III): Procedimiento de expropiación (cap.

Ley Nº 5.487 - Ley de Colonización y Reordenamiento Agrario.

América del Sur

La presente Ley introduce el marco normativo para la colonización y reordenamiento agrario en el ámbito de la Provincia de Córdoba, con el fin de alcanzar los siguientes objetivos: 1) propender hacia una redistribución mas equitativa de la tierra; 2) incorporar al proceso productivo las tierras aptas o susceptibles de transformación; 3) suscitar la más apropiada distribución de la población del campo y conseguir el efectivo afincamiento de núcleos rurales migrantes; 4) lograr la utilización eficiente y adecuada y los más altos rendimientos de la tierra; 5) elevar integralmente el nivel de v